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US Air Force Technical Manual TO 42B-1-1


Written by Eric Adolphe
Updated over a week ago



TO 42B-1-1





DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Requests for this document must be referred to AFPET/ PTPT, 2430 C St, Bldg 70, Area B, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7632. PA Case Number 88ABW-2024-0060. Submit recommended changes or problems with this Technical Order to AFPET/PTPS, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433.




This technical order (TO) prescribes the procedures for assuring the quality of fuels used by Air Force activities. This TO applies to both Continental United States (CONUS) and overseas areas (OCONUS). As the Air Force quality assurance plan, this TO prescribes quality assurance practices that are generally universal. However, due to the configuration of some Air Force fuel systems (i.e. unfiltered pantographs), as a risk abatement to eliminate the potential of issuing unsuitable for use product, additional sampling may be required.


Where content of this TO conflicts with quality instructions or procedures contained in other Government documents or publications, provisions of this TO take precedence. These instructions shall be used in conjunction with Department of the Air Force Manual 91-203 (DAFMAN 91-203), Air Force Occupational Safety, Fire and Health Standards wherever applicable. The provisions of this TO are compatible with NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 3149, Minimum Quality Surveillance for Fuels, STANAG 1135, Interchangeability of Fuels, Lubricants and Associated Products Used by the Armed Forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Nations, AFIC (Five Eyes Air Force Interoperability Council; formerly Air and Space Interoperability Council (ASIC)) AIR STD 4020, Minimum Quality Surveillance of Petroleum Products, AIR STD FG 4024, Interchangeability Chart of Standardized Fuels, Lubricants, and Associated Products, and MIL-STD-3004-1, Quality Assurance for Bulk Fuels, Lubricants and Related Products. This TO is the established quality control program as required by Department of Defense (DoD) 4140.25-M, DoD Management of Bulk Petroleum Products, Natural Gas, and Coal.


These publications contain information in support of this technical manual and are required to accomplish the prescribed maintenance:

Table 1. List of Related Publications

Publication Number


TO 00-25-107

Maintenance Assistance

TO 33K-1-100-1

Calibration Procedures for Maintenance Data Collection Codes and Calibration Measurement Summaries

TO 33K-1-100-CD-1

Standard Specification for ASTM Hydrometers

TO 33K-1-100-2

Calibration Procedures

TO 35-1-3

Corrosion Prevention And Control, Cleaning, Painting, And Marking Of USAF Support Equipment

TO 36-1-191

Technical And Managerial Reference For Motor Vehicle Maintenance

TO 37-1-1

General Operation and Inspection of Installed Fuel Storage and Dispensing Systems

TO 37A-1-101

USAF Fuel, Water, and Lubricant Dispensing Equipment

TO 42B-1-23

Management Of Recoverable And Waste Liquid Petroleum Products USAF Disposal of Used Fuels and Oils

TO 42B1-1-10

Use Of Dye In Turbine Fuels (JP-4, JP-5, and JP-8) To Detect Fuel System Leaks

TO 42B1-1-14

Fuels for USAF Aircraft, AFPAM 23-221, Fuels Logistics Planning



Personnel must understand general safety instructions and apply precautions during fuel handling and laboratory operations to ensure personal safety and health as well as protection of Air Force property.


WARNING and CAUTION statements have been strategically placed throughout this text prior to operating or maintenance procedures, practices, or conditions considered essential to the protection of personnel (WARNING) or equipment and property (CAUTION). WARNINGs and CAUTIONs will apply each time the related step is repeated. Prior to starting any task, the WARNINGs or CAUTIONs included in the text for the task will be reviewed. Compliance is mandatory prior to performing the next step in the task.


Keep cleaners/chemicals in approved safety containers and in minimum quantities. Some cleaners/chemicals may have an adverse effect on skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Observe manufacturer WARNING labels; Safety Data Sheet (SDS) instructions for proper handling, storage, and disposal; and current safety directives. Use cleaners/chemicals only in authorized areas. Discard soiled cloths into safety cans. Unless otherwise indicated in the text, use as described in this TO should not result in any immediate health concerns.


PPE requirements are outlined in DAFMAN 91-203. For assistance contact supervisor.


Highlights an essential operating or maintenance procedure, practice, condition, statement, etc, which if not strictly observed, could result in injury to, or death of, personnel or long term health hazards.

Highlights an essential operating or maintenance procedure, practice condition, statement, etc, which, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to, or destruction of, equipment or loss of mission effectiveness.


Highlights an essential operating or maintenance procedure, practice, condition, statement, etc, which if not strictly observed, could result in injury to, or death of, personnel or long term health hazards.

Highlights an essential operating or maintenance procedure, practice condition, statement, etc, which, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to, or destruction of, equipment or loss of mission effectiveness.


Highlights an essential operating or maintenance procedure, condition, or statement.

Shall and Indicate mandatory requirements.

Shall and Will

Indicates mandatory requirements. Will is also used to express a declaration of purpose.


Indicates a preferred method of accomplishment


Indicates an acceptable, optional, or suggested means of accomplishment

Will is also Wil used to express a declaration of purpose. Should Indicates a preferred method of accomplishment. May Indicates an acceptable, optional, or suggested means of accomplishment.

For proper disposition of chemicals cited for use in this TO, review applicable SDS and consult with local Environmental Management and Bio-Environmental Engineering Offices for guidance.



Air Force Fuels Service Control Point (SCP):

  • a. AFPET Operations Directorate provides planning, policy, and procedures regarding all Air Force petroleum operations. Within the AFPET Operations Directorate is the AFPET Current Operations Division and can be reached at (392) 767–8705 or e-mail [email protected].

  • b. AFPET Technical Assistance Division is responsible for the quality control of Air Force petroleum products worldwide. The Technical Assistance Division is available to assist Fuels Management Flight (FMF) personnel worldwide in identifying and correcting quality problems. Submit requests for AFPET Technical Assistance Division site visit through the squadron commander (or equivalent) to AFPET/PTOC via email at [email protected]. For Air National Guard (ANG) units, requests for assistance will be coordinated through the NGB/A4RMF staff.

  • c. AFPET Product Support Directorate operates Aerospace Fuels Laboratories worldwide, and is also responsible for military jet fuel specifications, additives used in those specifications, cryogenic, and packaged product quality. Requests for assistance with specifications or cryogenic or packaged product quality will be submitted to [email protected]. Requests for laboratory assistance will be submitted to [email protected]. Requests for assistance will be submitted to [email protected]. For ANG units, requests for assistance will be coordinated through the NGB/A4RMF staff.


Petroleum products are hazardous due to toxic, explosive, flammable, and environmentally damaging properties. Prescribed safety precautions will be strictly followed for the safety and protection of personnel, equipment, and the environment. Fire hazards are present wherever petroleum products are handled due to leaks, spills, vapor accumulation, improper grounding/bonding of equipment, or ignition from a heat source. Leaks or spills must be eliminated to prevent pollution of waterways and underground water tables. CFR Title 40, Part 112.7, Guidelines For The Preparation And Implementation Of A Spill Prevention Control And Countermeasure Plan provides guidance on establishing an adequate spill prevention control program. All spills will be promptly reported to the applicable agencies (Fire Department, Safety Office, Bio-Environmental Representative, etc.). Air Force Instructions which outline general safety guidelines shall be followed. TO 42B-1-23 provides guidance in the collection, segregation, and disposition of recoverable and waste liquid petroleum products.


Maintain Base Fuels Laboratories at a temperature of 73° ± 5° F (23° ± 3° C). Large temperature fluctuations adversely affect laboratory equipment and fuel samples. This could cause inaccurate analysis of fuel properties and allow issue of offspecification fuel to aircraft.


Aviation fuel quality assurance is based on certification at point of manufacturer and procedures to verify that the quality of aviation fuel concerned has not significantly changed and remains within the specification limits during distribution and delivery to Air Force custody (and subsequently to aircraft). Petroleum products require quality surveillance from the point of initial acceptance by the government until consumed. Every agency and individual in the supply system share the responsibility for some phase of quality control.


  • a. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Energy Quality Assurance Representatives (QAR) and Quality Assurance Surveillance monitor fuel quality during production, storage, testing, loading, and shipping. Quality surveillance of US Government owned petroleum products is the responsibility of Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Energy or the military service owning or operating the terminal. The authorized government representative identified on the shipping document and applicable military service control point must be contacted when irregularities or discrepancies arise during receipt of fuels.

  • b. DLA Energy assumes primary responsibility of quality assurance and/or surveillance upstream of Air Force locations where they have contract oversight. Product procured under a DLA contract undergoes a strict regimen of sampling and testing IAW MIL-STD-3004-1, Quality Assurance for Bulk Fuels, Lubricants, and related Products and/or EI 1530, Quality assurance requirements for the manufacture, storage and distribution of aviation fuel to airports.


  • a. Fuels Management Team (FMT), Responsible Officers (RO) and/or Terminal Managers (TM) are responsible for the quality of all Defense Wide Working Capitol Fund (DWWCF) fuel through to the point of sale. RO/TM shall support all CONUS and host nation environmental compliance requirements for sampling.

  • b. FMTs shall contact the AFPET Technical Assistance Division and the local DLA Energy QAR for approval before rejecting a receipt before/or during offloading. This provision applies to product receipt and existing inventory that does not meet quality requirements or is suspected of being contaminated (See SCAF para 3.16.b). A DD Form 3075 shall be submitted to the AFPET Technical Assistance Division for approval and subsequent coordination with DLA Energy for jet fuel. For ground fuel receipts complete/submit an SF Form 368, Product Quality Deficiency Report.

  • c. Air Force locations responsible for the quality of DWWCF fuel (via RO/TM appointment) do so in collaboration with AFPET and this Technical Order.

  • d. Receipt and suitability for use limits for specific fuel types are shown in Table 4-1, Table 4-2, Table 6-1, Table 7-1 and Table 8-1.

  • e. Quality surveillance of petroleum products in organizational support tanks is the responsibility of the organizational tank custodian.

  • f. Approval for use of an aviation fuel not meeting specification limits, or limits within this TO must be granted by the specific weapon system Program Office and/or the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). The approval process shall be accomplished in accordance with (IAW) TO 00-25-107. FMT shall notify aircraft maintenance unit(s) (AMU) of product quality status and provide any AFPET Area lab reports prompting the maintenance assistance request action by the AMU. AFPET Technical Assistance Division will collaborate with the effected SPO on corrective/remediation actions being taken to bring product back to on-specification.

  • g. In any event where the fuel quality is questionable or suspected of contamination, the base is directed to notify the AFPET Technical Assistance Division. Coordination with AFPET will assist in determining a quality hold and sampling plan.


a. DD Form 250 Series Forms are Used for Record Control of Fuel Shipments.

b. AF Form 979, Danger Tag.

c. AF Form 980, Caution Tag.

d. AFTO Form 149, Fuel Inoculation Record.

e. AFTO Form 422, Fuel Filter Pressure Differential Log.

f. AFTO Form 475, Fuels and Lubricant Sample.

g. Standard Form 368, Product Quality Deficiency Report.

h. Standard Form 364, Report of Discrepancy.

i. DD Form 3075, DLA Energy Disposition Request.



All annotations to aviation turbine fuel in this TO reference the fuels listed below unless otherwise noted. Bases must be cognizant of the fuel specification handled at their locations.

Turbine fuel is a mixture of hydrocarbons, broadly classified as kerosene based. Table 2-1 provides information on some key properties of aviation turbine fuels.

  • a. JP-5 (NATO F-44) this fuel is procured to MIL-DTL5624 and is the standard US Navy turbine engine fuel. The requirements applicable when used to purge aircraft are found in TO 1-1-3.

  • b. JP-4 (NATO F-40) this fuel is procured to MIL-DTL5624 and is a highly-flammable fuel containing gasoline and kerosene fractions. This grade is maintained by select bases to aid in cold weather starting.

  • c. TS-1/TC-1 is a fuel produced to GOST 10227 supplied in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and locations in southwest Asia. This fuel must include the standard U.S. military additive package; including Fuel System Icing Inhibitor (FSII), Static Dissipator Additive (SDA), and Corrosion Inhibitor/Lubricity Improver (CI/ LI). Use of Russian additive package is not authorized without approval from the weapon system Program/ Single Manager.

  • d. Thermally Stable Jet Fuel (JPTS) is a kerosene based hydrocarbon fuel. Due to the high thermal stability requirements and specialized additive package, JPTS is used in limited quantities, and for special applications. This product is procured under the MIL-DTL-25524 specification.

All OCONUS locations receive Jet A1 with additives. This product is relabeled, managed and issued in Fuels Manager Defense (FMD) as JP-8.
  • e. Jet A-1 is a commercial fuel procured to the ASTM D1655 or DEFENSE STANDARD (DEF STAN) 91-091 (NATO F-35) specification, and may contain SDA. When product contains all military additives (FSII, SDA, CI/LI) it may be referred to as JP-8. However, Area Lab samples are submitted and tested to ASTM D1655 or DEF STAN 91-091 with military additives, not JP-8.

  • f. Jet A is a commercial fuel procured to the ASTM D1655 specification. Jet A may contain SDA, FSII, or CI/LI.

  • g. Jet A (NATO F-24) is a commercial fuel procured to the ASTM D1655 specification with FSII, SDA, and CI/LI. F-24 is the primary fuel used in USAF turbine engines at most CONUS locations.

  • h. JP-8 (NATO F-34) this fuel is procured to MIL-DTL83133 specification. This fuel is similar to commercial Jet A-1 with the addition of Corrosion Inhibitor/Lubricity Improver (CI/LI), Fuel System Icing Inhibitor (FSII), and Static Dissipator Additive (SDA).


  • a. Fuel System Icing Inhibitor (FSII) conforming to MILDTL-85470 is added to aviation turbine fuels to lower the freezing point of small quantities of free water in fuel. This has no effect on the actual freezing point of fuel. FSII is identified as Diethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether (Di-EGME).

  • b. Corrosion Inhibitor/Lubricity Improver (CI/LI) conforming to MIL-PRF-25017 is added to aviation turbine engine fuels to prevent corrosion of steel surfaces. CI/LI also provides lubricity to the fuel pumps and fuel controls.

  • c. Static Dissipator Additive (SDA) in fuel enhances safety during handling and flight. Electrostatic relaxation times are decreased by increasing the conductivity of the fuel. Stadis 450 and AvGaurd SDA are the only approved conductivity additives.

Table 2-1. Basic Turbine Fuel Characteristics



Flash Point

Freezing Point

API Gravity Range

Weight Range lb/gal

JP-8 (F-34)


38° C, Min

-47° C, Max

37.0 51.0

6.5 7.0

JP-5 (F-44)


60° C, Min

-46° C, Max

36.0 48.0

6.6 7.0

JP-4 (F-40)



-58° C, Max

45.0 57.0

6.3 6.7

Jet A (& F-24)

ASTM D1655

38° C, Min

-40° C, Max

37.0 51.0

6.5 7.0

Jet A-1 (F-35)

ASTM D1655

38° C, Min

-47° C, Max

37.0 51.0

6.5 7.0


GOST 10227

28° C, Min

-60° C, Max

51.0 Max

6.5 Min



43° C, Min

-53° C, Max

46.0 53.0

6.4 6.6

Jet A-1 (F-35)

DEF STAN 91-091

38° C, Min

-47° C, Max

37.0 51.0

6.5 7.0


3.1 SCOPE.

This chapter describes Air Force fuel systems and discusses the relationship of specific system components in maintaining fuel quality. Specific operating guidance is provided in this chapter to ensure product quality. Sources and types of contamination are identified to aid base personnel in preventing quality degradation.


FM is responsible for product quality, product recovery, hydrant flushing, bowser control and Differential Pressure (DP) monitoring to enable the delivery of on-specification product.


  • a. Strainers are metal screens installed at selective points in base receiving and dispensing systems for the removal of large solid contaminants. The most common types are basket strainers and cone strainers. Strainers with various size openings are used as required in TO 37A-1-101 and UFC 3-460-03. Mesh size refers to the number of openings per linear inch, i.e., 100-mesh screen has 100 openings per linear inch or 10,000 openings per square inch. An opening this size is equivalent to a particle size of 150 microns.

  • b. A properly designed and installed strainer directs all flow through the screen. The proper size basket or cone strainer must have the seating surfaces sealed to prevent fuel from bypassing. A bypassed or broken screen or strainer must be replaced.


a. Where FILTER and FILTER SEPARATOR appears in this TO, the terms are defined as follows:

  1. FILTER, refers to a micronic filter vessel containing 1 or more filter elements. Very few micronic filters are in use, but those remaining consist of treated paper elements or cartridges housed in cylindrical vessels. Filters remove very fine particles from fuel, thus the name micronic filters. Elements are treated to repel water, but will not coalesce water from fuel.

  2. The term FILTER SEPARATOR is used in reference to a vessel containing two stages. The first is a micronic paper filter and fiberglass strand coalescer element. The second stage is a Teflon screen canister or separator element that separates free water from fuel. Both vertical and horizontal types are in use in Air Force systems. The coalescing function is performed as the fuel passes through the first stage or first section of the element assembly. As the fuel passes through the elements, small droplets of water that may be suspended in fuel are coalesced into large droplets. Since the openings of the coalescing elements are very small, removal of fine particles also occurs. Fuel then passes through a water repellent media, such as Teflon-coated screen, to prevent coalesced water from being discharged with the fuel. The separated water drops to a sump for removal through a manual drain valve.

  3. When fixed facilities and mobile refueling equipment require filter changes, EI 1581 Category M or EI 1581 Category M-100, Energy Institute 1581 Specifications and Laboratory Qualification Procedures for aviation fuel filter/water separators (EI 1581) latest edition filters shall be installed according to UFC 3-460-03 or TO 37A-1-101. Fuel additized with FSII produces an adverse reaction to Energy Institute (EI) 1583 water absorption filter media. Therefore, EI 1583 water absorption elements are not authorized for use in DoD facilities and equipment.

Exercise caution when draining systems under pressure.

  • b. Draining vertical and horizontal filters and filter separator sumps under pressure is necessary to ensure removal of all water and contaminants.

  1. (1) Drain (under pressure) daily prior to use a minimum of 1 gallon (continuous, without stopping) from all vertical and horizontal filter and filter separator sumps (preferably into a bowser, ceramic white bucket, or equivalent). Perform a visual analysis for color, water and particulate matter using a clean, clear, quart jar. Continue the sampling until a clear and bright sample is obtained. When any gelatinous substance is detected, retain this material, contact AFPET Technical Assistance Division.

Locations that cannot perform filter separator sump draining procedures as outlined in Paragraph 3.4 Step b Step b(1) will submit a project to install a manual drain valve with drain spout for each vessel.
  1. (2) Certain hydrant filter separators without manual drain valves and drain spouts (primarily OCONUS) prevent Fuels Management Flights from performing visual analysis of fuel representing filter separator sumps. The following are procedures (until installed) for hydrant systems without manual drain valves and drain spouts on filter separators preventing proper visual samples to be drawn from the sumps into a quart jar:

  • (a) Check PRT for sufficient ullage.

  • (b) Ensure that PRT pump control switch is placed in the OFF position so that it does NOT automatically pump back tank contents.

  • (c) Drain each filter separator to be used daily under pressure for a minimum of 30 seconds into the PRT.

  • (d) Water must be removed from PRT prior to returning contents back to operating tank.

  • (e) Transfer water-free fuel to system operating tanks, do not bypass the receipt separator.

  • (f) Perform Product Saver tank operations (if equipped) or other tank sump water removal system after PRT operations. A minimum of a one-hour settling time should be observed if mission workload permits to allow water to settle in the tank sump prior to checking or removal.

  • (g) Return all valves and switches to their normal operating positions.

  • (3) An excessive increase in differential pressure over a short time or after little fuel throughput indicates a system malfunction or product contamination. Determine the cause and take corrective action.

  1. (4) A drop in differential pressure usually indicates a malfunction of the vessel, such as ruptured elements, unless the reading is taken at lower flow rates.


  • a. Facilities shall be designed, configured, and constructed IAW guidance in Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-460-01, and the appropriate Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS).

  • b. To preserve fuel quality, metals and metal alloys that have a negative impact on thermal stability shall not be used.

  • Copper

  • Cadmium

  • Iron

  • Cobalt

  • Zinc

  • Brass

  • Bronze

  • Lead

  • c. JPTS tanks shall have a full interior epoxy polyamide coating or equivalent coating system per the UFGS for tank interior/exterior coatings. Tank interior coatings must be intact with no evidence of peeling, cracking, blistering, or delamination.

Water removed from tanks, filter separators, water removal systems, low point drains, fuel bowsers, etc., contains an unknown concentration of FSII and requires proper handling. Do not drain such product on the ground or into the installation storm drain system. Consult the installation Environmental Coordinator to ensure compliance with local, county, state, and federal environmental laws and regulations. The Environmental Coordinator, in coordination with the Base Civil Engineer, will determine proper disposal procedures for water/FSII concentrations.

  • d. Water bottoms shall not be maintained in tanks for gauging purposes. Tanks should have a water draw-off capable of removing accumulated water from the tank sump to the maximum extent possible. Erroneous water readings may occur if the Automatic tank gauge (ATG) water probe, or manual tank gauging access is not located at the lowest point of the tank. Determine the level of water in storage tanks by using installed ATG equipment or by gauge and plumb bob. Use water-indication paste meeting the performance characteristics of MILPRF-83779 Water Indicating Paste. Two NSNs apply for MIL-PRF-83779, 6850-00-001-4193 (jar) and 6850-00-001-4194 (tube). There are no available water indicating paste compatible with ethanol based products. Water-indicating paste will separate during storage or periods of non-use. Keep water-indicating paste well mixed during use. The jar is recommended in lieu of the tube to enhance mixing.

  • e. For locations WITH operational ATG and Water Probe installed in the sump, product recovery/saver operations shall be performed weekly or more often when there is an indication of water in the sumps.

  • f. For locations WITHOUT an operational ATG or a water probe installed in the sump the following must be adhered to:

  1. Active tank water removal systems shall be operated on a daily basis prior to any product movement.

  2. Inactive tank water removal systems shall be operated at a minimum of weekly.

  3. Receiving tank water removal systems shall be operated before and after receiving operations.

  • g. Provisions must be available for displacing the marine loading/unloading line to a tank other than the JPTS tanks. JPTS receiving and issue lines must be dedicated.

  • h. Sampling connection points shall be provided to allow line samples to be taken under flow conditions during loading/unloading of marine or other transportation conveyances.


Tank inspection and cleaning requirements are stated in TO 37-1-1 and UFC 3-460-03.

