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Forward Edge-AI SBIR Phase I and II Past Performance (List)

A brief list of our SBIR Phase I and II funding agreements

Written by Eric Adolphe
Updated over a week ago

January 01, 2024


Contract # and Topics


Technology Key Words


Type: Direct to Phase II

Contract #: FA810024C0003

Award Date: March 08, 2024

Topic: Field-level Detection of Hydraulic

Fluid Contamination in Jet Fuel

Topic Number: AF233-D010

Phase II Solicitation: SBIR 23.3 BAA

Recognitions: N/A

To develop an artificially intelligent instrument capable of detection and quantification of chemical contaminates in jet fuel in remote, limited environments. If we are successful, tests can be performed in the field in minutes and at one (1) cent per sample versus $300 - $2,300 per sample, even when logistics are contested.

Artificial Intelligence (CNN/RNN), Android ATAK, Federated Learning Marketplace, Machine Learning, Microsoft Azure, signal processing (Wavelet and Fourier transformation), Raman Spectroscopy

Contested logistics (fuel and water quality testing), Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) detection, explosives detection, Expeditionary Environments

Contested logistics (fuel and water quality testing), Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) detection, explosives detection, Expeditionary Environments, Forensics

Phase I Title: Cyber Assured Space Internet Device (CASI-D)

Type: Phase I SBIR

Phase I Grant #

AN 2327618

Award Date: 02/23/2024

Topic: N/A

(National Science Foundation does not use topics)

Phase I Solicitation: NSF 23-515


  • N/A

Develop a blockchain/DLT-based solution to ensure the provenance, integrity, and safety of space-based Machine Learning algorithms (counter adversarial Artificial Intelligence).

The technology (CASI-D) is an urgently needed improvement to cybersecurity in space to enable a larger scale, higher throughput, and a more securely interconnected ecosystem.

The technology will accelerate the integration of terrestrial telecommunications networks and satellite communications technologies, providing added resilience and enhance the security of communication infrastructure

Adversarial Artificial Intelligence (AAI), AI, Blockchain/DLT, Counter Adversarial Artificial Intelligence, CubeSat, Data Drift, Deep Learning, DevSecOps, Electronic Discovery, Internet, Physics-Based Models, Model Drift, Space, Space-Based Manufacturing, Training Data Provenance, Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, Validity and Reliability, Safety, Security and Resiliency, IPV6, Identity Management (ICAM), Accountability and Transparency, Explainability and Interpretability, Privacy, Fairness with Mitigation of Harmful Bias, Model Drift, Poison Data

Adversarial AI, Cybersecurity, Forensics, Financial Systems/Fintech,

Telecommunications, Trusted AI, Space, Space Based Manufacturing

Title: Isidore Quantum™ Low Probability of Intercept/Detection (LPI/LPD) Communication Device

Type: Phase I SBIR

Contract# N6833524C0170

Award Date: 12/21/23

Topic: Logistics in Contested Environments

Phase I Solicitation: Navy 23.4

Recognitions: N/A

Enhance mission capabilities of USV/UUV and systems in contested environments including command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR)

OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S), Advanced Computing and Software; Integrated Sensing and Cyber; Trusted AI and Autonomy

  • Intellectual Property: One patent filed

Artificial Intelligence (Anomaly Detector, Deep Reinforcement Learning Agent), beam steering antenna, Counter Electronic Warfare, Encryption, cybersecurity, Frequency Hopping, 5G, Low Probability of Detection/Low Probability of Interception (LPD/LPI), neuromorphic processor, physics-based models, phased array antenna, quantum resistant, Radio Frequency (RF), SATCOM, Software Defined Radio, Zero Trust, USV/UUV, Simulations, 3GPP, O-RAN, UMV, UMA, UMAA

Autonomy, Command, Control, Communications (C3), C4ISR, Contested Logistics, Cyber Security, Distributed Sensing and Communications (DSaC), Telecommunications. Includes compatibility with NATO and coalition partner systems

Phase I Title: St. Gabriel the



Phase II Title: Blockchain

System for


Integrity of



Type: Phase I and Phase II SBIR

Phase I Grant #

AN 1938135

Award Date: 10/01/2019

Phase II Grant #

AN 2028451

Award Date: 12/01/2021

Topic: N/A

(National Science Foundation does not use topics)

Phase I Solicitation: NSF 23-515

Phase II Solicitation: NSF 23-516


  • Federal Computer Week (FCW)/ Fed100 Award

  • Service to the Citizens Award

Conduct R/R&D to develop AI software to detect and stop vishing and smishing attacks (cyber security) and secure telecommunication channels

Work included business and digital transformation of Federal Communications Commission and Federal Trade Commission complaint filing processes

