January 02, 2024
Packet Obfuscator
Eavesdroppers can exploit exposed packet headers towards attacks that profile clients and their data flows. Forward Edge-AI developed a packet obfuscation feature within Isidore Quantum for effective full and partial header blinding to thwart eavesdroppers. Isidore Quantum effectively masks header bits in plain site as they traverse physical (PHY) layer sub-systems that perform functions like scrambling and interleaving. The Isidore Quantum obfuscator incurs a very small throughput hit of ≈1%.
The Technical Objectives of this D2P2 SBIR is to 1) deliver twenty Isidore devices within two months after award, 2) demonstrate a minimum 90% reduction in cost and SWaP versus traditional high-assurance cryptographic products, 3) demonstrate effectiveness against both quantum and classical cybersecurity attacks, and 5) submit Isidore for CSfC certification.
Geo-location Obfuscator
Forward Edge-AI is also developing an Radio Frequency (RF) deception capability by leveraging an adaptive beam steering system.
Awards and Recognition
Award a Phase III Sole Source Contract
A Federal Agency may enter into a Phase III SBIR/STTR agreement at any time with a Phase I OR II Awardee. A subcontract to a Federally funded prime contract may be a Phase III award.
Award a Phase III Sole Source Contract
A Federal Agency may enter into a Phase III SBIR/STTR agreement at any time with a Phase I OR II Awardee. A subcontract to a Federally funded prime contract may be a Phase III award.
Step 1 Requirements Document: Prepare a Statement of Work (SOW), Statement of Objectives (SOO), or Performance Work Statement (PWS), or use our automated tool to generate a document
Step 2 Market Research: Use this page as your market research, or view a list of other eligible projects, then request a ROM from Forward Edge-AI
Step 3 Funding: Performed by the government
Step 4 Sole Source Justification: A Memorandum for the Record is required in lieu of a J&A or SSJ
Step 5 Provide Requirements Package to Contracting Officer: Performed by the government
Step 6 Solicitation: Performed by the government
Step 7 Pre-Negotiation Memorandum: Use GSA CALC as a benchmark to determine fair and reasonableness of our ROM
Step 8: Contract Award: Performed by the government
Language for Step 4 (Determination and Finding):
Artificial Intelligence (Anomaly Detector), Counter Adversarial AI, Quantum-Resistant Encryption, cybersecurity, Zero Trust, Low Probability of Detection/Low Probability of Interception, Radio Frequency (RF) Deception
List of Phase III contracts awarded so far
Come back soon
Awarding Agency: US Air Force
Contract Number: FA864923P0006
Contractor Name: Forward Edge-AI, Inc.
Contractor Address: 10108 Carter Canyon, San Antonio, TX 78255
Expiration of SBIR Data: 21 December 2042
Protection Period: 20 years from award of contract on 21 December 2022
Awarding Agency: Department of the Navy
Contract Number: N6833524C0170
Contractor Name: Forward Edge-AI, Inc.
Contractor Address: 10108 Carter Canyon, San Antonio, TX 78255
Expiration of SBIR Data: 21 December 2043
Protection Period: 20 years from award of contract on 21 December 2023
The Government's rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose technical data or computer software marked with this legend are restricted during the period shown as provided in paragraph (b)(5) of the Rights In Other Than Commercial Technical Data and Computer Software–Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program clause contained in the above identified contract. After the expiration date shown above, the Government has perpetual government purpose rights as provided in paragraph (b)(5) of that clause. Any reproduction of technical data, computer software, or portions thereof marked with this legend must also reproduce the markings.
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