  • a. A rapid rise in differential pressure may indicate the need to inspect and clean the tank. If this occurs, contact Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance (WFSM) and draw a bottom sample and assess for particulate matter. Contact AFPET Technical Assistance Division if the sample fails.

  • b. Change of product does not necessarily require tank cleaning. Contact the AFPET Technical Assistance Division for guidance/instructions.

  • c. All storage tanks shall be programmed for Side Stream Filtration system, ATG and Water Probe installation during the out-of-service American Petroleum Institute (API) 653 tank inspection.


Settling time is the elapsed time the product remains undisturbed or unagitated in a storage tank. An 8-hour settling period (at a minimum) is required following DLA/commercial receipts to allow for accurate inventory and settling of water and particulate matter prior to product issue (Receipt is referring to a custody transfer, not base level tank to tank transfers). The LRS/CC may authorize the FMT to deviate from the settling time requirement when mission parameters prevent an 8-hour settling time. Every effort shall be made to meet the settling time requirement, however, the tank shall be allowed to settle for a maximum amount of time as mission requirements allow.

An 8-hour settling time is not required for base storage or hydrant tank to tank transfers of DLA capitalized inventory; however a minimum of 30-minutes should be observed for static dissipation prior to inserting sampling or gauging equipment into the tank.

  • b. When the 8-hour settling time requirement cannot be met following a DLA/commercial receipt, the following guidance shall be implemented for Bulk Storage/Operating and Hydrant Tanks:

  1. (Simultaneous receipt, issue or transfers into and out of on-base tanks is not permitted.

  2. In addition to Table 4-1 sampling requirements, procedures will be as follows:

  • (a) Tank product saver tank operations shall be performed prior to receipt, after receipt and prior to issue.

  • (b) The first filter separator the unsettled fuel passes through shall be tested for visual assessment, water, and particulate content upstream (record ppm, Particulate Matter results) and downstream (10 ppm, Particulate Matter results Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable) after line displacement.

  • (c) A failure of any test requires an immediate retest and notification to the AFPET Technical Assistance Division.

  • c. Settling time for ground fuel tanks greater than 84,000 gallons is 1 hour per foot of fuel received. If less than one foot is received, a minimum 1 hour settling time is required after receipt. For tanks less than 84,000 gallons, a minimum of 30 minutes settling time is required after receipt. Observe a longer settling time when mission requirements allow.


Contact the AFPET Technical Assistance Team at [email protected] related to ALL SUSPECTED CONTAMINATION.

Fuel contamination is generally classified as chemical, microbial, or material.

  • a. Chemical contamination results from mixing two different types of hydrocarbon fuels or mixing other chemicals with fuel. Both the chemical and physical properties of fuel are affected. Laboratory testing can usually detect this contamination. Chemical contamination is prevented by isolating different products in separate handling systems, positive physical separation between systems, strict adherence to established operating procedures, and the alertness of operating personnel. Carelessness is the major cause of this type contamination.

  1. FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) Contamination. The present and growing international governmental requirements to add FAME to diesel fuel, has had the unintended side effect of leading to potential FAME contamination of jet turbine fuel in multi-fuel transport facilities (pipeline, tank trucks, rail cars etc.) and industrywide concerns. Current fuel specifications allow limited amounts of FAME which are analyzed during Area Lab Quality Surveillance Samples. Excessive amounts of FAME in jet fuel may have adverse effects on materials and components throughout the supply chain and aircraft systems.

  • b. Microbial contamination results from growth of bacteria and/or fungi in water deposits within fuel systems. Growth of these microorganisms has a consistency of slime or mayonnaise at the fuel/water interface. This contamination can plug aircraft filters, cause quantity probe malfunctions, and corrode integral fuel tanks. While fuel system icing inhibitor acts as a biostat, microbial contamination is most effectively controlled by keeping water out of the fuel system.

  • c. Material contamination consists of water, sediment, and other materials described herein. Precautions must be taken to prevent introduction and subsequent issue of material contaminants, particularly whenever repairs are made to fuel system. Remove particles, shavings, welding rods, mud packs, and other debris introduced during repairs to systems.

3.9 WATER.

Water is present to some extent in all fuel systems. It can enter tanks during product receipt, especially from tankers and barges. It may enter through leaks in underground storage tanks. It may also be introduced as vapor which condenses within the system. Both fresh and salt water can be present as dissolved, entrained, or free water.

As fuel cools during rapid ambient temperature drops, water will drop out creating a milky to brown visual samples when draining filter separator sumps and is indicative of high water/FSII concentrations.

  • a. Dissolved water is in solution with fuel and is always present to some extent. The amount of dissolved water that can be in fuel depends upon the temperature of the fuel and its chemical composition. The aromatic compounds in fuels are chiefly responsible for the amount of water a fuel can dissolve. The quantity of dissolved water in fuel is small and is measured in parts per million. Dissolved water cannot be removed by equipment in the fuel handling system. Water can precipitate or drop out of fuel when the fuel cools.

  • b. Entrained water is free water suspended, in fuel as extremely small droplets. Small amounts are not usually visible to the naked eye, but larger amounts create a milky haze or cloud in fuel. Water can become entrained in fuel by condensation of atmospheric moisture in the vapor/air mixture in a tank when the ambient temperature drops. Free water can be emulsified with fuel by mechanical action, such as passing through pumps. Most entrained water will settle out of fuel provided there are no excessive surfactant contaminants present, which will hold water in suspension. Entrained water is removed by the coalescing action of filter separators.

  • c. Free water is not dissolved in the fuel. The term free water is usually used to indicate water which settled out of fuel or which coalesced into large droplets for removal from the system.


  • a. Sediment appears as dust, powder, grains, flakes, and stains. Sources of sediment are storage tanks, metal vessels, filter or filter separator elements, valves, pumps, meters, pipelines, hose gaskets, diaphragms, and seals. Rust is the most common solid contaminant. Extremely small particles, measured by the micron scale, can cause damage to fixed facility and aircraft fuel systems and associated components. Fine particles are difficult to detect without the sampling and testing prescribed by this publication.

  • b. Valves shall meet UFC 3-460-03 requirements. Valves used in sampling lines will not contain stem packing materials such as graphite.

Water is present to some extent in all fuel systems. It can enter tanks during product receipt, especially from tankers and


Aviation fuel in hydrant systems and pipelines from bulk storage to operating storage or truck fillstands shall be displaced at least every 30 days. This will help prevent deterioration of some of the properties of fuels, such as thermal stability or gum content and protect the line against corrosion.


Clearly identify each petroleum piping system by the use of standard markings as prescribed in MIL-STD-161 Identification Methods For Bulk Petroleum Products Systems Including Hydrocarbon Missile Fuels. Clearly identify mobile refueling equipment with the grade of fuel as specified by TO 35-1-3 and TO 36-1-191.

All fuel vehicles, bowsers, drums, and containers used for the segregation and collection of Recoverable and Waste (R&W) products will be isolated, marked, and controlled to avoid commingling of products. Refer to TO 42B-1-23 for guidelines on handling R&W products.


Servicing controls are required to assure the correct grade of fuel is received and issued IAW DAFI 23-201 and TO 37-1-1.


  • a. Conversions are listed in Table 3-1.

Change unit markings and servicing controls as necessary.
  • b. For conversions to and from AVGAS follow Chapter 7.

  • c. Locations that require R-11(s) for ground fuel servicing shall send all documentation listed in DAFI 23-201 to AFPET Current Operations for approval.

Table 3-1. Conversion Chart for Refueling Units Product To Be Loaded

Last Product Carried

Product to Be Loaded

Leaded Gasoline/AVGAS

Unleaded Gasoline/E85

Aviation Turbine Fuel

(except JP-5)

Turbine Fuel Aviation (High Flash Point Kerosene

Type) JP-5

Turbine Fuel

Aviation JPTS


Diesel/Bio Diesel

Leaded Gasoline/ AVGAS


B, D, F

B, D, F

B, D, E, F



Unleaded Gasoline/E85


B, D, F

B, D, F

B, D, E, F



Aviation Turbine Fuel (except JP-5)



B, D

B, D, E



Turbine Fuel Aviation (High Flash Point Kerosene Type JP-5)




B, D, E



Turbine Fuel Aviation JPTS




A, D







B, D

B, D, E





B, F

B, D, F

B, D, E, F


ALL CONVERSIONS REQUIRE DRAINING. Refueling equipment shall be drained to fullest extent possible to the largest inventory of the same product. Particular attention should be given to sumps, pumps, filters, hoses, and other components likely to trap quantities of liquid. The following action(s) shall be taken:
(A) Fill to capacity with product to be loaded.
(B) C-300/301: Fill with 500 gallons of the product to loaded, drain (See NOTE), and fill to capacity. R-11: Fill with 1000 gallons and rotate through the bottom loader of the product to loaded, drain (See NOTE), and fill to capacity. Refer to Chapter 7 for converting to/from AVGAS.
(C) Intentionally left blank.
(D) Test for flash point.
(E) JPTS will be loaded only in aluminum, stainless steel equipment, or equipment lined with approved epoxy coating. If cleaned, clean with hot fresh water not exceeding 135° F (57° C) and dry thoroughly.
(F) IAW TO 37A-1-101 change filters, clean or change separators and sample IAW Table 4-1/Table 4-2 (if applicable)


Defueled product containing dye shall be handled IAW TO 42B1-1-10 Use Of Dye In Aviation Turbine Fuels To Detect Fuel System Leaks.

When capitalized (DLA owned) fuel is not fit for purpose, or of a different grade and downgrading or blending is desired, the LRS organization having physical possession of the product must submit a DD Form 3075 to the Technical Assistance Division prior to any action. When non-capitalized (organizationally owned) fuel is requested to be blended into DLA capitalized inventory, the organization having physical possession of the product must coordinate the request through their local FMT. If quality is in question, contact the Technical Assistance Division prior to any action.


Aviation refuel/defuel vehicles shall not be used to defuel product collection tanks, pits, or to recover recyclable or waste petroleum products except as outlined in TO 42B-1-23, or in the event of an emergency. Bowsers/PRT should be returned directly to bulk inventory, or a dedicated defuel unit may be used to defuel reclaimable fuel from Bowsers/PRT. For bases and DLA-Energy Into-Truck contract locations (that fill trucks at a commercial source/airport) without RTB capability, a dedicated defuel truck shall be used to defuel bowsers and sampled IAW Table 4-1 prior to converting to a refueling unit. Prior to reclaiming fuel from Bowsers/PRT, the product must be sampled by a task certified fuels specialist (AFSC 2F0X1) or civilian/contract equivalent.

  • a. Validate fuel grade/additives with maintenance personnel. Ensure aircraft sumps have been drained, and visual samples pass with clear and bright results. Confirm product to be defueled is not suspected of being contaminated with engine oil, hydraulic fluid or coolant fluids. Refuel/defuel equipment is only capable of removing particulate matter and water from the fuel stream. Refueling unit operators are responsible for ensuring the single point nozzle/ball-valve strainer is in the correct position according to fuel flow direction.

  • b. When Suspected Contaminated Aircraft Fuels (SCAF), or when quality is questionable, is requested to be defueled into fuels handling equipment (FHE), the FMT should relay to the AMU the proper processes and risks associated with SCAF going into FHE. SCAF defuel operations force FMTs to place FHE into Quality Control hold status pending area laboratory analysis, limiting available assets to support the mission. To help alleviate disputes, it is recommended that the local FMT and AMU units collaborate to establish a local written agreement between the activities.

  1. Hydraulic fluids, coolants and engine oils used on DoD airframes could potentially enter aircraft fuel tanks causing SCAF. FMTs are not equipped with analytical instruments to determine contamination concentration due to the chemical makeup of such contamination or if the fuel is beyond remediation. For this reason, all USAF FMT activities are required to submit SCAF samples to an AFPET Laboratory for testing and disposition.

  2. (2) Some risks associated with suspected or confirmed fuel contamination:

  • (a) FHE filter plugging & disarming/reduced water shedding performance of coalescers, which would require steam cleaning of tank/filter separator/piping to remove contaminant. Additionally, filter separator elements would require replacing.

  • (b) Excessive deposits/gums left on aircraft engine components

  • (c) Reduced clearance and/or fouling of small moving aircraft engine parts/systems (e.g., aircraft injection/pumping systems, nozzles, etc.)

3) When FMT activities are requested to defuel SCAF, the following guidance may be used in the coordination and decision making with AMU personnel at each location. Once FMT receives a SCAF defuel request and confirms nature of suspected contaminate along with the estimated gallon amount, the order of SCAF defuel options to be considered:

  • (a) Utilization of collection vessels/containers (bowsers and/or 55gl drums) other than FHE.

  • (b) If collection vessels/containers other than FHE are not feasible, FMT should request a joint examination (AMU & FMT) of the aircraft sump samples to validate severity. If sump samples reveal a suspected contamination event and if mission impact permits, FMT should request fuel load remain on-board and offer assistance with drawing samples to be submitted to an AFPET laboratory for analytical analysis. Recommend overnighting/expediting sample shipment.

The decision to use FHE rests SOLELY with the Base activities and not AFPET.
  • (c) If it is determined the fuel must be immediately defueled due to aircraft maintenance/mission support requirements and FHE is necessary; FMT should provide AMU leadership the following:

  1. The defueled product and FHE will be placed on quality control hold pending AFPET laboratory analysis and no credit (via defuel transaction) will be processed until the fuel is deemed suitable for use. To include any expected mission impact during this process.

  2. An AFPET Lab Report will provide disposition instructions or guidance on returning the product to DLA inventory, if suitable for use. Only at that time shall the FMT process the credit/defuel transaction in FMD.

  3. If the fuel is not suitable for its intended use, disposition guidance may include alternative uses, like power generation or heating.

  4. If fuel is no longer acceptable for any use, the FMT will notify the owning organization that they will not receive credit for the contaminated fuel and will be liable for all expenses related to disposal, to include FHE cleaning, filter element change, and any fuel waste used for flushing and sampling prior to returning to active status.

  • (d) Prior to submitting a sample to an AFPET Lab, the FMT must contact the AFPET Technical Assistance Division ensuring coordination is established for shipping and testing priorities.

  • Defueled aviation fuel shall be placed in a holding tank or left in the defuel unit if the product is suspected of being contaminated with something other than particulate or water. The tank or defuel unit must be placed on quality control (QC) hold pending Area Lab test results and disposition instructions. Submit a sample to the applicable Area Lab IAW Table 5-1 and Table 5-2 of this TO. Follow TO 42B-1-23 if product is unsuitable for use and must be disposed of.

  • Product issued from one-time defuel operation elevates flight safety concerns and increases the risk of contaminating multiple aircraft. This operation shall only be used as a last resort and will be locally coordinated through and approved by the affected AMU that is assuming the risk.

  • c. Dedicated refueling units are authorized to be used for one-time defuels. The only approved definition of a One-time defuel is: a single refueling unit performing a single defuel operation on one aircraft. If two or more defuel operations are conducted in a row, the refueling unit becomes a dedicated defuel unit and must be sampled IAW Table 4-1 of this TO. One-time defuels should be used as a last option for aircraft or to support emergency situations.

  1. One-time defuels will not be used as a standard practice to compensate for manning and/or time constraints. The preferred method for One-time defueled product would be to issue back to the same aircraft fuel was removed from. A second option would be to return to bulk (RTB) one-time defueled product into a tank with the largest inventory, with this option the R-11 used for the one-time defuel shall be filled and returned to service as a dedicated refueling unit following RTB/filling operations and passing test results IAW TABLE 4-1 Item 5c. The last option for USAF aircraft only is to return the product to an aircraft of the same AMU. This option is a last resort only and requires written approval from the AMU receiving the product. The receiving unit must be briefed of the associated risks described in the above CAUTIONS.

  2. Prior to refueling aircraft, samples from the R-11 tank and separator sumps shall be drawn to ensure fuel appearance is clear and bright with no visible particulate, water, or other visual contamination.

  3. Visual samples from the R-11 shall be inspected by a task certified fuels specialist (AFSC 2F0X1) or civilian/contract equivalent. Qualification shall be documented in the Individual Training Plan, Training Business Area, or equivalent civilian/contractor training program.

  4. One-time defueled product is filtered (particulate and water) during defuel, and refuel operations. This meets the dual filtration requirement.

  • d. Dedicated defueling units being converted to refuel status shall be sampled IAW Table 4-1 prior to aircraft servicing. All installations are authorized a dedicated defueling unit per vehicle validation.

  • e. Due to variances in chemical properties and additive packages, defuel quantities shall not exceed 10% of the return tank inventory. If operations permit, return to the tank with the largest inventory.

  1. 1. Reference Table 3-2 if the defueled product is not suspected of contamination, and is of a different grade than reflected on the local FMD ledger. Compatibility requirements (Yes) must be met before returning to inventory without prior coordination or approval from AFPET. The owning organization will receive credit for the defueled quantity as if it were the grade reflected on the local FMD ledger, not the product on board the aircraft.

  2. e.g., 1,000 gallons of JP5 was defueled. The local ledger reflects a JAA (NATO F-24) inventory with 250,000 gallons of ullage. IAW with Table 3-1, this is an approved JAA (NATO F-24) defuel.

  3. • A Yes in Table 3-2 constitutes approval without prior coordination.

    • A No in Table 3-2 requires prior coordination.

  4. Defueled product that does not meet Table 3-2 Defuel Compatibility Requirements (No) will not be returned to inventory without prior authorization. A DD Form 3750 must be filled out and submitted to AFPET Technical Assistance Division at [email protected]. The AFPET will coordinate regrade or disposal authorization with DLA-Energy.

  • f. Dedicated JPTS defuel units shall be used for all JPTS defuel operations (ONE-TIME DEFUELS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED); therefore, defueled JPTS shall not be issued to aircraft under any circumstances and shall be returned to bulk inventory. Laboratory testing must be accomplished prior to returning product to bulk inventory IAW Table 4-2.

Table 3-2. Defuel Compatibility Requirements


FMTs shall refer to DAFI 23-201 for the filter Minimum Essential Level (MEL) requirement.

All locations receiving aviation fuel shall have inbound filtration prior to fuel entering the site’s receipt tank(s). Additionally, fuel must be filtered at minimum twice downstream of the site’s receipt tank with one filter separator being required on fueling equipment that connects to the aircraft. All filtration shall be latest edition EI 1581 Category M requirements.

If an unfiltered pantograph is used downstream of a filtered defuel operation, contents of the entire loop shall be displaced prior to conducting refuel operations with an unfiltered pantograph. Defueled product shall be circulated through the hydrant system separator to ensure the two filtration requirement is met.
  • a. When space limitations and/or cost considerations warrant an alternative to filtered pantographs, bases will request consideration to use electronic sensor technology that comply with EI 1598, ²Design, functional requirements and laboratory testing protocols for electronic sensors to monitor free water and/or particulate matter in aviation fuel² and EI 1570, ²Handbook on Electronic Sensors For The Detection of Particulate Matter and/or Free Water During Aircraft Refueling.² These documents discuss both particulate matter and water detection warning and automatic shutdown of the refueling operation.

  • b. To be considered suitable for installation on USAF fuel systems, electronic sensors must meet the following minimum performance criteria: equipment designed to detect both particulate matter and free water simultaneously shall be capable of consistently detecting 10 parts per million (ppm) by volume, and more, of free water and consistently detecting particulate matter at 0.5 mg/L and above.

  • c. Before electronic sensors can be approved for use, each refueling location (issue point) must be analyzed by AFPET for the following:

  1. System drawings to include all pipe sizes, type of piping used (i.e. stainless steel, coated carbon steel, carbon steel), and low point drain locations.

  2. Potential contamination conditions will be evaluated by analyzing the last year’s sample data IAW Table 4-1, (pantographs without filtration).

  3. Systems average rate of flow during issue.

  4. Systems rate of flow during high-speed flushing operations.

  5. A copy of the approved flushing plan IAW TO 371-1.

  6. Sample results from the last year of monthly system flushing operations conducted IAW TO 37-1-1.

  • d. Electronic sensors are a viable alternative if analysis indicates a low risk of possible contamination at the skin of the aircraft. Electronic sensors are not a viable option if analysis indicates high-speed flushing operations cannot be accomplished.

  • e. See UFC 3-460-01, Petroleum Fuel Facilities, for new system design and filtration requirements.


Particulate contaminants in fuel affect the filtering surface of filter/coalescer elements. During fuel handling operations, as the filtering surface collects solid contaminants, there is a corresponding increase in DP across the filter/coalescer elements. An increase in DP is reflected as psi on the DP gauge installed on the instrument panel or vessel.

  • a. Replace filter/coalescer cartridges when the differential pressure exceeds the maximum psi level with the filter separator operating at the rated flow. Because systems are often operated at lower flow rates with a corresponding lower differential pressure, it is important to know the pressure differential characteristics at lower rates for a set of filter/coalescer cartridges. If, for example, a 600 gpm filter separator shows a differential of 12 psi at 300 gpm and the flow rate increased to 600 gpm, the differential pressure would be about 24 psi, considerably above the recommended pressure drop for changing elements. Refer to Figure 3-1.

  • b. It is common practice to operate multiple pumps and filter separators on Type III constant pressure hydrant systems simultaneously to a common discharge manifold. Under these conditions, if only two 600 gpm pumps are operating, the 1,200 gpm flow can be routed through four 600 gpm filter separators. To accurately determine the DP for each 600 gpm vessel, it is necessary to isolate each filter separator and manually operate one pump to that vessel.

  • c. Base Fuels Laboratory personnel or other qualified personnel designated by their Individual Training Plan (ITP) within the Training Business Area (TBA) shall record the DP reading. The frequency is established in Table 4-1, Table 4-2, Table 7-1 and 8-1 and is the same as sampling downstream of filter separators for particulate matter. The vessel differential pressure and flow rate observed will be recorded on the AFTO Form 422.

  1. The rate of flow on variable flow vessels (i.e., mobile equipment) will be estimated or determined by clocking the meter.

  2. The flow through a filter separator utilized with a constant speed drive and pump (i.e., fixed systems) is regulated by adjusting the rate-of-flow control valve. This adjustment is verified by WFSM. Use this flow rate for recording purposes.

d. Determine the corrected differential pressure from Figure 3-1 or the table on the reverse side of the AFTO Form 422. Both tables are guides which reflect approximations. Record the flow rate, observed DP, and corrected DP on the AFTO Form 422.

e. The recording of the vessel DP and flow rate by Base Fuels Laboratory personnel (monthly) does not relieve operators of the responsibility to be familiar with vessel operations, allowable DP at various flow rates, and the need to monitor DP and report any abnormal pressures or flows during operations. Operators may, at the option of FMT, record observed and corrected DPs on the AFTO Form 422 or Fuels Manager Defense daily.

f. The maximum allowable differential pressure across a filter vessel depends on the location of the vessel.