Project used blockchain to protect the governance of Machine Learning Algorithms and Training Data, and also to support electronic discover (e-Discovery) for legal processes

  • Intellectual Property: US Patent# 11,689,660 B2 (An Enterprise Knowledge Graph, Blockchain, and Robotic Process Automation to Combat Scams, Misinformation and Disinformation

Analytics, Android, Artificial Intelligence (AI) (CNN/RNN), AI Test and Evaluation, AWS, Azure, Blockchain/Data Governance, Data Lake, Counter Adversarial AI, Deepfakes, Enterprise Knowledge Graph, Machine Learning, Microsoft Azure, Large Language Models (Generative AI), Natural Language Processing, Honeypots, Intelligent Automation, iPhone, Predictive Analytics, Robotic Process Automation, Semantic Reasoning, Sentiment Analysis, Taxonomy

Note: Patent awarded (US 11,689,660 B2) for Enterprise Knowledge Graph, Data Governance, and Robotic Process Automation

Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Financial Systems/Fintech, Electronic Discovery, Fraud Prevention, Misinformation, Disinformation, Malinformation, Identity Management (ICAM),

Telecommunications, Trusted AI, Adversarial AI

Title: Space COMSEC

Type: Phase I and Phase II STTR

Topic: Open Topic

Phase I Contract #: FA864923P0397

Award Date: 11/07/22

Phase II Contract# FA864923P1259

Award Date: 09/13/23

Phase I Solicitation: F4BEQ2245A0NE

Phase II Solicitation: F4FBEQ3241A020

Agency Link: N/A

Recognitions: N/A

Conduct R/R&D for a low-cost quantum-resistant Communication Security (COMSEC) device for on-orbit CubeSats and orbital robots (orbots)

  • Intellectual Property: One patent filed

Artificial Intelligence (Anomaly Detector, Deep Reinforcement Learning Agent), Counter Adversarial AI, Encryption, cybersecurity, neuromorphic processor, physics-based models, quantum resistant, Radio Frequency, SATCOM, Zero Trust

Autonomy, Command, Control, Communications (C3), CubeSat, Space COMSEC, Contested, Denied Operationally Limited (CDO-L), Telecommunications

Title: Industrial Control Systems/Supervisory Control and Data Access (ICS/SCADA) Cyber Security

Type: Direct to Phase II SBIR

Topic: Open for Cyber Security

Phase II Contract#: FA864923P0006

Award Date: 12/21/22

Phase II Solicitation:


Agency Link: N/A


  • Winner Air Force/ AFWERX Challenge

afwerx-challenge - TELEGRID

Conduct R/R&D for a low-cost quantum-resistant encryption device

  • Intellectual Property: One patent filed

Artificial Intelligence (Anomaly Detector), Counter Adversarial AI, Encryption, cybersecurity, ICS/SCADA, IoT, IIoT, Military IoT, physics-based models, quantum resistant, Zero Trust

Operational Technologies, Industry 4.0, Utilities (power, water, energy), Expeditionary Environments

Title: Cyber Compliant Expeditionary Communications

Type: Phase I STTR

Topic: Open for cyber security

Phase I Contract#: FA864923P0345

Award Date: 11/02/22

Phase I Solicitation: F4FBEQ2245A0DV

Agency Link: N/A


  • Winner Air Force/ AFWERX Expedient Basing Challenge

  • Winner Air Force Global Strike Challenge

Conduct R/R&D for a low-cost quantum-resistant encryption device for secure operation alongside foreign controlled infrastructure including 5G

  • Intellectual Property: One patent filed

Artificial Intelligence (Anomaly Detector), Counter Adversarial AI, Encryption, cybersecurity, 5G, 5G core, quantum resistant, secure enclaves, Zero Trust, WIFI

Command, Control, Communications (C3), Distributed Sensing and Communications, Expeditionary Environments, Contested, Executive Communications, Denied Operationally Limited (CDO-L), Telecommunications

Title: An Artificially



Chemical and

Biological Agent



Type: Phase I SBIR

Topic: Open Topic Artificial Intelligence

Phase I Contract#:


Award Date: 04/14/21

Phase I Solicitation: FEBEQ1077A031

Agency Link: N/A

Recognitions: N/A

Conduct R/R&D for a handheld, artificially intelligent instrument for standoff detection of chemical and biological agents, and fuel quality assurance in a field setting

  • Intellectual Property: N/A

Artificial Intelligence (CNN/RNN), Android ATAK, Federated Learning Marketplace, Machine Learning, Microsoft Azure, signal processing (Wavelet and Fourier transformation), Raman Spectroscopy

Contested logistics (fuel and water quality testing), Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) detection, explosives detection, Expeditionary Environments, Forensics

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