  1. Filtration vessels in fixed facilities at locations other than final filtration to an aircraft (receipt, transfer, fillstands, issue, etc.) shall be changed when the adjusted DP exceeds 20 psig at the maximum rated flow of the vessel, or when the elements have been in service for 36 months. If base level testing results are in question for particulate matter and /or water, contact the AFPET Tech Team prior to element change out.

  2. Final filtration to an aircraft shall be changed when the adjusted DP exceeds 15 psig, when the elements have been in service for 36 months. If base level testing results are in question for particulate matter and /or water, contact the AFPET Tech Team prior to element change out.

Figure 3-1. Vessel Pressure Drop Characteristics with SPENT Cartridges




This chapter establishes quality control procedures performed by the FM on aviation turbine fuel at Air Force managed installations. AFPET Technical Assistance Division will be notified when fuel is suspected of being contaminated or unsuitable for use. The following information will be provided: amount of fuel, brief description of suspected problem, date, and shipping tracking numbers of samples submitted to area lab. Non-routine fuel samples shall not be submitted to an area lab without coordinating the submission through the Technical Assistance Division.


The fuels laboratory will be staffed with personnel with the requisite training and experience in accordance with DAFI 23-201.


a. Cleaning Glassware.

SCALDING HAZARD: Exposure to 130° F water will cause 3rd degree burn to unprotected skin. Skin must be protected using appropriate personal protective measures. Coordinate this requirement with local occupational hazard health personnel.

  1. Solution and water temperatures while cleaning glassware shall not exceed 130° F.

  2. Follow manufacturer instructions regarding the use of glassware cleaning solution.

  3. Rinse all glassware three times with tap water and perform a final rinse using distilled or demineralized water, then air or oven dry.

b. Contact Technical Assistance if excessive or abnormal particulate matter is obtained. Technical Assistance may direct the material be forwarded to the Wright-Patterson area laboratory for analysis. Ensure area laboratory submissions of this type are identified in AFTAT or on an AFTO 475 as unknown particulate contamination from

base level analysis.


4.4.1 Types of Samples.

When access is restricted, do not draw samples from gauge/sampling hatches on tanks containing Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) equipment. Take samples at ground level from the tank discharge line at the inlet side of downstream filtration equipment.
  • a. Composite Sample a single sample consisting of representative samples from more than one storage container.

  • b. All-Level Sample obtained by submerging a closed sampler to a point near the draw-off level, opening and raising the sampler at a rate which will ensure the sampler is nearly full when emerging from the liquid.

  • c. Top Sample from 6 inches below the surface of the tank contents.

  • d. Upper Sample from the middle of the upper third of the tank contents.

  • e. Middle Sample from the middle of the tank contents.

  • f. Lower Sample from the middle of the lower third of the tank contents.

  • g. Bottom Sample from the lowest point of the tank contents.

  • h. Continuous Sample from a line through which product is flowing containing a representative average of the stream.

  • i. Tube or Thief Sample obtained as a core sample or spot sample from a specific point in a container. An all-level sample from a drum can be taken with these samplers.

  • j. Drain Sample taken from a drain line. Drain and bottom samples are usually taken to check for water, sludge, or scale. A drain sample may be the same as a bottom sample, as in a tank car.

  • k. All samples taken from filter separators will be taken from the downstream side unless otherwise noted.

  • l. Refueling Unit Sampling Routine sampling of refueling units may be performed from the Cambox location. All re-samples or samples taken while investigating high particulates and/or contamination of any kind shall be taken from the single point nozzle as fuel is being recirculated through the bottom loader.

4.4.2 Sampling Equipment.

The gold-colored sampler provided by Gammon Technical Products is anodized aluminum and is satisfactory for fuel sampling.

Sampling equipment is designed for specific purposes and types as samples referenced above. These samplers include, but are not limited to, weighted bottle, bacon bomb, drum thief, and in-line samplers. Do not use yellow metal samplers with turbine engine fuels. Replace all copper weighted beakers (or beakers containing brass, lead, zinc or cobalt) with Stainless Steel Weighted Beakers.

4.4.3 General Sampling Procedures.

For locations experiencing equipment issues (malfunctions, overdue calibration, on backorder, etc) units may substitute color and particle assessment method (Paragraph C.2) where Gravimetric Determination is required and utilize/verify the Flash Point results from suppliers Certificate of Analysis (CoA) or GBL, all other tests shall be accomplished IAW applicable sampling table. Locations shall contact the Technical Assistance Team if this exception will be exercised longer than 120-days.
  • a. In order to take a truly representative sample, equipment cleanliness is extremely important. Glassware shall be clean and spot free, sample cans appropriately flushed, as well as lint-free materials or soft paper towels.

  • b. Do not sample or gauge storage tanks during filling operations or within 30 minutes after product receipt to allow static charges to dissipate.

  • c. The preferred method for sampling an underground tank is an in-line sample between the pump and filter separator during flow. Do not take samples through the storage tank clean-out line.

  • d. Drums may only be sampled using a drum thief or hose. For additional information on sampling, refer to Chapter 8 of API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS).

  • e. Only sample containers used for shipment to an AFPET area lab for specification testing (Receipt Quality Surveillance/Aircraft Servicing Quality Surveillance) or new first-time use containers shall be flushed three times with 10 to 20% of the product being sampled. For each flush, the container shall be closed and shaken for 10 seconds and product replaced for the next flush. Place the flushed fuel into a suitable container for return to inventory. Exceptions to this requirement applies to limited quantity samples, such as aircraft crash/incident samples or sump drain samples. Sample containers (one gallon: metal epoxy lined cans or PVC Coated Safety Bottles) consistently utilized for Gravimetric Determination are considered clean after the 4-time petroleum ether rinse which occurs during previous gravimetric analysis.

  • f. When sampling mobile equipment with an in-line sampler, the mobile equipment must be bonded through the sampler to the 1 gallon recovery can. See Paragraph C.2 for instructions on how this can be accomplished.

  • g. After all turbine fuel filter element changes, rotate a minimum of 2,000 gallons of fuel through the filter separator and sample the filter separator IAW Table 4-1 or Table 4-2.

  • h. Obtain the minimum sample quantity required for all tests. Samples taken for visual analysis will be one quart. All samples shall be tested within the duty hours of the day the sample was taken.

  • i. Each time a sample fails, a resample shall be taken immediately and another analysis performed.

  • j. Fuels laboratories will use a bondable steel funnel when transferring fuel as specified by this TO. Stainless steel is preferred.

  • k. Obtain samples for particulate matter using the flush setting on the in-line sampler or a straight hose. Where it is difficult to use the in-line sampler, a wire-shielded sample extension hose, NSN 4720-01-230-8529, may be used. The use of a Teflon or Tygon hose equipped with a male fitting and a 10 25 gauge steel or iron internal bond wire may also be used. This wire must be soldered to the inside of the male fitting extending 6 inches beyond the end of the tubing.

  • l. The color and particle assessment method for particulate matter analysis may be performed as instructed in Paragraph C.2 on all samples taken downstream of the filter separator. Free water determination shall be determined by method in Paragraph C.5.

  • m. When a retest confirms a failure for particulate matter or free water, conduct an investigation to determine the cause. It may be necessary to sample upstream of the filter separator to locate the source of the contaminant. Contact AFPET Technical Assistance Division for additional guidance.

  • n. When contamination downstream of aircraft servicing filter separators exceeds 1.0 mg/L or when free water is greater than 10 ppm, the servicing equipment shall be taken out of service and investigative action performed.

  • o. When the term WEEKLY is used for sampling frequency, it means every seven days. The term MONTHLY means every thirty days. The sample may be taken at any time within the 24-hour clock on the due date.

  • p. Samples taken under flow conditions shall require a minimum of 10 psi at the sampling point to permit proper flow through the in-line sampler.

  • q. Flush and sample FHE prior to initial in-service use.

  • r. Follow guidance in TO 37A-1-101 or UFC 3-460-03 for separator cleaning and inspection procedures.

  • s. There are multiple factors that can lead to additized product in becoming off-spec. These factors can cause additives to fall below the minimum or rise above the maximum established limits within Table 4-1, Table 4-2, Table 7-1 or 8-1. If routine sampling indicates an additive is near the low end or high end, it may be necessary to increase sampling frequencies in order to monitor additive levels. If testing reveals a negative trend or a potential off-spec situation, contact the AFPET Technical Assistance Division for additional guidance.


Government Bills of Lading (GBL) and/or shipping documentation must accompany all fuel shipments. Documents should contain contract number, contractor name, shipment number,

batch, product specification/nomenclature, API gravity, and the name of the QAR. Notify the appropriate QAR if documentation lacks sufficient information or is questionable. Due to the various methods used to determine receipt quantities (IAW DLA P-2, Receipt and Shipment of Energy Products), API gravity will only be performed when no other options are available. Results of testing shall be applied to the receipt quantity for inventory adjustments.

· All receipt samples failing the mandatory resample/ retest shall be reported to AFPET Technical Assistance Division, and a DD Form 3075 submitted.
· A one-gallon sample shall be retained for all modes of delivery. This sample shall be retained in the event further analysis is required due to an investigative action for product deficiencies. This sample may be taken and held in a clean, dry, one gallon metal epoxy lined can or PVC Coated Safety Bottle and returned to inventory when the inventory representing this receipt is consumed or replaced by next receipt retain sample.
  • a. Pipeline Receipt pipeline receipt samples are taken during receipt and represent fuel already received. Pipeline shutdowns due to product quality issues product must be coordinated with the appropriate agency to cease pumping prior to valve closure. Table 4-1 provides guidance for turbine fuel pipeline receipt and retain requirements.

  1. The conductivity limits for delivery into or out of the NATO Pipeline System are referenced in the Allied Fuels and Lubricants Publication 7036 and are as follows:









Jet A-1




  • b. Tank Truck (TT) /Tank Car (TC) /Bulk Fuel Container (BFC, ISO) Receipts Verify the conveyance contains the proper grade of product. When seals are required, inspect to ensure no tampering has occurred and verify the numbers against the shipping documents. For Tank Trucks (TT) or Tank Cars (TC) with a common discharge manifold, prior to receipt hose connection, draw a one-quart representative sample into a clean, clear jar IAW Table 4-1 and Table 4-2. For TT/TC without a common discharge manifold (i.e., individual compartments), samples must be taken from each compartment prior to receipt hose connection. Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 provides guidance for turbine fuel TT/TC/BFC and ISO receipt and retain requirements.

  1. Perform a visual assessment of the sample IAW test method listed in Paragraph C.1. Proceed with receipt operation when results are satisfactory.

  2. Receipts shall be delayed pending investigation when visual is not clear, bright and visually clear of free water and particulate matter. Complete and route a DD Form 3075 to AFPET Technical Assistance Division. ANG units shall route the form through the NGB/A4RMF staff.

  3. Obtain one sample per day from one T/T, T/C, BFC or ISO from each supplier or each DFSP source tank and analyze IAW Table 4-1 or Table 4-2. Do not delay the conveyance pending results of these tests. After discharge, ensure all compartments are completely empty by examining the visual flow indicator with each compartment valve in the open position.

  • c. Tanker/Barge Receipt when tanker or barge cargos are discharged directly into Air Force storage systems, conduct inspection, sampling, and discharge IAW this TO. Product may be issued prior to receiving the results from the area laboratory provided all line samples taken during discharge are satisfactory. Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 provides guidance for turbine fuel tanker/barge receipt and retain requirements.

  • d. Drummed Product 55-gallon metal drums shall be checked for leaks, and those found defective should be segregated for usability determination. Drums should be stored by batch number, and issued on a first-in, first-out basis. Drums shall be placed horizontally (on sides) in rows, butt-to-butt, with bungs and vents facing outward, and positioned horizontally. Drums shall not be stacked more than three high. Drums stored outside shall be positioned and placed on dunnage with proper blocking and bracing as necessary.

  1. AVGAS On ALL drum receipts, take a quart sample from one drum, from each batch received and perform testing in accordance with Table 7-1. Note the results of visual inspection in AFTAT or on the reverse of AFTO Form 475. Close and reseal the drums and stencil the sample date (Julian) on top of the drum.

  2. Table 7-1 provides guidance for AVGAS receipt and retain requirements.

Table 4-1. Aviation Turbine Fuel Sampling Requirements and Testing Limits


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency




Pipeline Header UPSTREAM of receipt filter separator. If no receipt separator is present, the header shall be sampled.

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, and particulate matter.

Clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter.

Each receipt, 1-hour after start or after line displacement*, and approximately 1-hour prior to completion. At each 4-hour interval after initial flow starts, perform a visual.

* If line displacement occurs within 90 minutes, the 1-hr sample is not required.

If visual fails, immediately resample both UPSTREAM and DOWNSTREAM of filter separator (if present) for water and particulate matter. For systems without filter separators immediately resample for water and particulate matter.

Retain 1-gallon IAW Section 4.5

Particulate matter by gravimetric determination.

2.0 mg/L max


0.06 0.15%

Conductivity (CU)

50 600 pS/m

Flash Point

38° C min


Record Results (ppm)


Pipeline Receipt filter separator DOWNSTREAM

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max

Every 30 days and after each filter change.


10 ppm max


Record Results


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency


RQS Sample, UPSTREAM of filter separator. Submit two (2) 1gallon samples to Area Lab (See Paragraph 5.5)

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Every 120 days.

Retain 1-gallon IAW Paragraph 5.5


Tank Truck (TT)/Tank Car (TC)/Bulk Fuel Container (BFC, ISO) Receipts.


TT, TC, BFC or ISO Header/ manifold, (Prior to receipt hose hook up).

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, and particulate matter

Repeat test until results are clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter

Each T/T, T/C, BFC or ISOIAW

Paragraph 4.5, Drain until visually free of water and particulate matter (ten gallons max).


T/T, T/C, BFC or ISO receipt filter separator UPSTREAM (after line displacement).

Particulate matter by gravimetric determination.

2.0 mg/L max

One sample daily from one T/T, T/C, BFC or ISO from each supplier or each DFSP source tank. Retain 1-gallon IAW Section 4.5


0.06 – 0.15%

Conductivity (CU)

50 – 600 pS/m

Flash Point

38° C min


Record Results (ppm)


T/T, T/C, BFC or ISO receipt filter separator DOWNSTREAM (after line displacement)

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched-weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max

Every 30 days and after each filter change.


Record Results.


10 ppm max


RQS, UPSTREAM of filter separator. Submit two (2) one-gallon samples to Area Lab (See Paragraph 5.5)

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Every 120 days.

Retain 1-gallon IAW Paragraph 5.5


Tanker/Barge Receipts.


Gauge for water and take all-level samples from each cargo tank. Retain for

composite samples in Item 3b.

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, and particulate matter

Clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter.

Each Vessel. Prior to acceptance for discharge.


Tanker/Barge Receipt Sample

Create three (3) 1-gallon and one (1) 1-qt composite samples using all-level samples collected in Item 3a.


(API Gravity @ 15.6°C)

775 840

(37.0 51.0)

Each Vessel. Discharge product after conformance of Visual (Appearance) (Item 3a), Specific or API gravity range, and Flash Point using 1qt sample.

Flash Point

38° C min

Submit one (1) gallon sample to AFPET Area Lab.

File Area Lab Report

Retain the remaining two (2) one-gallon composite samples pending satisfactory area lab results.


Off-loading header line as near as possible to the vessel and UPSTREAM of receipt filter separator.

Particulate matter by gravimetric determination.

2.0 mg/L max

Each receipt, 30 minutes after fuel displacement of sea-line, midpoint and 1 hour prior to completion.


0.06 0.15%

Conductivity (CU)

50 600 pS/m

Flash Point

38° C min


Record Results (ppm)


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency


DOWNSTREAM of receipt filter separator.

Particulate Matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max.

Every 30 days and after each filter change.


Record Results.


10 ppm max


Bulk Storage.


Storage/Operating Tanks -

All-level sample or continuous sample from the fillstand/ transfer line representing tank contents.


0.04 0.15%

Prior to placing tank on issue after receiving directly from supplier or every 30 days, whichever occurs first.

Conductivity (CU)

50 700 pS/m


DOWNSTREAM of and located at each truck fillstand filter separator.

Particulate Matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max.

Every 30 days, after each filter change and after system is opened for maintenance prior to or during first servicing.


Record Results.


10 ppm max


If equipped with filter separator: Transfer line between bulk/operating storage and hydrant tanks DOWNSTREAM of the transfer filter separator.

Particulate Matter by color and particle assessment method/ DP.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Matched weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max

Every 30 days and after each filter change.


Record Results.


10 ppm max


New or existing tanks returning to service after internal tank maintenance or cleaning.

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, and particular matter

Clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter.

Prior to first issue/transfer.

Particulate matter by gravimetric determination.

Record results. Annotate results in AFTAT/AFTO 475

comment block of the AFPET Area Lab Analysis sample submission.


0.04 0.15%


50 700 CU

Flash Point

38° C min

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Prior to first issue. Two 1-gallon all-level representative samples. Note: Tank does not need to go on QC Hold.


Long Term Storage all-level sample (See Paragraph 5.6)

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Every 180 days.


Fuel Dispensing Equipment.


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency


All aircraft servicing equipment: i.e. Refueling Unit (R-11), Hose-cart, Hydrant Servicing Vehicle (R-12),

Hydrant Hose Truck (HHT), Multi-Aircraft Servicing Platform (R-20), Missile Facility Refuelers (MF-R), STARCART, Mobile Pantographs and other FHE equipped with Filter Separator/ Electronic Sensor

All new or newly assigned refueling equipment, to include WRM, deployed, or host nation equipment.

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max.

Every 30 days and after each filter change. Equipment not sampled within 30 days will be placed on QC Hold and sampled prior to the first servicing operation.


Record Results.


10 ppm max

Conductivity (CU)

50 700 pS/m

Every 7 days for locations that inject locally at the fillstand or receive additized fuel from

DLA-Energy Into-Truck contract locations that fill trucks at a commercial source/airport or from other non-USAF locations.

Every 30 days for MF-R sites.


0.04 0.15%

Mobile Pantographs without Filter Separator/Electronic Sensors.



Displace mobile pantographs every 30 days. Pantographs not displaced within 30 days will be placed on QC Hold. Pantographs placed on QC Hold must be displaced into an R11/hydrant tank prior to use.

Pantographs on QC Hold not displaced within 120-days must be drained into bulk inventory to avoid Long Term Storage status.


Equipment single point.

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max.

After system is opened for maintenance DOWNSTREAM of the filter separator, prior to servicing aircraft. Except for nozzle/nozzle strainer inspection/ replacement. See Paragraph 4.7 for hose sampling procedures.


10 ppm max


Dedicated Defuel Equipment.

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched-weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max.

Every 30 days, after each filter change and prior to unit being converted back to a refueling unit. Refer to Paragraph 3.16 if defueled product is suspected of contamination.


Record Results


10 ppm max


ASQS sample under flow condition. Submit two (2) one-gallon samples to area

laboratory. (See Paragraph 5.5)

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Every 120 days.


Long Term Storage in-line sample. (See Paragraph 5.6)

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Every 180 days.


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency


Hydrant System.


Type I and II Hydrant Systems Pumphouse

6a. (1)

DOWNSTREAM of each receipt filter separator.

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched-weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max.

Every 30 days, after each filter change and after system is opened for maintenance prior to or during first servicing.

When receiving directly from supplier follow appropriate receipt sample procedures (Item 1 Pipeline Receipts, Item 2 TT/TC/BFC/ISO Receipts, Item 3 Tanker/Barge Receipts.)


10 ppm max


Record results

6a. (2)

DOWNSTREAM of each issue filter separator.

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched-weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max.

Every 30 days, after each filter change and after system is opened for maintenance prior to or during first servicing.


Record Results.


10 ppm max

6a. (3)

Hydrant Tanks.


0.04 0.15%

Every 30 days when receiving from Bulk Storage.


Prior to placing tank on issue after receiving directly from supplier.

Conductivity (CU)

50 700 pS/m

6a. (4)

Filter Meter Pit DOWNSTREAM of each filter separator used to service aircraft.

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched-weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max.

Every 30 days, after each filter change and after system is opened for maintenance prior to or during first servicing.


Record Results.


10 ppm max

6a. (5)

Non-Loop/Non Constant Pressure Systems. Furthest outlet per each lateral.

Visual for color, water, and particulate matter.

Clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter.

After 2X line displacement of hydrant flush in accordance with TO 37-1-1. Drain servicing unit separators and tank sumps at completion.


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency

6a. (6)

New or existing tanks returning to service after internal tank maintenance or cleaning.

Visual for color, water, and particulate matter.

Clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter.

Prior to or during first issue/ transfer.

Particulate Matter by gravimetric determination.

Record results. Annotate results in AFTAT/AFTO 475

comment block of the AFPET Area Lab Analysis sample submission.


0.04 0.15%


50 700 CU

Flash Point

38° C min

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Prior to first issue. Two 1-gallon all-level representative samples. Note: Tank does not need to go on QC Hold.

6a. (7)

Long Term Storage all-level sample (Where applicable) (See Paragraph 5.6).

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Every 180 days.


Type III, IV, and V Hydrant Systems Pumphouse

6b. (1)

DOWNSTREAM of each receipt filter separator.

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max.

Every 30 days, after each filter change and after system is opened for maintenance prior to or during first servicing.

When receiving directly from supplier follow appropriate receipt sample procedures (Item 1 Pipeline Receipts, Item 2 TT/TC/BFC/ISO Receipts, Item 3 Tanker/Barge Receipts.)


Report Results.


10 ppm max

6b. (2)

DOWNSTREAM of and located at each issue filter separator.

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using match weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max.

Every 30 days when receiving from Bulk Storage.


Record Results.


10 ppm max

6b. (3)

Hydrant Tanks.


0.04 – 0.15%

Every 30 days when receiving from Bulk Storage.


Prior to placing tank on issue after receiving directly from supplier.

Conductivity (CU)

50 700 pS/m


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency

6b. (4)

Fixed Pantographs equipped with Filter separator/Electronic Sensor.

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched-weight or gravimetric determination, 1.0 mg/L max.

Every 30 days, after each filter change prior to the first servicing operation. Equipment not sampled within 30 days will be placed on QC hold.


Record Results.


10 ppm max

6b. (5)

Fixed Pantographs without Filter Separator/Electronic Sensor



Displace mobile pantographs every 30 days. Pantographs not displaced within 30 days will be placed on QC Hold. Pantographs placed on QC Hold must be displaced into an R11/hydrant tank prior to use.

Pantographs on QC Hold not displaced within 120-days must be drained into bulk inventory to avoid Long Term Storage status.

6b. (6)

Dead Legs A section of pipe such as an end of line, to include outlets that spur off the loop, that does not have a regular flow of fuel.



Every 30 days. Dead legs not displaced within 30 days will be placed on QC Hold. To remove from QC Hold and prior to aircraft servicing, 2X the line content must be displaced into hydrant tank or R-11 at least every 120 days.

6b. (7)

On return loop after last hydrant outlet and upstream of receipt filter separator.

Particulate matter by gravimetric determination.

1.0 mg/L max

Every 30 days after full flow at the start and prior to completion of flush. Compare beginning and ending results. Repeat flush if completion results exceed 1.0 mg/L.


10 ppm max

Visual for color, water, and particulate matter.

Clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter. Drain the separator if water or particulate matter is observed.

At or near the midway point of hydrant flush.


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency

6b. (8)

New or existing tanks returning to service after internal tank maintenance or cleaning.

Particulate matter by gravimetric determination.

Record results. Annotate results in AFTAT/AFTO 475

comment block of the AFPET Area Lab Analysis sample submission.

Prior to first issue/transfer.

Visual for color, water, and particulate matter.

Clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter. Drain the separator if water or particulate matter is observed.


0.04 – 0.15%

Conductivity (CU)

50 – 700 pS/m

Flash Point

38° C min

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Two (2) 1-gallon samples -

All-level or continuous sample during internal recirculation. Note: Tank does not need to go on QC Hold.

6b. (9)

Long Term Storage all-level sample (Where applicable) (See Paragraph 5.6)

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Every 180 days.

Table 4-2. JPTS Fuel Sampling Requirements and Test Limits


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency


Tank Truck/Tank Car/Bulk Fuel Container (BFC, ISO) Receipts


TT, TC, BFC or ISO Header/ manifold (Prior to receipt hose hook up)

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, and particulate matter.

Repeat test until results are clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter

Each T/T, T/C, BFC or ISO IAW Paragraph 4.5 Drain until visually free of water and particulate matter (ten gallons max).


T/T, T/C, BFC or ISO receipt filter separator UPSTREAM (after line displacement)

One-gallon sample for particulate matter by Gravimetric Determination.

0.5 mg/L max

One sample daily from one T/T, T/C, BFC or ISO from each supplier or each DFSP source tank.


Record Results (ppm)


0.10 0.15%


43° C min


(API Gravity @ 15.6°C)

0.767 – 0.797

(46.0 53.0)


T/T, T/C, BFC or ISO receipt filter separator DOWNSTREAM (after line displacement)

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched-weight or Gravimetric Determination, 0.5 mg/L max

Every 30 days. After each filter change test for water, color and particulate matter.


Record Results


5 ppm max


Tanker/Barge Receipts


Gauge for water and collect all-level samples from each cargo tank (Note quantity requirement in 2b.)

Water finding paste.


Prior to discharge.

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, and particulate matter

Clear, bright and visually free of water and particulate matter


Create a one-quart and one (1) one-gallon composite samples (from all-level samples in 2a).

Flash Point

43° C min

Prior to discharge.


Retain one-gallon composite sample pending satisfactory receipt tank area lab results (Item 3a.).


(API Gravity @ 15.6°C)

0.767 – 0.797

(46.0° – 53.0°)


0.10 0.15%


During vessel discharge:

off-loading header line as near as possible to the vessel and UPSTREAM of receipt filter separator

Particulate method by Gravimetric Determination

0.5 mg/L max

Five minutes after the shoreline has been displaced, at midpoint, and one hour prior to completion. Immediately retest particulate matter failures UPSTREAM and

DOWNSTREAM of receipt filter separator (if equipped),

0.5 mg/L


Record Results (ppm)


0.10 0.15%


43° C min


(API Gravity @ 15.6°C)

0.767 – 0.797

(46.0° – 53.0°)


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency


Bulk Storage


Receipt Tank Sample: Take one

(1) one-gallon all-level sample from the receipt tank(s). Submit the one-gallon samples to the area lab for testing.

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

After completion of receipt into tank(s) inventory, a minimum of 8-hour settling time must be observed. Note: Tank does not need to go on QC Hold.


For Korea locations this sample will go to: DLA Energy Pyongtaek Petroleum Laboratory APO AP 96271

Bldg. 848

Camp Humphreys, Korea

For RAF Akrotiri this sample will go to:

DLA Energy Europe & Africa Petroleum Laboratory Bldg. 320, Rhine Ordnance Barracks Am Opelkreisel 67663 Kaiserlautern, Germany


Storage/Operating Tanks -

All-level sample or continuous sample from the fillstand/ transfer line representing tank contents.


0.07 – 0.20%

Every 30 days


DOWNSTREAM of and located at each truck fillstand filter separator.

Particulate Matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched-weight or Gravimetric Determination, 0.5 mg/L. max

Every 30 days during truck fill or after each filter change.


Record Results


5 ppm max


Long Term Storage all-level sample (See Paragraph 5.6)

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Every 180 days.


New or existing tanks returning to service after internal tank maintenance or cleaning.

Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Prior to first issue. One 1-gallon all-level representative sample. Note: Tank SHALL be placed on QC Hold until Area Lab analysis deems the product is suitable for use.


Drummed Product


Drum receipts (using a drum thief, obtain a one-quart sample from one drum from each batch received).

Flash Point

43° C min

Upon Receipt.


(API Gravity @ 15.6°C)

0.767 – 0.797

(46.0° – 53.0°)


0.10 – 0.15%


Drum issues: Obtain a one-quart sample from a drum representing each batch.

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, and particulate matter.

Clear, bright and visually free of water and particulate matter.

Prior to issuing from each batch.

Table 4-2. JPTS Fuel Sampling Requirements and Test Limits Continued


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency


DOWNSTREAM of transfer filter separators.

Free Water

5 ppm max

Every 30 days. Equipment not sampled within 30 days will be placed on QC hold and sampled prior to the first servicing operation. After each filter change test for water, color and particulate matter.

Particulate Matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched-weight or Gravimetric Determination, 0.5 mg/L. max


0.07 0.20%


Re-drummed Product: Obtain a one-quart sample from a drum representing each batch.

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, and particulate matter

Clear, bright and visually free of water and particulate matter.

Upon completion. Stencil new sample date on drum.

Flash Point

43° C min


(API Gravity @ 15.6°C)

0.767 – 0.797

(46.0° – 53.0°)


0.07 – 0.20%


Long Term Storage sample (See Paragraph 5.6) Randomly select one drum from each batch and obtain a one (1) one-gallon sample.

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Results

Every 180 days. Stencil new sample date on drum.


Fuel Dispensing Equipment


All aircraft servicing equipment: i.e. Refueler (R-11), FHE All new or newly assigned refueling equipment, to include WRM, deployed, or host nation equipment

Particulate matter by Gravimetric Determination

0.5 mg/L max

Every 30 days. Equipment not sampled within 30 days will be placed on QC Hold and sampled prior to the first servicing operation. After each filter change perform a particulate matter by Gravimetric Determination and water.


5 ppm max

Flash Point

43° C min


0.07 – 0.20%


Record Results


Dedicated Defuel Units.

Particulate matter by Gravimetric Determination.

0.5 mg/L

Every 30 days and/or prior to all RTB operations. Equipment not sampled within 30 days will be placed on QC Hold. After each filter change perform a particulate matter by Gravimetric Determination and water.


5 ppm max

Flash Point

43° C min


0.07 – 0.20%


Record Results


Equipment single point.

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched-weight or Gravimetric Determination, 0.5 mg/L max

After system is opened for maintenance DOWNSTREAM of the filter separator, prior to servicing aircraft. Except for nozzle/nozzle strainer inspection/replacement. See graph 4.7 for hose sampling procedures.


5 ppm max


Aircraft Servicing Quality Surveillance Sample. Under flow condition. (See Paragraph 5.5).

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Results

Every 120 days, submit two (2) 1-gallon samples to area laboratory.


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency


Long Term Storage sample (See Paragraph 5.6)

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Results

Every 180 days


Non-Routine Origin (home station) and Destination (deployed, exercise, or contested location) conveyance sampling


All T/T, Blivets, BFC/ ISO or 3K Bladder prior to conveyance shipment or receipt of conveyance


prior to downgrading

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, and particulate matter

Clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter.

Test when directed IAW Appendix D.


43° C min


(API Gravity @ 15.6°C)

0.767 – 0.797

(46.0° – 53.0°)


0.07 – 0.20%


Contact AFPET Technical Assistance Division for questions concerning sampling and testing of this fuel.
  • a. These procedures apply to the primary and spare aircraft performing these duties. Support aircraft will be serviced the same as any other transient aircraft. All of the tests listed in MIL-STD-3004 must be performed on representative samples taken downstream of the final filtration (filter separator) from refueling equipment or hydrant operating tanks prior to issuing fuel to these aircraft.

  • b. Testing beyond the capability of the base laboratory should be performed at an Air Force area laboratory. The applicable laboratory shall be notified prior to sample shipment. Overnight/next-day shipment of fuel samples to the area laboratories have proven satisfactory in obtaining results expeditiously. When time does not permit next-day testing, contact the applicable DLA Energy Region Manager for assistance using a local laboratory under a DLA Energy service contract.

  • c. All failed samples, questions, or concerns regarding the Secure Fuel program shall be directed to AFPET Technical Assistance Division.



  • · Flushing the over-the-wing hose through the manhole on top of the refueling unit creates a serious safety hazard. The spraying or free falling of fuel into a tank or refueler must be avoided.

  • a. The following instructions are applicable to hydrostatic tested and/or newly installed discharge hoses whether newly procured or from maintenance storage. These hoses are installed downstream of the final filtration on aviation fuel facilities, vehicles, and equipment. Inlet hoses, such as those installed on hose carts and loading/ fillstand transfer hoses, are not affected. Comply with these instructions immediately after installation of the hose and prior to returning the vehicle or equipment to service. The procedures for the over-the-wing hose follows in Step b.

  1. Pressurize the hose with fuel and soak for 3 hours. Return fuel from hose to bulk inventory at greatest ratio possible.

  2. Recirculate a minimum of 2,000 gallons of fuel through the bottom loader, or by transferring to a defuel unit.

  3. Sample at the single-point nozzle under flow conditions for free water and particulate matter by color and particulate assessment method IAW Appendix

    C. particulate matter by color and particle assessment method. Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched-weight or gravimetric analysis, 0.5 mg/L and 10 ppm for free water.

  4. If this sample fails, soak hose for 10 hours and discard fuel from hose into suitable container.

  5. Repeat flushing, sampling, and testing. If sample continues to fail, return vehicle/equipment to maintenance for a hose replacement.

  • b. Follow the guidance in TO 37A-1-101. for over-the-wing nozzle adapter. Follow procedures below if incapable of adhering to TO 37A-1-101.

  1. Pressurize the hose with fuel and soak hose for 3 hours. Return fuel from the hose to bulk inventory at the greatest ratio possible.

  2. Flush the hose with at least 250 gallons of fuel using a reclaimable fuel bowser. Leave minimum pressure on the hose and using a clean fuel funnel proceed cautiously to obtain a 1 gallon sample from the over-the-wing nozzle.

  3. Utilize the 1 gallon sample from the previous step and test for particulate matter by gravimetric analysis IAW Appendix C. Passing results are 0.5 mg/L maximum.

  4. If the sample fails, soak the hose for 10 hours and discard fuel from hose into a suitable container.

  5. Repeat flushing, sampling, and testing. If sample continues to fail, return the vehicle/equipment to maintenance for a hose replacement.


The information provided below is not applicable to organizationally owned fuel already accounted for onboard provider aircraft that will be conducting specialized receiver aircraft refueling operations (SFO) authorized by TO 00-25-172 and/or MAJCOM Directives. As with inflight refueling (aircraft to aircraft), fuel quality from the provider aircraft is assumed on-specification/fit for purpose. Similar ground operations shall be treated the same as with regards to fuel quality. FHE shall be sampled immediately prior to forward deploying IAW Table 4-1 or Table 4-2. The receiving unit must verify Table 4-1 or Table 4-2 requirements were met prior to first aircraft servicing. There are no special quality sampling or testing requirements for these operations unless the FHE is due sampling IAW Table 4-1 or Table 4-2 (30-day frequency) during the duration of deployment. All other defuel operations must follow Paragraph 3.16.


The following information shall be reviewed/precoordinated prior to deployment. Publications that should be reviewed during the planning stages to ensure proper fuel grades and final operational authority for all airframes being supported: DAFI 23201, TO 00-25-172, TO 42B1-1-14, appropriate aircraft/engine technical orders and/or flight manuals.

4.8.1 Determining Origin of Product and Acquiring Quality Records (Source of Fuel To Be Used).

Any Certificate of Analysis (CoA) obtained for fuel quality can be verified against limits listed in Table 4-3.

a. Locations that will not have existing DLA-Energy fuels procurement contract shall coordinate with AFPET Requirements @ [email protected] for guidance.

  1. Host Nation fuel support (Foreign Military/NATO product): Request CoA that represents product to be used from Host Nation or commercial supplier. If product quality is in question, the CoA may be sent to the Technical Assistance Division for interpretation of results and consultation.

  2. AF Contract (Organizationally owned product procured locally): AF KO shall request CoA representative of product to be used. If in question, the CoA may be sent to the Technical Assistance Division for interpretation of results and consultation.

b. Locations that will have an established DLA-Energy fuels procurement contract in place and are operating under laboratory facility limitations should ensure direct and constant communication with the local DLA-Energy Quality Assurance Representative (DLA QAR).

  1. Deployed fuel (bladders, blivets, iso-containers, etc) loaded from Home Station DWWCF stock: each conveyance shall be accompanied with Base Level Lab Results (FSII, Flash Point, Conductivity, Density) and provided to destination 2F0X1.

  2. DLA Energy contract (Direct Delivery, Into-Plane/ Truck, etc): AF personnel shall request a CoA representative of product to be used from the DLA QAR assigned to the site. If in question, the CoA may be sent to the Technical Assistance Division for interpretation of results and consultation.

c. Figure 4-1 provides a simple Flow Chart to assist with product quality verification.


Figure 4-1. Product Quality Determination at Origin (Source Fuel)

4.8.2 Fuels Laboratory Operations.

AF Fuels functions that will remain at one location longer than 6-months must coordinate and receive approval from local Civil Engineering to procure a temporary/portable lab facility as outlined in UFC 4-310-03 (DoD Fuels Laboratory Standards). The laboratory must be capable of analyzing all test requirements outlined in Appendix C of this publication. While awaiting establishment of a fuels lab facility all fuels operations will comply with the following testing requirements to include locations that will dissolve prior to 6-months on station.

a. For locations where a fuels laboratory is not available, substitute color and particle assessment method (Paragraph C.2) where Gravimetric Determination is required and utilize/verify the Flash Point results from suppliers Certificate of Analysis (CoA) or GBL, all other tests shall be accomplished IAW applicable sampling table.

b. Locations using FHE will be sampled IAW Table 4-1, Table 4-2, Table 6-1, Table 7-1 and APPENDIX D (JPTS). Follow the same requirements for the component which the FHE is serving as. For example: sample FHE being used as a receipt separator on a tank truck offloading header IAW Table 4-1 Item 2b. & 2c., Table 4-2 Item 1b. & 1c. and Table 7-1 Item 5a.

  1. Receipt Quality Surveillance and Aircraft Servicing Quality Surveillance Sample requirements shall be submitted at the 60-day point (if applicable) and every 60-days thereafter IAW Paragraph 5.5. Annotate in the Comments/Reason for Submission/Notes section of the AFTAT and/or AFTO Form 475 (electronic or card stock), “TEMPORARY LOCATION WITHOUT A BASE FUELS LAB”. If using e-

    AFTO Form 475, submit a copy to AFPET/PTOT at [email protected]. Additionally, use a permanent marker to label the sample cans with the product grade, sample source and reason for submission. Ship all samples to an AFPET Regional Area Lab outlined in Table 5-1 or Table 5-2. The most expedited shipping mode available shall be utilized (999, overnight commercial delivery, etc.).

  2. Refer to Appendix B Table B-1 for minimum fuel testing equipment and consumables while operating in the above environments.


The requirements/limits for aircraft sump samples will be IAW respective aircraft TO or OEM/SPO requirements. In addition, aircraft maintenance organizations/Command Post may request analysis of aircraft sump samples any time contamination is suspected. Samples will be obtained by aircraft maintenance personnel and submitted to the Base Fuels Laboratory for analysis.

Clear one-quart sample jars and filtered solvent or fuel will be obtained from the Base Fuels Laboratory.

a. Sampling Equipment Required.

  1. Clear one-quart sample bottles.

  2. Aircraft sump sampler.

  3. One-gallon cans (for waste fuel).

b. Procedures.

  1. Sample jars will be cleaned IAW Paragraph 4.3.

  2. Clean exterior of aircraft jiffy or siphon drain with a solvent-wetted cloth.

  3. Drain 1 gallon of product from the sump. Retain first gallon drained from the aircraft sump for particulate analysis if requested, discard if not requested. This is to be accomplished by draining approximately 1/3 gallon, stop for 5 seconds, drain another 1/3 gallon, stop for 5 seconds, and finally drain the remaining 1/3 gallon.

  4. Clean interior and exterior of aircraft sump sampler with filtered solvent.

  5. Using a clean quart bottle, drain one quart from sump. If the sample contains visible water and/or particulate matter, the sample will be discarded and an additional gallon will be drained and discarded.

c. When free or entrained water and/or particulate matter is still present in the product after performing the draining and sampling procedures, the aircraft will continue to be drained until product is free of water and particulate matter or until it is evident that complete defueling is necessary.

d. When the sample is free of visible particulate matter or water, the sample will be analyzed in the Base Fuels Laboratory for particulate matter content.

e. One-quart samples will be processed for particulate matter content by the gravimetric analysis as detailed in Paragraph C.4.

f. At the completion of filtration and free water is observed on the membrane filter, rinse with 50 mL of distilled/ demineralized water after the final petroleum ether rinse.

g. Particulate matter shall be reported in milligrams (mg) per quart. DO NOT convert weight to mg/gallon. When the quantity of sample analyzed is less than one quart, report that quantity along with the total particulate matter.

h. Report aircraft number, sample location, and particulate matter results to the maintenance organization.

i. When particulate matter content of aircraft sump samples exceed limits specified by respective aircraft TO or SPO requirements, flushing the aircraft is suggested IAW platform TO. Sump samples should again be obtained and analyzed to determine the adequacy of the aircraft flushing procedures.

j. Failure to follow proper procedures when taking sump samples has resulted in aircraft being unnecessarily grounded.

k. Samples taken from locations other than the sumps of aircraft tanks will not be used to determine cleanliness levels within the aircraft.

Table 4-3. Aviation Turbine Fuel Specification Limits


Jet A ASTM D1655

Jet A-1 ASTM D1655

Jet A-1 (F-35)

DEF STAN 91-091

Jet A (F-24) ASTM D1655

JP-8 (F-34) MIL-DTL83133

JP-5 (F-44) MIL-DTL5624




note 2

note 2

note 3

note 2

note 4

note 5

note 6


Color, Saybolt




min +24

Total Acidity, mg KOH/g

D3242/UP 354

max 0.10

max 0.015

max 0.10

max 0.015

1. Aromatics, % by volume

D1319/IP 156/D8267/D8305

max 25

max 25.0

max 25

max 25.0

max 25

min 5.0 –

max 20.0

2. Total Aromatics, % by volume

D6379/IP 436

max 26.5

Sulfur, mercaptan, % by mass D3227/IP 342


Doctor Test D4952/IP 30

max 0.003

max 0.0030


max 0.003

max 0.002 neg

max 0.001 neg

Total Sulfur, % by mass D129/D3120/D1266/D2622/ D4294/D5453/

IP 336/D7039

max 0.30

max 0.20

max 0.30



Initial Boiling Point, temperature, °C D86/D28872/IP 406/D7344/ D7345/IP 123


min 157

min (105)2


10 % recovered, temperature,


max 205

max 205.0

max 205.0

max 193

max (174)2


20 % recovered, temperature,




50 % recovered, temperature,



max 204

max (207)2


90 % recovered, temperature,



max 238

max (250)2


Final boiling point, temperature, °C

max 300

max 300.0

max 300

max 260

max (288)2

Distillation residue, %

max 1.5

Distillation loss, %

max 1.5

Flash point, °C D56/D93/D3828/D7236/IP 160/IP 523/ IP 534

min 38

min 38.0

min 38

min 60.0

min 43


Jet A ASTM D1655

Jet A-1 ASTM D1655

Jet A-1 (F-35)

DEF STAN 91-091

Jet A (F-24) ASTM D1655

JP-8 (F-34) MIL-DTL83133

JP-5 (F-44) MIL-DTL5624



Density at 15 °C, kg/m3 or kg/L

Gravity, API at 15 °C D1298/IP 160/D4052/IP 365/D7777

775 840

37.0 51.0

775.0 -


37.0 51.0

775 840

37.0 51.0

0.775 -


37.0 51.0

0.788 -


36.0 48.0

0.767 -


46.0 53.0


Freezing Point, ° C D2386/IP 16/D5972/IP 435/D7153/

IP 5297/D7154/IP 528

max -40

max -47

max -47.0

max -47

max -46

max -53

Viscosity -20 °C (JPTS: -40 C), mm2/s

D445/IP 71/D7042/D7945

max 8.0

max 8.000

max 8.0

max 7.0

max 12.0


Net heat of combustion, MJ/kg D4809/D3338/D4529/ D4809/IP 12

min 42.8

min 42.80


min 42.8 min (18,400)3

Hydrogen content, mass % D7171/D3343/D3701/D5291

min 13.4

max 13.4

min 14.00 or


One of the following requirements shall be met:

(1) Smoke point, mm, or D1322/IP 598

min 25.0

(2) Smoke point, mm, D1322/IP 598 and

Naphthalene’s, vol, % D1840/D8305

min 18.0

min 3.0

min 19.0

max 3.0

min 18.0

max 3.0

Specific Energy MJ/kg IP 12/D3338/D4809

min 42.8

Calculated cetane index





Copper strip, 2 h at 100 °C D130/IP 154 THERMAL STABILITY

max No. 1

max 1

max No. 1

max 1b


Filter pressure drop, mm Hg D3241/IP 323/IP 154

max 25

Tube rating: One of the following requirements shall be met:

(1) Annex A1 VTR, VTR

Color Code

(no peacock or abnormal color deposits)


(2) Annex A2 ITR or Annex A3 ETR,

nm average over area of 2.5 mm

max 85


Table 4-3. Aviation Turbine Fuel Specification Limits Continued


Jet A ASTM D1655

Jet A-1 ASTM D1655

Jet A-1 (F-35)

DEF STAN 91-091

Jet A (F-24) ASTM D1655

JP-8 (F-34) MIL-DTL83133

JP-5 (F-44) MIL-DTL5624



Existent gum, mg/100 mL D381/IP 540

max 7

max 5

Microrespirometer (MSEP), Rating: D3948/D7224

min 70

Without electrical conductivity additive

min 85

With electrical conductivity additive

min 70

Particulate matter (gravimetric), mg/L D2276/D5452/IP 423

max 1.0

max 1.0

max 0.34

max 0.5

Filtration time, minutes

max 15

Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME), mg/kg D7797/IP 585

max 50


Electrical conductivity (SDA), pS/m5 D2624/IP 274

50 600

(if injected)

50 600

note 11

Fuel System Icing Inhibitor.

% by volume5 6


min 0.07

max 0.15 (if injected)

min 0.10

max 0.15 (if injected)

min 0.07

max 0.15

min 0.07

max 0.10

min 0.08

max 0.11

min 0.10

max 0.15


Jet A ASTM D1655

Jet A-1 ASTM D1655

Jet A-1 (F-35)

DEF STAN 91-091

Jet A (F-24) ASTM D1655

JP-8 (F-34) MIL-DTL83133

JP-5 (F-44) MIL-DTL5624



Corrosion Inhibitor/ Lubricity Improver

(CI/LI), Wear Scar Diameter (BOCLE), mm


max 0.85

report additive used and concentration

1 This table is for reference use only. Refer to the current version of the product’s specification for the most up-to-date information. Each military specification can be found at ASTM Commercial specifications can be purchased through ASTM International ( at unit expense.

2 The aviation turbine fuel specified in this specification shall be visually free of undissolved water, sediment, and suspended matter. The odor of the fuel shall not be nauseating, irritating, or have an odor similar to that of a “rotten egg”. No substance of known dangerous toxicity under usual conditions of handling and use shall be present, except as permitted in this specification.

3 Clear, bright and visually free from solid matter and undissolved water at ambient fuel temperature.

4 The finished fuel shall be visually free from undissolved water, sediment, or suspended matter and shall be clear and bright. Refer to ASTM D6986. In case of dispute, the fuel shall be clear and bright at 21 °C (70 °F) and shall contain no more than 1.0 mg/L of particulate matter as required in Table IV.

5 At the time of Government acceptance, the finished fuel shall be clear and bright and visually free from undissolved water, sediment, or suspended matter. In case of dispute, the fuel shall be clear and bright at 21 °C and shall contain no more than

1.0 mg/L of particulate matter.

6 At the time of Government acceptance, the finished fuel shall be clear, bright, and visually free from undissolved water, sediment, or suspended matter. Refer to ASTM D6986. In case of dispute, the fuel shall be clear and bright at 21 °C and meet the Table I particulate matter requirement.

7 ASTM D2887 limits identified by value in parentheses. Contact AFPET/PTOT for clarification on ASTM D2887 results for ASTM D1655, MIL-DTL-83133, MIL-DTL-5624 and DEF STAN 91-091 specifications.

8 MIL-DTL-25524 Net Heat of Combustion (BTU/lb).

9 Gravimetric max limit 0.3 (origin) and 0.5 (destination)

10 Refer to Table(s) 4-1 and 4-2 for additive Receipt Limits and Use Limits.

11 The conductivity under the conditions at point of delivery shall be as follows:

(a) between 150 pS/m and 600 pS/m for JP-8 (NATO F-34)

(b) between 50 pS/m and 600 pS/m for NATO F-35

12 Only FSII which meets specification MIL-DTL-85470, Inhibitor, Icing, Fuel System, High Flash, NATO Code Number S-1745, is to be used.


5.1 SCOPE.

This chapter explains requirements for submitting a fuel sample to an AFPET AREA laboratory. AFPET AREA Lab reports shall be reviewed in their entirety upon receipt. Contact AFPET/PTOT with any questions regarding AFPET AREA Lab results. Sampling procedures greatly influence the validity of test results. The integrity of the sample depends upon cleanliness of the proper sample container and the sampling procedure. The basic principle of any sampling procedure is to obtain a sample or composite of several samples which are representative of the entire product.


a. The routine surveillance samples in Table 4-1, Table 4-2, Table 7-1, and 8–1 shall only be forwarded to, or performed by, area laboratory personnel as prescribed in the table. The submission of aviation fuel samples to commercial laboratories is not authorized unless coordinated through AFPET/PTOT.

Vermiculite (commonly used by Traffic Management Office personnel) is NOT an approved packing material because it can potentially contaminate samples.

b. For all non-routine samples or whenever doubt exists as to the quality or identity of petroleum products, coordinate with AFPET/PTOT prior to submitting samples to an AFPET Area Lab.

Expedited sample(s) analysis requests will require justification. The most expedited shipping mode available shall be utilized for Priority IA and IIA samples (999, overnight commercial delivery, etc.). Priority IIIA submissions maybe shipped IAW local TMO priorities as these are reoccurring samples with minimum mission impact.

c. Testing priorities are assigned by AFPET; therefore, requests to change priorities must be coordinated with AFPET/PTOT prior to sample submission. Sample processing times will start upon receipt of properly identified samples at an AFPET Laboratory and end when the laboratory report has been released to the customer. Issues with sample paperwork or containers may cause a delay in sample processing.

  1. PRIORITY IA: Aviation fuel samples for which IMMEDIATE turn-around is required by the customer or AFPET/PTOT. Priority IA sample types include all Secure Fuels and may include operational aircraft fuel with suspected contamination or fuel issues affecting mission readiness. Priority IA Sample Turn-Around Time is 1 Calendar Day.

  2. PRIORITY IIA: Aviation and missile fuel samples for which the customer or AFPET/PTOT need for results is URGENT, but not immediate. Priority IIA sample types include Aircraft Crash/Incident (SIB/ISB), samples from operational aircraft, fuels related mishaps, barge receipts, JPTS tank receipts, suspected contamination or possible fuel commingling, incidents of questionable fuel quality with potential mission impact and locations without a full functioning lab (see Paragraph 4.8). Sample Turn-Around Time is 3 Business Days.

  3. PRIORITY IllA: Routine aviation and ground fuel samples. Priority IIIA sample types include all ground fuels, all long-term storage, base receipt quality surveillance and aircraft quality surveillance, and all other samples for which a higher priority has not been requested by the customer or AFPET/PTOT. Sample Turn-Around Time is 10 Business Days.

d. Table 5-1 and Table 5-2 lists the shipping address, DODAAC, and area of responsibility for fuel testing laboratories worldwide. Include the respective DODAAC in the shipping address to ensure correct delivery.


a. Container, Fuel Sample (NSN 8110-01-371-8315) is an epoxy-lined, 1 gallon, 24-gauge steel drum equipped with a 3/4-inch bung and seal (2” bung is also authorized provided container meets the same specifications). This container meets UN/1A1 specification and is approved for air shipment without an over-pack IAW 49 CFR and International Air Transportation Association shipping requirements. Only new containers shall be used to submit samples to area laboratories. Preparation of these containers for all products is as follows:

  1. Visually examine each container to ensure the epoxy coating is complete and intact. Containers severely dented or corroded shall not be used.

  2. Sample containers shall be flushed three times with 10 to 20% of the product being sampled. For each flush, the container shall be closed and shaken for 10 seconds and product replaced for the next flush. Return the flushed fuel into a suitable container for return to inventory. Exceptions to this rinsing requirement apply to limited quantity samples, such as aircraft incident samples or sump drains.

  3. Petroleum ether or isopropyl alcohol shall not be used as a flushing solvent due to the effect on the flash point of the sample.

  4. The sample cans described herein are designated as single-trip cans and will not be returned by the area laboratory for reuse.

  5. eal the container. Leak test each container prior to shipment by inverting the container on a dry paper wipe for at least 1 hour at laboratory room temperature.

b. Sampling Kit (MIL-K-23714), for aviation fuel is reusable. This kit has four one-quart bottles with caps, cushioned in foam, and is suitable for air shipment. The over-pack is a metal container conforming to MIL-D27648. This kit is only authorized for special applications when 1 quart samples or less are obtained from an aircraft incident or accident.

c. Do not use clear glass bottles when sampling gasoline. Protect all samples from direct sunlight regardless of the sample container.

d. When obtaining the sample, do not fill the container completely full. Ensure sufficient air space exists in the container (approx. 1 inch) to allow for thermal expansion of the sample. Do not use any sealing material when sealing container for shipment.


a. When submitting fuel samples or re-samples to an Area Lab, AFTAT is a mandatory-use program. Ensure that re-samples are specifically identified. Refer to AFTAT for procedures on completing sample submissions ( For questions about or to gain access to AFTAT, please contact the Laboratory Division at [email protected].

b. The AFTO Form 475 shall only be used as an alternate means when internet access or AFTAT is not available.

c. Samples submitted in response to official requests will be identified by referring to the correspondence which required the sample.


At locations where Air Force units are located on the same installation or immediately next to one another (e.g., co-located ANG/AFR and Active Duty locations) the following RQS/ASQS rules apply:
  1. When co-located units receive from the same DLA/ Commercial source, only one of the units must submit the RQS sample.

  2. When co-located units utilize the same aircraft servicing equipment, only one of the units must submit the ASQS sample.

  3. When co-located units do not share the same aircraft servicing equipment, both units shall submit the ASQS sample

a. Air Force activities shall use an AFPET Area Laboratory for RQS and ASQS sample analysis. Each sample shall be entered into AFTAT separately but submitted at the same time.

b. RQS (excluding JPTS and Tanker/Barge) Every 120 days, take a continuous (under flow condition) sample. Obtain three (3) one-gallon samples for quality surveillance testing. For DLA -Energy Into-Truck contract locations (that fill trucks at a commercial source/airport), submit the 120 day ASQS in place of this requirement. If duration between receipts exceeds 120Days, then the RQS sample shall be submitted when the next receipt occurs. If duration between receipts exceed 6-Months, locations will comply with LTS sampling requirements (Paragraph 5.6) until the next receipt.

  1. Ship two gallons to the area lab and Annotate AFTAT or the reverse side of AFTO Form 475 with 120 DAY RQS. Retain the remaining one gallon for further analysis if requested by AFPET.

c. ASQS (including JPTS) Obtain two (2) one-gallon continuous samples (under flow conditions) from one (1) piece of refueling equipment that connects to the aircraft (e.g., R11, R-12/HSV, or Pantograph) for quality surveillance testing.

  1. Ship both gallons to the area lab and Annotate AFTAT or reverse side of the AFTO Form 475 with 120-DAY ASQS.


To avoid inventories from going into LTS status and being placed on QC hold, it is highly encouraged to submit sample(s) in a timely manner, taking into account shipping and processing delays.

Product is considered to be in LTS status when stored in individual tank(s) for six-months without an inventory receipt equal to or greater than two-thirds of the tank contents from a DLA/commercial supplier. Transferring product from one to tank to another within the same facility does not alleviate the long term storage status. Example: If a bulk tank is used to receive product from a DLA/commercial supplier and transferred to a hydrant tank, the LTS date on the hydrant tank resets with the date the product was received in the bulk tank. However, when resupplying the hydrant tank the inventory must be turned by 2/3 to assume the date from the last receipt. At that point, the LTS start date will coincide with the bulk storage source tank receipt date from a DLA/commercial supplier. LTS samples for organizational tanks (non-capped product) are not required. Contact FMT whenever quality is in question.

a. Submit aviation turbine fuel, aviation gasoline, and ground product samples every 6 months for Long Term Storage analysis to the applicable AFPET Area Laboratory or more frequently if suitability for use determination is required. If suitability for use is in question, coordinate any additional sampling through the Technical Assistance Division. See Paragraph 8.6 for LTS sampling requirements for high density fuels.

b. Sample size for all products is one (1)gallon representative of inventory by all-level, continuous, tube or thief, as applicable.

c. Drum sample submissions shall be taken from one drum from one batch/lot.


Fuel samples obtained in association to an accident/ incident shall only be forwarded to the area lab when directed by the applicable authorities designated below.

5.7.1 DAFI 91-204 Safety Investigations and Reports.

The convening authority is the individual who has the authority to order a safety investigation. The MAJCOM/CC of the organization that owns the asset is considered to be the convening authority unless: AF/SE assumes investigative responsibility, another MAJCOM/CC assumes investigative responsibility (with the concurrence of the owning organization and AF/SE), or investigative responsibility is delegated to a lower level of command.

a. Due to the nature of the incident, the Safety Investigation Board President (SIB) or Convening Authority has the sole authority to waive the fuel testing requirement when fuel is ruled out as a cause. Samples obtained from the aircraft shall NOT be tested by base laboratories. These samples shall be sent to the regional Area Laboratory or a laboratory approved by the SIB or National Transportation and Safety Board for analysis when directed. There are no exceptions to this guidance.

b. AFPET Current Operations Division is the primary OPR and shall be contacted prior to submitting any fuel, cryogenic gases, lubricating oil, hydraulic fluid, grease or chemical samples. Current Operations can be contacted at DSN 392-767-8705/Commercial (703) 767-8705 or email [email protected] for additional information. Provide Current Operations the following information prior to submitting samples:

  1. EVENT: Provide as much information about the incident as possible (e.g., type of aircraft(s) involved, location of incident, incident classification (Class A or B)).

  2. CONTACTs: Provide contact information (name, phone, email) for the SIB member(s) to be notified once samples have been analyzed. Sample results will only be released to official SIB members.

  3. PRODUCTS: Provide number and type(s) of sample(s) to be submitted. Include as much detail known (e.g., product, grade, specification, NSN, etc.).

  4. TIMELINE: Based upon the nature of event, provide desired completion date to ensure analytical analysis reports are delivered in support of investigation timelines. AFPET will determine whether civilian overtime is required to meet the desired SIB completion date.

c. Aircraft fuel and cryogenic gas samples shall be collected and processed for shipment by qualified base fuels laboratory personnel (2F0X1 career field with SEI 039). However, if qualified base fuels laboratory personnel are not available, samples shall be collected by onsite personnel IAW applicable 42-series TO’s. AFPET Technical Assistance Division shall verify proper sample collection and shipping procedures were accomplished, and that the laboratory performing the analysis is capable of doing so.

d. Every attempt shall be made to provide a minimum of a 1-gallon sample from each source (i.e., each aircraft tank, support equipment, etc) and should only be collected/prepared in a new, and approved metal container(s) (NSN 8110-01-371-8315). Samples less than 1-gallon may result in limited testing. Samples submitted in other than approved containers (plastic jug, F Style cans, peanut butter jars, etc.) may result in erroneous test results. Every attempt shall be made to eliminate environmental or other outside containments during sample collection such as dirt, water, and fire suppression foam.

To avoid sample loss, contamination or damage during shipment, use only approved sampling containers and packing materials. Vermiculite (commonly used by Traffic Management Office personnel) is not an approved packing material because it can potentially contaminate samples. All samples must include proper hazardous labels to prevent shipment delays or returned shipments.

e. Each sample source shall be entered separately into AFTAT by the local Fuels Management Flight or qualified contractor personnel. If AFTAT access is not available, samples shall be identified using a Fuels and Lubricants Sample Tag AFTO Form 475 or equivalent. Samples shall be submitted to the nearest AFPET area/regional laboratory for testing and analysis. To ensure proper identification and integrity of sample results, the following information shall be provided:

  1. Submitting unit name, address, POC name, phone and email. Typically, the submitter for samples of this nature is usually the SIB. Ensure phone number(s) are accurate.

  2. Sample source (e.g., aircraft tail number, type, tank, R-11 or cart number).

  3. Product Type/Specification (e.g., JP8/MIL-DTL83133, JAA (F-24)).

  4. Date sampled.

  5. Relevant data pertaining to possible outside contamination (e.g., excessive heat/fire, extinguishing foam, etc.).

  6. Email addresses for all SIB personnel designated to receive electronic lab reports.

  7. Desired completion date to receive lab analysis report.

f. All samples shall be sent via the most expedient method possible. Use of military airlift may not always be the best method to expedite shipments. Use of commercial carriers shall be considered on an equal basis as military airlift options when determining shipping method. Shipping locations shall ensure all custom and hazardous shipping requirements are properly addressed when preparing a sample for shipment.

g. At the discretion of the FMT or TS/TM, Base level laboratory personnel may run routine samples on assigned FMT assets IAW Table 4-1 or Table 4-2. Air Force base level laboratory testing is limited to aircraft support equipment and will only provide partial analysis regarding basic properties and additives. Base level results from support equipment SHALL NOT be used as the official SIB requirement for verification of fuel quality/suitability for use determination.

h. AFPET Area Labs perform extensive analyses conforming to ASTM International or other standard testing guidance specified in the various aviation fuel specifications and SHALL be used as the official means to support of SIB verification of fuel quality/suitability for use determination requirements.

i. Base level laboratory personnel shall provide individual e-mail addresses for SIB members or designated representatives. Official sample results will only be released to individuals identified as SIB or designated functional representatives.

5.7.2 IAW DAFI 21-101 Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management.

The Maintenance Group Commander will impound all ground equipment that may have played a role in the mishap sequence. Maintenance Group Commander will not release this equipment until convinced it was not involved in the mishap or until the SIB president/convening authority releases it. Maintain a crash kit containing the following equipment:

a. Maintain a crash kit containing the following equipment:

  1. Minimum of 8, one gallon epoxy-lined cans. Additional cans may be included to meet TO requirements based on largest platform assigned.

  2. Beaker, 400 milliliter; 2 each.

  3. Flexible hose, plastic; minimum 72 inches in length, 1/4 to 3/8 inch approximate diameter.

  4. Funnel; 1 each.

  5. Drum thief; 1 each.

  6. Lint-free absorbent towels or paper wipes.

  7. Pliers, approximately 6-inch; 1 each.

  8. Screwdriver, phillips, approximately 8-inch; 1 each.

  9. Diagonal cutting pliers, approximately 8-inch; 1 each.

  10. AFTO Form 475; 12 each.

  11. Notebook, lined; 1 each.

  12. Pens or pencils

  13. Two (2) explosion proof flashlights with spare batteries.

  14. Suction bulb; 1 each, sized to accommodate the flexible hose size (See item 3).

  15. Personal protective gear; (face shield, laboratory apron, disposable nitrile gloves).

  16. Other items as directed by FMT.

  17. Not required, however, recommended, sample kit identified in Paragraph 5.3, Step b

b. The equipment in this kit shall be cleaned and sealed. Glassware, flexible hose, funnel, and drum thief will be rinsed with petroleum ether, dried, and wrapped with protective cover. Pre-rinsing or cleaning of the new one gallon can is not required or recommended.

Table 5-1. AFPET Fuel Laboratories

Wright-Patterson AFB, OH

Vandenberg AFB, CA

Cape Canaveral AFS, FL

Products Tested

Turbine Fuels, High Density Synthetic Fuels, Ground Fuels

Turbine Fuels, all AVGAS, Ground Fuels

Turbine Fuels, Ground Fuels

Freight Address


2430 C Street Building 70, Area B

Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7632


1747 Utah Ave

Building 6670

Vandenberg SFB, CA 93437-5220


Aerospace Fuels Laboratory 15251 Scrub Jay Road Building 54800

Cape Canaveral AFS, FL 32920

Freight Address if using US Postal Service


Aerospace Fuels Laboratory 15251 Scrub Jay Road Building 54800

Patrick SFB, FL 32925-7519

Correspondence Address


2430 C Street Building 70, Area B

Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7632


1747 Utah Ave

Building 6670

Vandenberg SFB, CA 93437-5220


Aerospace Fuels Laboratory 15251 Scrub Jay Road Building 54800

Cape Canaveral AFS, FL 32920

Telephone (DSN)



DSN: 312-476-5441

Telephone (COMM)


(805) 606-5873/2149

COMM: (321) 853-5441

Area of Responsibility


MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, TN, TX, VA, VT, WV, WI, Baffin

Island, Eastern North West Territory, Greenland, Iceland, Ontario, and any other areas not otherwise specified. FUELS ONLY: Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Africa, Jordan, Kyrgykzstan, Pakistan, Qatar, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan

AK, AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, ND, NM, NV, OR, SD, UT, WA, and WY

AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, Bermuda,

Caribbean Islands, Puerto Rico, South and Central America

Table 5-2. AFPET Area Laboratories (OCONUS)

Mildenhall AB, UK

Okinawa Japan

Products Tested

Turbine Fuels, Ground Fuels

Turbine Fuels, Ground Fuels

Freight Address


Building 1546 West row Gate #6 RAF Mildenhall

Suffolk UK IP28 8NF


Unit 5161 Building 854 Kadena AB

Japan APO AP 96368-5161

Correspondence Address


Unit 5025 Box 495

APO AE 09459-0025


Unit 5161 Building 854

APO AP 96368-5161

Telephone Number (DSN)



Telephone Number (COMM)



Area of Responsibility

Azores, Balkans, Crete, Greece, Italy, Norway, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium as well as any other European locations not otherwise specified

Australia, Hawaii, Japan, Korea, Marianas Islands, Philippines, Singapore, Guam, Wake Islands, as well as any other Pacific locations not otherwise specified



a. This chapter provides guidance for the quality control of ground fuels to ensure proper operation of equipment and compliance with environmental controls. There are numerous additional motor gasoline and diesel fuel specifications that are procured and used by deployed forces around the world. Generally each is tailored to support operation and environmental requirements of the region or national standardization organization that developed the respective specification.

b. Ground fuel products used at overseas locations are identified by the specification of the host country. Further identification is available when these products must conform to NATO standards. Common examples of international diesel fuel specifications include EN590 Automotive Fuels-Diesel Requirements and Test Methods, GOST 305 Specification for Diesel Fuel, Tupras 403 Automotive Diesel, and JIS-K 2204 Diesel Fuel. Examples of international motor gasoline specifications include GOST R 51866 Specification for Automotive Fuels, Unleaded Petrol and EN 228 Automotive Fuels Unleaded Petrol Requirements and Test Methods.

c. It is important for quality assurance purposes to know what ground fuel specification covers the fuel that is being used. For information on these and other international ground fuel specifications, contact the AFPET Technical Assistance Division. As referenced in the specifications identified below, the suitability for use of the product is severely predicated on the geographical and climatic conditions during the time of intended use. Inventory management and future climatic conditions must be closely monitored and factored into ground fuel procurements. High particulate and/or water content can lead to equipment contamination, poor performance, and shutdown. To minimize failures on mission-essential equipment, storage tanks and mobile tanks should be drained of water daily. To preclude high particulate and/or water, 10-micron maximum spin-on filtration shall be installed on service station island pumps. Filtration kits are available for ground fuel distribution vehicles.

d. Activities continuously experiencing high particulate and/or water problems with C300/301 equipment should consider installing the filtration kits. Contact AFPET Equipment Management Division for information associated with filtration kits.

e. Table 6-2 and Table 6-3 provide commonly used ground product specifications and property limits.


a. ASTM D4814, Standard Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel, describes various characteristics of automotive fuels for use over a wide range of operation conditions. Anti-knock and volatility define the physical characteristics of greatest interest relating to suitability for use.

b. ASTM D5798, Standard Specification for Ethanol Fuel Blends for Flexible-Fuel Automotive Spark-Ignition Engines (E51-E83), describes various characteristics and performance requirements of ethanol-based gasoline commonly referred to as E85.


a. ASTM D975, Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils, is the commercial specification and defines the following grades:

No. 1-D or No. 2-D diesel fuel containing up to 5 % volume biodiesel is authorized IAW ASTM D975.
  1. Grade No. 1-D, S15, Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD/DS-1). This grade shall have a sulfur content not greater than 15 parts per million by weight (ppmw).

  2. Grade No. 1-D, S500, Low Sulfur Diesel (LS-1 or DL-1). This grade shall have sulfur content not greater than 500 ppmw.

  3. Grade No. 1-D, S5000, Diesel Fuel (HS-1). This grade shall have sulfur content not greater than 5000 ppmw.

  4. Grade No. 2-D, S15, Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD/DS-2). This grade shall have sulfur content not greater than 15 ppmw.

  5. Grade No. 2-D, S500, Low Sulfur Diesel (LS-2 or DL-2). This grade shall have sulfur content not greater than 500 ppmw.

  6. Grade No. 2-D, S5000, Diesel Fuel (HS-2). This grade shall have sulfur content not greater than 5000 ppmw.

b. DS/EN 590 European Standard for Automotive Diesel Requirements and Test Methods. This European Standard specifies requirements and test methods for marketed and delivered automotive diesel fuel. It is applicable to automotive diesel fuel for use in diesel engine vehicles designed to run on automotive diesel fuel containing up to 7,0 %(V/V) Fatty Acid Methyl Ester. DS/EN 590 also has a maximum sulfur limit of 10 PPM.

  1. According to Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.


Visual inspection is required for both identification and quantity. Due to the various fuels available, the receipt operator must have full knowledge of the product being received. When there is evidence that deliveries are not in conformance with the specification or conditions of the delivery contract, obtain assistance from AFPET Technical Assistance Division. FMTs shall contact the AFPET Technical Assistance Division and the local DLA Energy QAR for approval before rejecting a receipt before/or during offloading.

a. Verify the conveyance contains the proper grade of product. When seals are required, inspect to ensure no tampering has occurred and verify the numbers against the shipping documents. For Tank Trucks (TT) or Tank Cars (TC) with a common discharge manifold, draw a one-quart representative sample (prior to receipt hose connection) into a clean, clear jar IAW Table 6-1. For TT/TC without a common discharge manifold (i.e., individual compartments), samples must be taken from each compartment prior to receipt hose connection. Take a 1 gallon retain sample during discharge from the offloading header as close as possible to the TT/TC. The product shall be clear, bright, and free of particulate matter and water. When the sample fails, resample and visually inspect the product.

All receipt samples failing the mandatory resample/ retest shall be reported to AFPET Technical Assistance Division.

b. Due to the various methods for determining receipt quantities, API Gravity will only be performed when no other options are available and the results of the testing are applied directly to the receipt.

c. The 1 gallon retained sample shall be kept in the event further analysis is required due to an investigative action for product deficiencies. This sample may be taken and held in a clean, dry, one-gallon metal epoxy lined cans or PVC coated bottle and returned to inventory when the inventory representing this receipt is consumed or replaced by next receipt retain sample.


a. Compliance to EPA requirements for sulfur content in diesel fuel and oxygenate content in gasoline shall be accomplished contractually via DLA Energy and the vendor through contracts and clauses. These samples will not be submitted to AFPET Area Labs. Shipping documents shall be used to demonstrate compliance.

b. Samples which require testing IAW federal, state, or local environmental compliance shall be performed by laboratories certified by the applicable regulatory environmental agency. These samples will not be submitted to AFPET Area Labs. The AFPET laboratories are product specification testing facilities. Contact base Civil Engineering Environmental office for environmental compliance testing.

c. Periodic sampling and testing requirements are defined in Table 6-1. Whenever doubt exists as to the quality of the fuel (e.g. reported vehicle/equipment issues, frequent replacement of spin-on/off filters on dispensing cabinets, failed monthly sample IAW Table 6-1), contact the Tech Team prior to submitting sample(s) to the area laboratory for analysis. All samples submitted to an area lab shall be entered in AFTAT by the base fuel lab. Additional remarks shall be annotated in AFTAT to indicate the reason the fuel quality is suspect.

Table 6-1. Ground Fuel All Grades Periodic Sampling and Testing Requirements


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency



Header/manifold (Prior to receipt hose hook up)

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, and particulate matter.

Repeat test until results are clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter.

Each T/T, T/C, BFC or ISO Drain until visually free of water and particulate matter (ten gallons max).


Facility off-load header/manifold Retain a One (1)-gallon continuous sample during discharge



One sample daily from one T/T, T/C, BFC or ISO from each supplier or each DFSP source tank.


Service Station dispensing nozzle.

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, and particulate matter.

Repeat test until results are clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter.

Every 45 days from each dispensing nozzle.


Ground product truck dispensing nozzle.

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, and particulate matter.

Repeat test until results are clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter.

Every 45 days after hose displacement, and whenever system is opened for maintenance.


Long Term Storage (Dormant Stock)

all-level sample (See Paragraph 5.6).

AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report.

180 days.

Table 6-2. Diesel Fuel Specification Limits



No 1-D S15 (D975)

No 1-D S500 (D975)

No 1-D S5000 (D975)

No 2-D S15 (D975)

No 2-D S500 (D975)

No 2-D S5000 (D975)

No 4-D (D975)

EN 590


note 2

Flash Point, °C D93/EN ISO 2719

min 38

min 52

min 55

Water and Sediment,

% volume D2709/D1796/EN ISO 12937

max 0.05



Distillation Temperature, °C 90 %, percent volume recovered


max 288

min 282 – max 338

Kinematic Viscosity, mm2/s at 40 °C D445/EN ISO 3104

1.3 2.4

1.9 4.1





Ash percent mass D482/EN ISO 6245

max 0.01



Sulfur, ppm (mg/g) D5453/ EN ISO 20846/

EN ISO 20884/EN ISO 13032

max 15

max 500

max 5000

max 15

max 500

max 5000

max 10

Sulfur, percent mass D2622

max 0.05

max 0.05

max 2.00

Table 6-2. Diesel Fuel Specification Limits Continued



No 1-D S15 (D975)

No 1-D S500 (D975)

No 1-D S5000 (D975)

No 2-D S15 (D975)

No 2-D S500 (D975)

No 2-D S5000 (D975)

No 4-D (D975)

EN 590

Copper strip corrosion rating (3 hrs at 50 °C)

D130/EN ISO 2160

max no. 3

min Class 1

Cetane number D613/EN ISO 5165/EN 15195/ EN

16144/EN 16715

min 40

min 30

min 51

Cetane Index EN ISO 4264

min 46

One of the following properties must be met:

(1) Cetane index D976 or

(2) Aromaticity, percent volume


min 40

max 35

min 40

max 35

Density at 15 °C EN ISO 3675/EN ISO 12185

min 820 -

max 845

Carbon Residue EN ISO 10370

max 0.30

Distillation EN ISO 3405/EN

ISO 3924

% (V/V) recovered at 250 °C

% (V/V) recovered at 350 °C

95 % (V/V) recovered at °C

min 85

max <65

max 360

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

EN 12916

max 8.0

Manganese content, mg/l

EN 16575

max 2.0

Total Contamination, mg/kg

EN 12662

max 24


Cloud point, °C D2500

or LTFT/CFPP, °C D6731/D6371

note 3

Table 6-2. Diesel Fuel Specification Limits Continued



No 1-D S15 (D975)

No 1-D S500 (D975)

No 1-D S5000 (D975)

No 2-D S15 (D975)

No 2-D S500 (D975)

No 2-D S5000 (D975)

No 4-D (D975)

EN 590

Ramsbottom carbon residue on 10 % distillation residue, percent mass


max 0.15

max 0.35

max 0.30

Lubricity, HFRR @ 60 °C, micron D6079/EN ISO 12156

max 460

max 460

Conductivity, pS/m D2624

min 25

Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) D7861/EN 14078

max 5%

max 7.0

Oxidation stability3 EN ISO 12205 (g/m4) EN 15751 (h)

min 20

max 25

  1. This table is for reference use only. Refer to the current version of the product’s specification for the most up-to-date information. ASTM Commercial specifications can be purchased through ASTM International ( at unit expense.

  2. The diesel fuel shall be visually free of undissolved water, sediment, and suspended matter. The diesel fuel shall also be free of any adulterant or contaminant that can render the fuel unacceptable for its commonly used applications.

  3. When diesel fuel contains more than 2 % FAME, oxidation stability as determined by EN 15751 is the requirement.

  4. Refer to the product’s contract for specification’s requirement.

Table 6-3. Unleaded Fuel Specification Limits



Unleaded D4814

Unleaded EN 228

E85 (Class 1) D5798


note 2

Clear & Bright

note 2

Vapor Pressure D4953/D5191/EN 13016

note 3 & 4

note 3 & 4


Lead content, mg/L Unleaded D3237/D5059/EN 237

Leaded D3341/D5059

max 0.013

max 1.1

max 5.0

Sulfur, % by mass Unleaded Leaded

D7039/D1266/D2622/ D3120/D5453/D7220

max 0.0080

max 0.015

max 80

Sulfur Content,

mg/kg D5453/EN ISO 13032/ EN ISO 20846/EN ISO 20884

max 10.0

Manganese content, mg/L D3831/EN 16135/EN 16136

note 5

max 2.0

Copper strip corrosion D130/EN ISO 2160

max No. 1

max Class 1

Table 6-3. Unleaded Fuel Specification Limits Continued



Unleaded D4814

Unleaded EN 228

E85 (Class 1) D5798

Silver strip corrosion D7667/D7671

max No. 1

Solvent-washed gum content, mg/100 D381/EN ISO 6246

max 5

Unwashed gum content, mg/100 D381

max 20

Oxidation stability, minutes D525/EN ISO 7536

min 240

min 360

Research octane number, RON EN ISO 5164

min 95

Motor octane number, MON EN ISO 5163

min 85

Density (at 15 °C)

EN ISO 3675/EN ISO 12185

min 720 max 775

Hydrocarbon type content olefins


EN ISO 15553/EN ISO 22854

max 18.0

max 35.0

Benzene content, % (V/V) EN 238/EN 12177/EN ISO 22854

max 1.00

Oxygen content, % (m/m)

EN 1601/EN 13132/EN ISO 22854

max 3.7

Oxygenates content, % (V/V) methanol


iso-propyl alcohol iso-butyl alcohol tert-butyl alcohol

ethers (5 or more C atoms) other oxygenates

EN 1601/EN 13132/EN ISO 22854

max 3.0

max 10.0

max 12.0

max 15.0

max 15.0

max 22.0

max 15.0

Ethanol Content, volume % D5501

min 51 max 83

Methanol Content, volume % D5501

max 0.5

Water, % by volume (% by mass) D7293/E203/E1064

max 0.8 (1.0)

Acidity, (as acetic acid CH3COOH), mass % (mg/L) [mg/kg]


max 0.005

max (40)

max [50]

pHe D6423

min 6.5 -

max 9.0

Inorganic chloride content, mg/kg D7319/D7328

max 1

Copper content, mg/L D1688

max 0.07

  1. This table is for reference use only. Refer to the current version of the product’s specification for the most up-to-date information. ASTM Commercial specifications can be purchased through ASTM International ( at unit expense.


The use of additives to suppress the cloud point of diesel fuels contained in DWWCF inventory is only authorized by DLA Energy through coordination with AFPET Technical Assistance Division.


6.7.1 E85 Conversion.

Due to specific fuel system material non-compatibility issues, the tanks selected for E85 use will be inspected, cleaned, and certified for compatibility and use of E85 by the Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance Foreman or AFPET Fuels Engineer.

a. Initial Fill Procedures (All Tanks) Fill the tank with E85 that has been tested at the base level. For the initial fill, 48 hour settling time shall be observed for soaking of the internal tank coating.

b. Displace twice the line content through the pump, hose, and nozzle. Collect a sample into a wide-mouth container and visually inspect for particulates, tank coating, water, and phase separation.

c. If the sample fails the visual examination, flush the dispensing line until samples are clear and free of visible particles.



a. Applicable information throughout this TO should be used for general guidance with regards to the management of AVGAS. Questions or comments pertaining to the procedures specified in this TO should be addressed to: AFPET/PTOT, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 454337632, DSN 312-785-8070, or email:

[email protected], through your MAJCOM Fuels Management Staff.

b. For new peacetime AVGAS requirements at CONUS or OCONUS locations the requesting unit will submit a DLA Form 2053, DLA Energy Requirements Worksheet to AFPET for validation/submission to DLA Energy. All Requirement Worksheets will have the special requirements line annotated with “Fuel must conform to ASTM D910 or DEF STAN 91-090, Gasoline Aviation”. Pending final contract award, units will submit an Open Market Purchase Request on an as-required basis to provide AVGAS. Once a resupply contract has been awarded, units will submit orders through the DLA Energy External Enterprise Business Portal, (EEBP). Table 7-2 provides commonly used AVGAS specifications and property limits.

c. For new AVGAS requirements at OCONUS locations supporting exercise and contingencies, the requesting unit will submit a DLA Form 2053, DLA Energy Requirements Worksheet through the COCOM Air Force Component A4 to JPO for validation/submission to DLA Energy. For limited duration requirements or until regular re-supply can be established, units will submit an Open Market Purchase Request on an as-required basis to provide AVGAS. Once a resupply contract has been awarded, units will submit orders through DLA Energy External Enterprise Business Portal, (EEBP).


a. At locations where the Air Force is a tenant unit organization, assigned 2F0X1 personnel will coordinate fuels management functions with host service/nation. The 2F0X1s may be assigned to host/lead LRS, operational flying/maintenance unit, or tasked as part of a Unit Type Code.

b. Organizations at operating locations without 2F0X1 or equivalent qualified personnel assigned must request a waiver to AFI 23-201 through AFPET Current Operations at “[email protected]”. Air National Guard units will coordinate their waiver request through the NGB/A4RMF staff. The waiver request must include a training outline documenting how the unit will provide the training/task qualification to ensure the intent of this technical order and referenced AFI’s are being complied with.


a. All AVGAS (NATO F-18) is procured to meet ASTM D910 or DEF STAN 91-090 specifications. AVGAS is a mixture of relatively volatile hydrocarbons with small quantities of additives which include tetraethyl led.

  1. Color. Aviation gasoline is dyed to identify the grade of fuel: green identifies Grade 100, and blue identifies Low Lead (100LL) and Very Low Lead (100VLL). Currently the blue 100LL and 100VLL is the only authorized aviation gasoline. AVGAS of any other color shall not be used until analysis is performed to determine product suitability for use.

  2. Volatility. The volatility of AVGAS is a critical characteristic which reflects the tendency for AVGAS to vaporize and burn. Volatility is determined by performing distillation and vapor pressure. As AVGAS is a volatile fuel, a major threat to the integrity of these properties is in the storage and handling of the product.

  3. Distillation. The initial boiling point through the 10% evaporated value is essential for cold start-up and smooth engine operation. The 40% evaporated temperature is reported to reflect the potential for the fuel to contribute to carburetor icing. The 50% evaporated location is very stable and less likely to be affected by the loss of light ends through normal volatilization associated with handling and storage. The 90% evaporated and End point (Final Boiling Point) indicates the presence of heavy hydrocarbons such as JP-8. The 10% + 50% value provides an additional measure to monitor the volatility of the fuel.

  4. Vapor Pressure. High vapor pressure fuels exposed to high temperatures can cause vapor-lock. Low vapor pressure indicates the fuel has lost the light ends or lower boiling point fractions needed for cold starting and efficient engine warm up. The distillation 10% evaporation and vapor pressure have a correlation with the light end volatility characteristics.


a. Steel Tank Institute (STI) double wall above ground steel tanks generally qualifying to UL 142, UL 2080, or UL 2085 are preferred due to construction cost and ease of installation. Requirements for new tanks and fuel systems shall be coordinated with the local Civil Engineer Squadron via AF Form 332. If an AVGAS system is to be DLA funded as capitalized infrastructure asset, contact AFPET Infrastructure Division/ AFPET/PTMI ([email protected]) for the requirement and directions on submitting a Facilities Project Request Sheet supported by the AF 332 or DD Form 1391. System design shall be based on UFC 3-460-01 Design: Petroleum Fuel Facilities guidance and shall be executed by AFCEC or USACE/Omaha, and shall include a statement of work, the proposed site location, annotated/ edited Unified Facility Guide Specifications (UFGS), and Professional Engineer stamped drawings. Design documents shall be reviewed by AFPET’s Infrastructure Division, AFPET Current Operations and NGB (A4O and A4RMF) if appropriate. The tank/systems shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-460-03, Operation and Maintenance: Maintenance of Petroleum Systems and TO 37-1-1, General Operation and Inspection of Installed Fuel Storage and Dispensing Systems.

  1. All AVGAS fuel systems (including STI tanks) shall meet standard designs as identified in: UFC 3-46001, STI Standards, UL Standards, NFPA 30 and 30A (30A where applicable), and/or the international equivalent standards for design and construction of refueling systems. Contact AFPET/PTMI for assistance.

  2. AVGAS storage tank systems shall meet requirements for emergency venting/pressure relief, spacing and separation criteria, and distance criteria from loading/offloading points and spill containment (see UFC 3-460-01 and NFPA 30/30A). Tank shall have appropriate AVGAS pressure/ vacuum vent to minimize loss of volatile fuel components that could result in off-spec fuel (vapor pressure). In desert like environments, consider use of canopies over the storage tanks to reduce solar thermal effects and volatility. Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST) shall not be placed in aircraft shelters. Use of canopies shall be approved by the AFPET Infrastructure Division.

(a) Collapsible tanks (bladders) manufactured on or after 4 May 2015 shall not be used to store AVGAS due to material incompatibility.

(b) Bulk Fuel Containers (BFC) or ISO containers are managed and established by DLA-Energy contract and/or lease agreements.

(c) Collapsible fabric drums or seal drums (blivets) are rubber, non-vented containers for transporting and storing fuel in 500 gallon capacities. Blivets are constructed of 4 ply tire cord with swivel plates. Anchor shackles at both ends allow for tie down aboard aircraft, and ground towing (rolling) using a special lifting and towing yoke. Internal tanks are equipped with fuel/defuel valves and external fuel servicing adapters. Blivets are filled and emptied through an elbow coupler valve and check valve adapter. Because blivets are non-vented, they must be kept shaded to prevent fuel expansion and rupture. Blivets should not be used for long term storage of AVGAS. Blivets must be used and maintained IAW TO 37A3-2-3-1, 500 Gal Capacity Liquid Fuel (Non-vented) Collapsible Fabric Drum.

(d) 55-gallon metal drums AVGAS drums shall be covered or shaded to minimize environmental impacts and to maintain product quality.

(e) Equipment can include mobile refueling vehicles (R-11, modified C-300/301, R-13) or towable low flow pumping/filtration systems (PMU-27). Appendix B.2 provides a recommended list of existing refueling equipment deemed suitable for use with AVGAS. Standard configuration C-300/301 and R-11 refuelers shall not be used for AVGAS storage for more than 30 days. Under no condition shall the tank Emergency or Thermal vents be tampered with. These vents are specifically rated to DOT design of the tank. These vents are not designed for storage of AVGAS for more than 30 days. AVGAS stored longer than 30 days in improperly equipped refuelers will lose volatile fuel components that will result in off-spec fuel (vapor pressure). Only refuelers specifically configured for and approved by AFLCMC/WNZ FHE IPT and AFPET Current Operations Division for AVGAS to include proper tank, vent, and filtration can be used to permanently store AVGAS in lieu of infrastructure. Commercial refuelers specifically configured for AVGAS to include proper tank, vent, and filtration must be approved by AFPET Current Operations Division and AFLCMC/WNZ FHE IPT before they can be used for permanent storage. Equipment must be maintained and operated by qualified personnel IAW applicable technical guidance.

(f) Proper equipment for AVGAS must be available to off-load, transfer, and issue, from delivery conveyance through storage to final issue point. All equipment not listed in Table B-2 must be submitted for approval to AFPET Technical Assistance Division.

(g) Filtration systems must be qualified to or meet the performance specification of EI 1581, Specification and Qualification Procedures for Jet Fuel Filter/Water Separators. Filtration systems for aviation fuels that incorporate absorbent monitors or absorbent media are not authorized under any circumstances. AVGAS must pass through a minimum of two (2) separate filtrations prior to issue to a weapon system. At least one (1) filtration must be between the storage system/mobile refueling equipment and the aircraft maintenance operated ground support issue equipment. When mobile refueling equipment is used for storage, the equipment must be able to provide filtration on receipt and issue.

(h) Infrastructure and equipment markings shall be IAW MIL-STD-161, Identification Methods for Bulk Petroleum Products Systems Including Hydrocarbon Missile Fuels or TO 36-1-191, Technical and Managerial Reference for Motor Vehicle Maintenance.


  • Top filling where the fuel free falls or splashes is prohibited. Electrostatic charges buildup very rapidly during this type of operation and can cause an explosion.

  • AVGAS shall not be used to fuel the drive engines for refueling units.

a. To convert refuelers to AVGAS:

  1. Completely drain refueling unit. Particular attention must be given to sumps, pumps, filters, hoses and other components likely to trap quantities of liquid. In all cases lines, etc, are to be drained to the fullest extent practical.

  2. Change unit markings to new grade and make necessary changes to use a product selection device (different size couplers and nozzles) or lock control system.

  3. Fill unit with gasoline quantity IAW Table 3-1 (footnote b), fill through the bottom loader at the lowest attainable flow rate to avoid static build up, flash fires and filter damage. At the lowest attainable flow rate, rotate 1,000 gallons through the bottom loader. Flush content of over the wing discharge hoses into a suitable container and dispose of IAW local waste product procedures.

  4. Return the gasoline from unit tank to gasoline storage with the largest inventory. Repeat step (1) above and then move to step (5) upon completion.

  5. Take a one-gallon retain sample from the receipt source prior to discharge and fill refueler with AVGAS.

  6. After AVGAS receipt, fill the filter separator at the lowest attainable flow rate to avoid static build up, flash fires and filter damage. At the lowest attainable flow rate, rotate 1,000 gallons through the filter separator. Flush content of discharge hoses into a suitable container and dispose of IAW local HAZWASTE procedures.

b. Converting fuel equipment (other than refuelers) to AVGAS:

  1. Completely drain equipment. Particular attention must be given to sumps, pumps, filters, hoses and other components likely to trap quantities of liquid. In all cases lines, etc, are to be drained to the fullest extent practical.

  2. Change equipment markings to new grade and make necessary changes to use a product selection device (different size couplers and nozzles) or lock control system.

  3. Fill equipment to capacity with gasoline at the lowest attainable flow rate to avoid static build up, flash fires and filter damage. Rotate/flush equipment to ensure all residual aviation turbine fuel is removed.

  4. Return gasoline to storage through discharge port(s).

  5. Take a one gallon retain sample from receipt source prior to discharge and fill equipment with AVGAS. Rotate at the lowest attainable flow rate to avoid static buildup, flash fires and filter damage. Flush discharge ports into a suitable container and dispose of IAW local waste product procedures

c. To convert refueling units/equipment back to turbine fuel, aviation/kerosene based:

  1. Completely drain refueling unit. Particular attention must be given to sumps, pumps, filters, hoses and other components likely to trap quantities of liquid. In all cases lines, etc, are to be drained to the fullest extent practical.

  2. Change filter elements/separators IAW TO 37A-1101.

  3. Change refuelers/equipment markings to new grade and make necessary changes to use a product selection device (different size couplers and nozzles) or lock control system.

  4. Fill refuelers/equipment with turbine fuel, aviation/ kerosene based.

  5. After fill of aviation turbine fuel, filter separators (equipment/refueling units) shall be filled at the lowest attainable flow rate to avoid static build up, flash fires and filter damage. At the lowest attainable flow rate, rotate 2,000 gallons through filter separators. Flush content of discharge hoses/ ports into a suitable container and dispose of IAW local waste product procedures.

  6. Test IAW TO 42B-1-1, Table 4-1. Additionally use the one quart sample to perform flash point test, minimum limits IAW 42B-1-1, Table 2-1.


a. This paragraph establishes quality control procedures performed by the FM on aviation gasoline at Air Force managed installations. AFPET Technical Assistance Division will be notified when fuel is suspected of being contaminated or unsuitable for use. The following information will be provided: amount of fuel, brief description of suspected problem, date, and shipping tracking numbers of samples submitted to area lab.

b. These procedures assure that base fuels handling systems dispense clean, dry fuel on a continual basis. Fuel testing as required in this chapter and test methods contained in Appendix C should provide a minimum surveillance of base fuel stocks. Base laboratory personnel are responsible for performing the analysis as outlined in this chapter. The routine surveillance samples prescribed in Table 7-1 shall not be forwarded to, or performed by area laboratory personnel, unless otherwise stated.

c. Non-Air Force Managed Operations: Personnel will be well trained and completely understand all of the technical and operational requirements necessary to ensure fuel quality. Organizations should develop an Operating Instruction (OI) to address fuels accounting, handling, and quality control. DAFI 23-201, Fuels Management, may be used as a reference in the development of the OI for the accounting and handling of AVGAS that is considered organizationally owned fuel. To assist in ensuring fuel quality and safe fuels operations, AFPET Current Operations Division and COCOM Air Force Component fuel staffs, or designated representative, should perform scheduled site surveillance as requested.

  1. Difficulties may exist in having individuals within the unit obtain the required fuels laboratory Special Experience Identifier (SEI) 039. Alternative processes and procedures will be implemented to ensure fuel quality monitoring requirements of this TO are achieved. All deviations from these procedures shall be coordinated with and approved by AFPET Technical Assistance Division DSN: 312785-8070 or [email protected] prior to commencing AVGAS operations.

  2. To ensure a quality control program is initiated and maintained, the following actions must be accomplished:

(a) The unit will develop an on-the-job training plan to address how a designated laboratory technician will be provided the required training for quality control of AVGAS as specified in this TO.

(b) Every effort should be made to ensure training is conducted by fully qualified laboratory technicians with testing experience (2F0X1 SEI 039). On-site training should be coordinated and arranged through the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center, AFIMSC A4 fuels staff.

(c) All costs associated with site visits and training will be funded by the unit requiring training.

(d) Training plans must be reviewed by the AFIMSC A4 Fuels Staff and AFPET and approved by the Fuels Career Field Manager.

(e) Designated laboratory technician shall have a record of training on file reflecting dates of completion for all tests performed associated with this alternate training program.

(f) The trainer will be a person designated in writing by the AFIMSC A4 Fuels Staff.

(g) The training will require the laboratory technician to demonstrate proper laboratory testing techniques and possess knowledge of the scope and significance of each test method performed.

(3) The terms of this exception to TO requirements is predicated on a final site evaluation by a team consisting of AFIMSC A4 Fuels Staff and AFPET personnel. This visit shall serve as a review of the entire fuel handling process and quality surveillance program. A copy of site survey final report will be provided to AFPET Current Operations.

Table 7-1. AVGAS Fuel Sampling Requirements and Test Limits


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency


Tank Truck/Tank Car/Bulk Fuel Container (BFC, ISO), Blivet Receipts


All receipt conveyances above. Header/manifold (Prior to receipt hose hook up)

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, particulate matter.

Repeat test until results are clear and bright with correct color and visually free of water and particulate matter.

GRADE COLORS: 100 VLL Blue 100 LL – Blue

Each conveyance Drain until visually free of water and particulate matter (ten gallons max).


Drummed Product Receipts


1-gallon from one drum. Use drum/tube thief to collect 1-gallon for analysis

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, particulate matter and blue in color

Clear and bright with correct color and visually free of water and particulate matter.

GRADE COLORS: 100 VLL Blue 100 LL – Blue

One drum from every batch/lot receipt.


Submit the one-gallon sample (from product in 2a) for Area Lab Analysis

Vandenberg Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

One drum from every batch/lot receipt.


Active Issue Source (tanks, drums, bladders, blivets, ISO/BFC)


One gallon sample representing inventory collected by all-level, tube, or thief sample

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, particulate matter and blue in color

Clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter

Every 30 days.


Submit one (1) one-gallon sample to appropriate Area Lab

Vandenberg Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Every 90 days.


All other Non-Active Issue Sources (tanks, drums, bladders, blivets, ISO/BFC))


Long Term Storage (See Paragraph 5.6)

Vandenberg AFPET Area Lab Analysis

File Area Lab Report

Every 180 days.


All Filter Separators


Downstream of each filter separator

Particulate matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable.

Match weight retest max, 0.5 mg/L

Every 30 days. Equipment not sampled within 30 days will be placed on QC hold and sampled prior to the first servicing operation. After each filter change perform a particulate matter by matched-weight filter.


10 ppm max


Clear/bright and BLUE in color


Report Results

Table 7-2. AVGAS Specification Limits


Grade 100LL ASTM D910

Grade 100LL DEF STAN 91-090


note 1

note 2


Net heat of combustion (Specific Energy), MJ/kg D4529 or D3338

min 43.5

Knock value, lean mixture

Motor Octane Number D2700 or IP 236

min 99.6

Aviation Lean Number D2700

min 100

Knock value, rich mixture

Octane Number Performance number

D909 or IP 119

min 130


Sulfur, mass percent D1266, D2622, D5453 or IP 107

max 0.05

Tetraethyl lead TEL, mL/L

D3341, D5059, D3237 or IP 270



Pb, g/L

D3341 or D5059








Vapor pressure, 38 °C, kPa

D323, D5191 or IP 69

min 38.0 – max 49.0

Density at 15 °C, kg/m2 D1298 or D4052


Distillation, °C D86

Initial Boiling point (IBP)


Fuel Evaporated

10 volume percent at °C

max 75

40 volume percent at °C

min 75

50 volume percent at °C

max 105

90 volume percent at °C

max 135

Final boiling point (FBP)

max 170

Sum of 10 % + 50 % evaporated temp

min 135

Recovery volume percent

min 97

Residual volume percent

max 1.5

Loss volume percent

max 1.5


Table 7-2. AVGAS Specification Limits Continued


Grade 100LL ASTM D910

Grade 100LL DEF STAN 91-090

Freezing point, °C D2386 or IP 16

max -58


Copper strip, 2 h at 100

°C /

D130 or IP 154

max No. 1

max 1


Oxidation stability, mg/100 mL

(5 h aging) D873 or IP 138

Potential gum

max 6

Lead precipitate

max 3

max 2

Water reaction D1094

max 2


Electrical conductivity (SDA), pS/m


note 3

note 4

  1. This table is for reference use only. Refer to the current version of the product’s specification for the most up-to-date information. ASTM Commercial specifications can be purchased through ASTM International ( at unit expense.

  2. Applies only when an electrical conductivity additive is used; when a customer specifies fuel containing conductivity additive, the following conductivity limits shall apply under the condition at point of use: Minimum 50 pS/m; Maximum 600 pS/m. The supplier shall report the amount of additive added.



a. Applicable information throughout this TO should be used for general guidance with regards to the management of JP-10 & PF-1. Questions or comments pertaining to the procedures specified in this TO should be addressed to: AFPET/PTOT, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7632, DSN 312-785-8070, or email:

[email protected], through your MAJCOM Fuels Management Staff.

b. This chapter covers quality control procedures necessary to assure the proper receipt, storage and issue of Propellant, High Density Synthetic Hydrocarbon Type, Grade JP-10, Specification MIL-DTL-87107 and Propellant, Priming Fluid, ALCM Engine, Grade PF-1 Specification MIL-DTL-87173 throughout the life of the Air Launch Cruise Missile/Conventional Air Launch Cruise Missile (ALCM/CALCM) program.


a. The training and indoctrination of assigned personnel and development of operating checklist and procedures should be accomplished jointly by Base Fuels Management Flight personnel and the using activity. After receipt of fuel, the using activity is responsible for quality control. Base fuels management will provide technical assistance as required, perform required base level testing, and assist in disposition of off-specification product.

b. Quality surveillance of missile fuels in organizational support tanks is the responsibility of the organizational tank custodian.

c. Approval for use of missile fuels not meeting specification limits, or limits within this TO must be granted by the specific weapon system Program Office and/or the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). The approval process shall be accomplished IAW TO 00-25-107.


a. JP-10 is procured to meet MIL-DTL-87107 specification. DLA Energy is the procuring agency for activities requiring JP-10, however; product received is product sold to the using activity and not managed as DWWCF product.

b. JP-10 is a high density, colorless hydrocarbon fuel, composed solely of exo-tetrahydrodicyclopentadiene. Its minimum Flash Point is 54.4° C (130° F) and has a Density at 15°C from 0.934 to 0.943 kg/L (20.0 to 18.5 API).

c. MPF-1 is a high density, colorless hydrocarbon fuel, composed of methylcyclohexane (MCH) and JP-10. It has a Flash Point range from 16° to 27°C (60° to 80°F) and has a Density at 15°C from 0.900 to 0.930 kg/L (25.7 to 20.7 API).



a. JP-10 is delivered by tank truck or in 55-gallon drums.

b. PF-1 is delivered in one-gallon cans, 55-gallon drums and by tank truck.

c. The following tank trucks are approved for transportation of JP-10 and PF-1. Commercial tank trucks with Department of Transportation (DOT) specification MC306, MC307, and MC312 tanks made of stainless steel, aluminum, or mild steel.

d. 55-gallon Drums shall contain 54 gallons of product and the interior of each drum shall be epoxy-lined.

e. Each base will provide at least one 15-foot Teflon-lined, off-loading hose to hook up delivery tank truck to the off-loading header(s). If local design conditions require more than 15-feet of off-loading hose, additional hose(s) will be required. Three inch diameter hoses, couplings, and headers are standard in Air Force fuel systems.


a. Upon receipt of bulk/packaged JP-10/PF-1, check the shipping and receiving documents, Government Bills of Lading (GBL) and/or DD Form 250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report, accompanying each shipment for contract number, contractors name, product specification, product nomenclature, seal numbers (if required), and lot or batch numbers to assure that the grade of fuel, quantity and serial numbers of the seals (if required by contract) and tank truck agree with the shipping documents. Notify the appropriate QAR if documentation lacks sufficient information or is questionable.

b. Packaged Products (e.g., 55-gallon metal drums and 1-gallon cans) shall be checked for leaks, and those found defective should be segregated for fit for purpose determination. Drums should be stored by batch number, and issued on a first-in, first-out basis. Drums shall be placed horizontally (on sides) in rows, butt-to-butt, with bungs and vents facing outward. Drums shall not be stacked more than three high. Drums stored outside shall be positioned and placed on dunnage with proper blocking and bracing as necessary. Upon receipt of product, a 1-gallon composite sample representative of the packaged drum lot will be taken and sent to an AFPET Area Laboratory for specification analysis IAW Table 8-1. All product will be placed in QC hold status pending laboratory results.

c. Receipt samples will be taken from one T/T, BFC or ISO from each supplier or each DFSP source tank IAW Table 8-1 and analyzed IAW Appendix C. After discharge, ensure all compartments are completely empty by examining the visual flow indicator with each compartment valve in the open position. Values should correlate with the DD Form 250 or GBL within the following reproducible limits:

  • API Gravity +/1° corrected to 60° F

  • Flash Point +/3°C

  • Particulates, 1.0 mg/L Max

d. If sample results show the product fails the above limits, contact AFPET/PTOT, DSN 312-785-8070, for disposition instructions.

e. New product receipts (both bulk and packaged, except PF-1 in 1-gallon cans), require specification analysis at an AFPET Area Fuels Laboratory prior to issuing product. Once product is deemed suitable for use via AFPET Area Laboratory report, periodic base level testing is necessary to assure quality in storage, in fueling/defueling set, and in the priming unit. Notify AFPET/PTOT if testing indicates fuel quality is suspect. AFPET Area Laboratory analysis is required for initial receipt of fuel and product defueled from missiles and stored in defuel tank.


NEW product is product received directly from a commercial refinery or supplier. RECLAIMED product is product defueled from missiles. Defueled product must meet specification requirements validated by an AFPET Area Laboratory report prior to regrading into JP-8 (NATO F-34) or JAA (NATO F-24) DWWCF inventory.

a. New or reclaimed product should be placed into empty or near empty tanks. If an empty storage tank is not available, bulk JP-10 and PF-1 shipments may be unloaded into remaining JP-10 and PF-1 inventory, respectively. Allow 8 hours settling time before sampling. The bulk tank will be resampled after each receipt. Two 1-gallon samples shall be taken downstream of the filter separator from the recirculation loop of the tank and submitted to the AFPET Area Laboratory for specification analysis. Place the tank in QC hold status pending satisfactory laboratory results.

b. Active Product Issue Tank(s) shall be sampled IAW Table 8-1.

c. Fueling/Defueling Set (Conditioning Unit) shall be sampled IAW Table 8-1. There is not sufficient pressure to take a true in-line sample. The sample will be analyzed in the Base Fuels Laboratory for particulates (Gravimetric Determination).

d. Priming Unit purged PF-1 shall be collected in a safety can for disposal.

e. JP-10 Defueled from Missiles – Fuel removed from missiles will be held in a segregated defuel tank pending AFPET specification quality analysis results. When the defuel tank is approximately 75% full of defueled fuel, take two (2) 1-gallon continuous samples downstream of the filter separator while product in the tank is recirculated or an All-Level tank sample. Send samples to the AFPET Area Laboratory for specification testing. Place tank on QC Hold status pending Area Lab test results and restrict any additional product from being added to the tank once the sample is taken. If the fuel is determined to meet specification requirements, product may be considered for blending (downgraded) into JP-8 (NATO F-34) or JAA (NATO F-24) DWWCF inventory

with prior approval from DLA Energy. Submit a DD Form 3075 and route to the Technical Assistance Division for approval and subsequent DLA routing/approval.

f. Disposition of off-specification product will be included in the AFPET Laboratory Report.

g. When JP-10 or PF-1 product quality is questionable contact AFPET/PTOT.


a. Product is considered to be in Long Term Storage status when stored in individual bulk tank(s) for two years without an inventory receipt equal to or greater than two-thirds of the tank contents from a DLA/commercial supplier. Transferring product from one tank to another does not alleviate the long term storage status.

b. Long Term Storage/Service Life Sampling will be IAW Table 8-1.

Table 8-1. Fueling Sampling and Testing Limits


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency


Tank Truck (TT)/Bulk Fuel Container (BFC, ISO)/Packaged Product Receipts.


TT, BFC or ISO Header/ manifold, (Prior to receipt hose hook up)

Visual (Appearance) for color, water, and particulate matter

Repeat test until results are clear and bright and visually free of water and particulate matter

Each T/T, BFC or ISO IAW Paragraph 4.5.Step b, Drain until visually free of water and particulate matter (ten gallons max). Contact AFPET/PTOT if excessive water and particulates is still present after draining 10 gallons.

Flash Point

54°C Min and +/3° C of results on DD Form 250 or GBL

Particulate Matter by Gravimetric

1.0 mg/L Max.


20.0 – 18.5 and +/1°

corrected to 60° F on DD Form 250 or GBL


TT, BFC or ISO Header/ manifold during off-load after header/line displacement.

Submit one (1) 1-gallon sample representative of the batch/lot to the WPAFB AFPET Area Lab

File Area Lab Reports

Upon receipt of all product, receipt tank will be placed on QC hold pending AFPET Area Lab results.


Packaged Products (55 gallon drums) a 1-gallon composite sample representative of the lot.

Submit one (1) 1-gallon sample representative of the batch/lot to the WPAFB AFPET Area

File Area Lab Reports

Upon receipt of 55 gallon drums. All drums will be placed on QC hold pending AFPET Area Lab results.


Package Product, PF-1 (1-gallon cans)

No testing required




Fuel Handling System (JP-10)


Defuel Tank – Two (2) 1-gallon samples down-

stream of filter separator during recirculation



File Area Lab Report

When defuel tank is at 75% capacity. Tank will be placed on QC hold pending AFPET Area Lab results. See Paragraph

8.5.Step e.


No additional product shall be introduced into tank after sample is submitted.


Long Term Storage (See Paragraph 5.6)



File Area Lab Report

Every 2 years.


Fueling/Defueling Set (Conditioning Unit)


A 1-gallon sample will be taken while fuel is being recirculated.

Particulate Matter by Gravimetric Determination

2.0 mg/gal

After each conditioning tank filling and filtering operation.


All Filter Separators

Table 8-1. Fueling Sampling and Testing Limits Continued


Sample Point


Test Limits

Sample Frequency


DOWNSTREAM of filter separator under flow conditions.

Particulate Matter by color and particle assessment method.

Color max = 4. Particle max = Acceptable. Retest failures using matched weight or Gravimetric Determination, 1.0 mg/L.

Monthly and after each filter change IAW Paragraph 4.6, Step i.


5 ppm max



  • Premixing FSII and CI/LI prior to injection will form a precipitate that will clog aircraft and refueling filters.

  • Concentrated additive cocktails will never be added to aircraft tanks in hopes of bringing the onboard fuel within use limits.

a. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center is the approving authority for additives in jet fuel. The U.S. Army Ground Vehicles System Center is the approving authority for additives in ground fuels.

b. There are occasions when it may be necessary to blend FSII, CI/LI, SDA into commercial turbine fuels or to upgrade the additive level in military fuels. Additive dilution requirements are found in the applicable TO or injector operating manual. Additive injection rate will be verified by sampling against line pressure and flow conditions on initial setup and verified by sampling every 7 days thereafter.


a. FSII is Diethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether (DiEGME), MIL-DTL-85470, and is used to lower the freeze point of water which may be entrained in fuel. FSII attaches itself to water therefore, high water content may dramatically reduce FSII concentrations in fuel.

b. DiEGME is stock listed under NSN 6850-01-089-5514 for 55 gallon drums and NSN 6850-01-057-6427 for bulk delivery.


a. CI/LI, MIL-PRF-25017, is used to prevent or reduce corrosion on metallic surfaces and improve the lubricity in aircraft fuel systems. Additional CI/LI can be added to jet fuel when using as ground fuel to increase lubricity to satisfactory levels, contact AFPET Technical Assistance Division for guidance.

b. CI/LI is stock listed under NSN 6850-00-292-9780 for 55 gallon drums and NSN 6850-01-180-1074 for one gallon cans.

a. Stadis 450, and AvGuard are the only brands of SDA approved for use in AF fuels. SDA is added to fuel to aid relaxation to static charges built up during movement. SDA helps decrease the potential for fire or explosion due to static discharge.

b. Stadis 450 and AvGuard are stock listed under NSN 6850-01-099-4015 for a five-gallon can and 6850-01097-2060 for a one-gallon can.


a. FSII is injected/blended in neat form, CI/LI is diluted at a 1:1 ratio with jet fuel, and SDA is diluted at a 1:19 ratio with jet fuel, or in IAW applicable TO or injector operating manual.

b. Convert ppm to a measurable unit to determine the required amount of additives needed. There are 3785 milliliters (ml) in a gallon. Use this figure to determine the amount of additive to be added. The examples below are based on a scenario of receiving 7,000 gallons of neat jet fuel (no additives). Use the following formula to determine the amount of additives to add: (ppm objective) x (0.003785) x (quantity of fuel). Keep in mind that the answer will be in milliliters to convert to gallons, divide the answer by 3785:

(1) FSII:

  • Objective: 0.08% or 800 ppm of FSII

  • Calculation: (800) x (0.003785) x (7,000) = 21196 ml of FSII

  • Action: Add 21196 ml (6 gallons) of FSII

(2) CI/LI:

  • Objective: 15 ppm of CI/LI

  • Calculation: (15) x (0.003785) x (7,000) = 397 ml of CI/LI

  • Dilution Ratio: 1:1 (If applicable) Calculation: (397) x (1) = 397 ml of fuel Mix 397 ml of CI/LI with 397 ml of fuel

  • Action: Add 794 ml of Diluted Mixture

(3) SDA:

  • Objective: 1.5 ppm

  • Calculation: (1.5) x (0.003785) x (7,000) = 40 ml of SDA

  • Dilution Ratio: 1:19 (If applicable) Calculation: (40) x (19) = 760 ml of fuel Mix 40 ml of SDA with 760 ml of fuel Action: Add 800 ml of Diluted Mixture

c. Use the steps below to increase the amount of FSII in fuel when the level is determined to be low. First, determine what the current FSII content of the fuel is. In this scenario, it will be 0.03% by volume, the desired target is 0.10%. To determine the amount of FSII to add, calculate how much FSII is currently in the fuel and how much there should be; the difference of the two is the amount that will need to be added. The formula for determining current FSII content is: [(FSII %) x (quantity of fuel)] divided by 100.

  • Objective: 0.10% by volume Current: 0.03% by volume

  • Required content: [(0.10) x (7,000)]/100 = 7 gallons of FSII needed

  • Actual content: [(0.03) x (7,000)]/100 = 2.1 Calculation: 7-2.1 = 4.9 gallons

  • Action: Add 4.9 gallons of FSII

d. Adding additional SDA to fuel is not necessary because CU levels can be increased by blending the product with on hand fuel with sufficient levels.


a. Additizing fuel can either be blended by hand or injected using a proportional injector. Proportional injection is the most efficient and preferred method.

  • Undiluted FSII is both combustible and toxic. It is harmful if inhaled or absorbed through the skin, and will cause eye irritation. In laboratory animal studies, birth defects and adverse effects on pregnancy have been observed, and prolonged and repeated exposure has caused damage to male reproductive organs. Before handling, consult appropriate safety and occupational health authorities and SDS.

  • Protective butyl-rubber gloves and goggles are required when handling jet-fuel additives. An air-purifying respirator is not required in an outdoor environment. When additives are diluted with jet fuel, the health hazards are significantly reduced.

b. Proportional additive injectors can support base-level additive/injection requirements. Refer to the manufacturers manual for set-up, calibration, troubleshooting, and injector maintenance.

c. Hand blending bulk tanks can be accomplished when there is no injector available. When this method is used, ensure the tank has an homogenous blend by comparing the results from a lower, middle and upper third sample after blending is complete. Hand blending additives at various points in the system can be accomplished by several techniques, some of which are as follows:

  1. Pour the required quantity of additive into the tank heel (no more than 1/3 capacity of tank) followed by a receipt.

  2. The required quantity of additives may also be added to delivery tank trucks just prior to off-loading into bulk tanks.

  3. Connect a small hose to the additive drum and the suction side of the transfer pump, and use the pump suction to aspirate the additive into the tank during a tank-to-tank transfer.

  4. It is impossible to cover every situation on how additives should be blended into base stocks AF-wide. When additive must be blended into base stocks, base fuels personnel are to contact AFPET Technical Assistance Division for assistance in evaluating the various blending options.

d. There are several approved techniques when hand blending refueling units is required:

  1. Introduce the additive through the refueling unit hatch by using a funnel and hose extended below the fuel level. Flush the apparatus with at least 2 quarts of fuel after additives are introduced. Circulate at least 150% of the refueling unit inventory and sample prior to issuing product.

  2. Introduce additives into the refueling unit in the same manner as above. Ensure tank is no more than 1/3 full before filling the unit. Sample prior to issuing product.


a. Table A-2 list Chemical Leak Detention Compounds (LDC) that are approved for use.

b. Contractors on contract to inject chemicals in fuel must coordinate with the local FMT. The following requirements shall be included:

  1. The FMT must be present during inoculation, and shall ensure the contractor records the AFTO Form 149, Fuel Inoculation Record with pertinent data on each tank injected. Use an installed quick-disconnect fitting to inject LDCs in aboveground tanks.

  2. The FMT is not responsible for fuel stored in organizational, support or power generating tanks. This responsibility resides with the owning organization’s Tank Custodian.

  3. Tank inoculations and calculations related to LDCs will be performed by contractor employees. The FMT shall provide oversight, shell capacity, and tank inventory.

  4. The contractor shall notify the FMT at least 72 hour prior to the desired inoculation date. The contractor shall discuss the work plan with the FMT and request an escort to ensure the inoculation process is accomplished on the schedule date.

  5. The contractor shall complete and submit a signed copy of the AFTO Form 149 to the FMT after inoculation.

  6. The FMT shall retain, store and dispose of all completed AFTO Form 149s IAW DLA Energy P-3, Documents/Data Control Retention, Appendix 1, Document Description Type Leak Test. Contractor shall provide quantity injected by gallon. This quantity shall be used to ensure inoculation rates are within the limits specified in Table A-2

  7. The contractor shall immediately report tank failures and suspected leaks to the FMT and Civil Engineering Environmental (CEV). The contractor shall also provide follow-up actions if available.

  8. Each MAJCOM/A4 with chemical leak detection contracts shall provide the contractor the Fuels Service Center phone number and mailing address.

  9. The contractor shall provide the FMT and CEV with an SDS for each LDC used.

  10. The contractor shall recover and dispose of unused chemicals, containers or contaminated materials.

Table A-1. Additive Blending Quantities (Calculations are Based on Neat Fuel)

Fuel Quantity

Requiring Additive

FSII @ 800 ppm


SDA @ 1.5 ppm

CI/LI @ 15 ppm

1,000 gal

3 Liters

6 ml

57 ml

2,000 gal

1.6 gallons

11 ml

114 ml

3,000 gal

2.4 gallons

17 ml

170 ml

4,000 gal

3.2 gallons

23 ml

227 ml

5,000 gal

4.0 gallons

28 ml

284 ml

6,000 gal

4.8 gallons

34 ml

341 ml

10,000 gal

8 gallons

57 ml

568 ml

15,000 gal

15 gallons

85 ml

852 ml

20,000 gal

16 gallons

114 ml

1136 ml

25,000 gal

20 gallons

142 ml

1419 ml

50,000 gal

40 gallons

284 ml

2839 ml

100,000 gal

80 gallons

568 ml

1.5 gallons

500,000 gal

400 gallons

2839 ml

7.5 gallons

1,000,000 gal

800 gallons

1.5 gallons

15 gallons

1,500,000 gal

1,200 gallons

2.25 gallons

22.5 gallons

2,000,000 gal

1,600 gallons

3 gallons

30 gallons

Table A-2. Approved Volatile Chemical Tracer Leak Detection Additives


Chemical Additive Name

Maximum (Total) Concentration of

Additive Allowed (ppm)

Approved for Aviation Fuels

Approved for Ground Fuels

Tracer Research Corp. 3755 North Business Center Dr. Tuscan, AZ 85705

Tracer A

10 ppm



Tracer Research Corp. 3755 North Business Center Dr. Tucson, AZ 85705

Tracer E

10 ppm



Tracer Research Corp. 3755 North Business Center Dr. Tuscan, AZ 85705

Tracer N

10 ppm



Tracer Research Corp. 3755 North Business Center Dr. Tucson, AZ 85705

Tracer R

10 ppm



Tracer Research Corp. 3755 North Business Center Dr. Tuscan, AZ 85705

Tracer W

10 ppm





This table provides minimum fuels laboratory equipment and supplies to ensure quality control of fuel products in contested locations without a laboratory facility. All equipment for sampling can be utilized alongside the FHE requiring quality surveillance. Refer to UFC 4-310-03 and Appendix C to establish a laboratory facility capable of conducting all sampling/ testing outlined in this Technical Order.

Table B-1. Equipment Listing for Fuels Testing




Gammon Mini Monitor Kit-Mark II Fuel Sampling, GTP-172 &

Sampling Hose, GTP-5808



Hydro-light Kit OR

Aqua Glo, Water Detector Kit Gammon, GTP-322



Stainless Steel GTP-3326 (25mm & 37mm pad holder)


B/2 Refractometer Test Kit (Complete Refractometer Kit)


Digital Conductivity Meter Model 1152 &

Electronic Batteries (6.0V PN A-544), 3 ea.



Digital Density Meter




Container, Fuel Sample, 1 gal UN1A1


Jerry Can, 5 US gal (OD Green)



Distilled Water, 5 gallons




Gloves, Disposable


Single Filter Monitor, Millipore


Water Detector Pads (25 mm)



Sampler, Bacon Bomb


Thief, Oil Drum


Stainless Steel Weighted Beaker Gammons Technical Products, Model GTP-9021 (1,260 ml)


Koehler Instrument Company, Model K27601 (946 ml)




Table B-2 is a list of refueling equipment recommended for AVGAS use. In all cases where filtration is used, the filters must meet the performance criteria of EI 1581.

Table B-2. AVGAS Equipment


Prime NSN

Aerial Bulk Fuel Delivery Systems (ABFDS) Alternate Capability Equipment (ACE)



5430-01-078-8816 (3K Bladder ABFDS)

PMU-27 Pumping Unit


C-300/301 Ground Products Refueler, (NOTE: Modified to issue AVGAS i.e. approved tank, vents, and filters. Vents shall not be tampered with.)

2320-00-177-6777 (C-300)

2320-01-177-6778 (C-301)

R-13 Truck, Tank, Fuel Servicing, 3000 Gallon (May be used for permanent storage of AVGAS with approved tank and vent configuration)


Collapsible Coated Fabric Tanks, (NOTE: Only 10K & 50K Collapsible Coated Fabric Tanks (bladders) manufactured prior to 4 May 2015 are approved for use with AVGAS.)

5430-01-511-2125 (10K Bladder)

5430-01-237-3659 (10K Liner)

5430-01-517-8580 (50K Bladder)

Seal Drums (Blivets) (Coupler Assembly)




C.1.1 Significance and Use.

It has long been the practice to include in fuel specifications a requirement that the fuel be clear and bright and free of visible particulate matter. However, there has been no standard method for making this determination so that practices have differed. Procedure 1 provides a rapid pass/fail method for contamination in a distillate fuel. Procedure 2 provides a gross numerical rating of haze appearance, primarily as a communication tool. Limited laboratory evaluations of samples that have failed this clear and bright test indicate that an experienced tester can detect as little as 40 ppm of free water in the fuel.

C.1.2 Summary of Test Method.

This test procedure determines procedure as prescribed by ASTM D4176 and ASTM D6986. In Procedure 1 approximately 900 mL of fuel is placed into a clear, glass, 1L/1qt jar and is examined visually for clarity. The sample is then swirled and examined for visual sediment or water drops below the vortex. In Procedure 2 approximately 900 mL of fuel is placed into a clear, glass, 1L/1qt jar and is examined visually for clarity. Fuel clarity is rated by placing a standard bar chart behind the sample and comparing its visual appearance with the standard haze rating photos. The sample is then swirled and examined for visual sediment or water drops below the vortex. When field testing, both Procedures 1 and 2 are performed immediately after sampling and at storage temperature conditions. When lab testing, both Procedures 1 and 2 are performed after the sample has equilibrated at the test temperature of interest. No justifiable statement can be made on the bias of either procedure in Test Method D4176 because a fuel haze can result from a number of causes and relationship with a single absolute quantitative method is not possible.

C.1.3 Explanation for Analysis Defined.

Delivered fuel must be clean, bright and not contaminated with free water. “Clear” is a visual condition of fuel with the absence of cloud, emulsion, visible particulate matter or entrained water. “Bright” is the quality of fuel refers to the shiny and sparkling appearance of clean and dry fuel. The “bright and clear” condition of the fuel is not dependent on the natural color of the fuel. The “Clear and Bright” test is a visual check and conducted to detect water or other solid contaminants in the fuel. Evidence of external contaminants may render the fuel as “not suitable for use” and points to a requirement of further laboratory analysis. Sediment and water are the most common types of contaminants found in storage and dispensing systems. Their presence can cause serious problems in the systems, particularly in aircraft operations. Positive action shall be taken to prevent and eliminate sources of sediment and water.

Water occurs in three forms (Dissolved, Entrained and Free Water), the two discussed here will be Entrained and Free Water. Entrained water can be detected with the naked eyes. The fine droplets of water in fuel reflect light and in high concentration give the fuel a cloudy or hazy appearance. A cloudy or haziness condition in appearance of the fuel sample suggests water contamination. Free water in fuel may be caused by leakage into storage tanks, delivery of water laden fuel, condensation or the coalescence and subsequent settling of entrained water. The basic check for microbiological contamination in fuel is a periodical visual examination of a sample taken from a fuel storage tank, during which the signs of contamination such as black gelatinous matter or small soft particles floating in the fuel should be checked. Product cross-Contamination in a visual sample can be indicated by unusual appearance, color and/or odor (ex. Hydraulic Fluid, PAO, Dyes, etc.). (ADD atmospheric temperature changes¼ex ND, SD, Northeast, etc.)

Particle Appearance:

Clean - No visible particles, sediment, dye, rust or solids

Slight Particulate - Some fine to small size particles

Moderate Particulate - Many small particles floating or

settled on the bottom

Heavy Particulate - Discoloration, many particles floating or

settled on the bottom

Water Contamination Appearance:

Bright - No water present in sample

Hazy - Fine water droplets throughout sample Temporary

condition due to drop in temperature

Cloudy - Extremely fine droplets or particles throughout


Wet - Droplets or free water found at the side of the

container or at the bottom

C.1.4 Equipment.

Bottle, 1 quart, Clear Glass


Jars, Sample,Large-Mouth, 1



Distillate Fuel Bar chart

Figure C-1

Distillate Fuel Haze Rating Standard

Available from ASTM International

Headquarters. Order Adjunct No.


C.1.5 Procedures.

a. Sampling shall be consistent with the procedures within this TO. Ensure the sampling valve is free of visible particulate matter. If rust or other loose encrustations are present, remove with a cloth; then flush the sampling valve prior to taking the actual sample. Rinse a clean test container thoroughly with the fuel being sampled.

b. Procedure 1: Draw approximately 900 ml of sample directly into the container using full flush or filling as rapidly as safety permits.

c. Replace the sample cap or lid securely.

d. Hold the sample up to the light and visually examine for evidence of water, particulate matter, or a hazy appearance.

e. Swirl the sample to produce a vortex and examine the bottom of the container for particulate matter.

f. In the event haze or cloudiness exists in the sample, flush approximately 1 quart and retest using a clean one-quart container. Depending upon the temperature of the sample, it may be necessary to warm the sample in the laboratory. When the cloudiness dissipates upon warming, the temperature shall be reported.

Procedure 2 is only required when reporting concerns to AFPET in order to quantify haze identification. When submitting photos of samples, ensure the bar chart is directly behind the container.

g. Procedure 2: Place the sample container from Procedure 1 into a well-lit area, avoiding light reflections on the front of the container as much as possible. Place the bar chart directly behind the container, with the lines toward the container and parallel with the container bottom. The narrowest line should be at the bottom of the chart.

h. Directly facing the container and bar chart, compare appearance of the bar chart through the sample with the standard photographs. Place the photographs next to the container so they are lighted similarly to the sample. Select the photograph closest in appearance to the sample. Ignore differences in fuel color. Notice that the differences between photographs consist both of the successive disappearance of lines as well as a gradual lightening of all the lines. Record the number of the photograph closest in appearance as the rating of the sample.

C.1.6 Calculation and Report.

Procedure 1: Report the results observed and the temperature of the sample (Clear and Bright—Pass or Fail). When particulate matter is present, it may be necessary to perform a gravimetric filtration to determine the particulate matter in mg/L. Procedure 2: The report shall include the numerical rating (Distillate Fuel Haze Rating Standard) of the sample and a note as to whether any particles or water droplets were found on the bottom of the sample container. Any special or unusual observations, such as darker than usual fuel color, shall also be reported.

C.1.7 Calibration.

There are no calibration requirements.


C.2.1 Significance and Use.

The filter membrane color rating provides a simple means of detecting changes in the fuel. Changes in membrane color may be indicative of changes in fuel contaminant level, contaminant type, the fuel handling system, or refinery process conditions. Membranes may be rated in a dry or wet condition. However, the advantage of rating in the dry condition is that the membrane will not change color in the dry state. Differences between dry and wet may be as great as five numbers; therefore, comparison based on mixed wet and dry ratings should not be made. Only dry color ratings should be reported when color ratings are employed as a communications tool. The sample size must be reported with the color rating because smaller samples reduce the sensitivity and the color developed is not necessarily proportional to sample volume.

C.2.2 Summary of Test Method.

This test procedure determines procedure as prescribed by ASTM D2276. A sample of fuel is taken from a flowing line or pipe and passed under line pressure through a field monitor containing a 0.8 mm test filter membrane. The color on the filter membrane is compared with the ASTM color standards and assigned a rating letter and number.

C.2.3 Explanation for Analysis Defined.

Normally fuel color ranges from water white (colorless) to a straw/pale yellow. Other fuel colors may be the result of crude oil characteristics or refining processes. Darkening of fuel or a change in fuel color may be the result of product contamination and may be an indicator that the fuel is off-specification, which could render it unfit and not acceptable for use. Fuel having various shades of color, that is, pink, red, green, blue, or a change in color from the supply source should be investigated to determine the cause of color change to ensure suitability for use and should be documented prior to final delivery. Filtering the fuel through a membrane and rating the color of the deposits against a standard color scale offers a qualitative assessment of particulate contaminant levels in fuels or of changes in fuel contaminant levels at a particular location. There is no technical significance of any specific rating number unless it is compared with ratings from previous tests on the same fuel. A change of two numbers should cause concern and should be investigated. Unusual change in membrane color rating may indicate change in fuel contamination level.

C.2.4 Equipment.

Mini Monitor Mark II Complete Test Kit, GTP-172M


Monitor Assembly Fuel Sampling, GTP-172H


Sampling Hose, GTP-5808 (order for above)


Single Filter Monitor, Millipore


Steel, Stainless w/3-Way Valve (for Millipore in-line sampler)


Aviation Turbine Fuel Contamination Standards


Syringe, Metal w/2-Way Valve


Plastic Solvent Dispenser


Petroleum Ether


Coupler, PN AVEAC4-4M (1-inch nipple)


Coupler, PN AVEAC4-2M (1/8 inch nipple)


Plug, PN AMPE-4


Jet Test QD Coupler, GTP-235 1&4 inch (fits D-1 nozzles)


Sampling Valve Assembly, GTP 423


a. Gammon Technical Products and Millipore Corporation manufacture the two types of in-line samplers used by the Air Force.

b. Gammon Technical Product - an in-line sampler that is equipped with an internal wire to dissipate static charges from the collection container back through the sampler connection. The Gammon in-line sampler does not require any modification.

c. Millipore Corporation - a sampler that requires the fabrication and installation of a bonding wire. An optional method to obtain a suitable bond is by soldering a 10 - 25 gauge wire internally in the base of the in-line sampler as depicted in Figure C-2.

C.2.5 Procedures

a. Perform an electrical continuity test with an ohmmeter prior to initial use and every 30 days when in service. Zero the ohmmeter according to manufacturer’s guidance and test for continuity between the sampler body and the end of the discharge hose ground wire. An inspection for sampler cleanliness shall be accomplished prior to use.

b. Sampling Connection - the in-line sampler requires couplers (quick-disconnect valves) throughout the system at locations specified in Table 4-1 and Table 4-2.

c. Mark the monitor to identify sample location prior to placing into the in-line sampler.

d. In preparation for sampling, remove plugs from the monitor and install the monitor spoke side down (Figure C-2). Reassemble sampler tightly and insert flushing line. Set the three-way valve to the OFF position (Figure C-3, View C), and plug sampler into quick-disconnect receptacle. When a valve is not installed upstream of this location, this operation must be done quickly to prevent spray of product.

Install a shutoff valve immediately upstream of the quick-disconnect valve if system pressure is high enough to cause fuel to spray during in-line sampler hook-up. Do not use valves containing graphite or any other stem packing material. Insert the in-line sampler prior to pressurizing the system whenever possible.

e. Set the 3-way valve to the flush position (Figure C-3, View A), and allow approximately 500 ml of fuel to flow through the flushing line into the container. During this flushing operation, shut the valve off and on intermittently to dislodge any solid particles trapped in the line.

f. Set the valve to the OFF position and place the hose into the one-gallon can. Turn valve to the TEST position (Figure C-3, View B) and allow 1 gallon of fuel to pass through the monitor.

g. Turn the valve to the OFF position.

A 1-minute waiting period is required to allow static charges to dissipate.

h. Disconnect the sampler from the system and replace dust plugs.

i. Remove the monitor from the sampler and extract residual fuel with the metal syringe. The fuel may be evacuated using a vacuum system if the monitor will be processed in the lab.

Petroleum ether is extremely flammable and harmful if inhaled. Electrostatic discharge can ignite vapors and cause a flash fire.

j. Rinse the filter by filling the monitor with petroleum ether filtered through the solvent dispenser. Evacuate the monitor again using the metal syringe or vacuum. When the syringe is used, pump an additional 10 strokes to remove residual petroleum ether.

k. The filter membrane will be rated WET by opening the monitor top and then immediately comparing the membrane with the ASTM color standards.

l. The sample fails if the color is 5 or greater, or the visual particle assessment is Marginal (M) or Unacceptable (U) as assessed with the Millipore or Gammon guide.

m. When the sample fails, immediately resample using a matched-weight monitor or take a 1 gallon sample for gravimetric analysis, and report the results along with the visual rating of the monitor.

C.2.6 Calculation and Report.

When the color rating is less than 2, record as A2, B2, or G2. When the color rating is darker than 7, record as A7, B7, or G7. Report Particle Assessment ratings as A (Acceptable), M (Marginal), U (Unacceptable). Report the nearest match number by scale letter and rating number. If the sample is distinctly between two rating numbers, report the lower number.

C.2.7 Calibration.

There are no calibrations associated with this method. However, guides in day-to day use shall be checked monthly against a reference set of color standards to eliminate the possibility that sunlight or soiling due to handling may have appreciably changed the colors. The reference set is a set of color standards obtained new, stored in dry dark conditions, and is only used for the purpose of checking the standards in day-to-day use.

Figure C-2. Test Procedure C.2, Bonding Wire for Millipore In-Line Sampler

Figure C-3. Test Procedure C.2, 3-Way Valves In-Line Samplers

C.3 TEST FOR PARTICULATE MATTER BY Filtering Flask, 1,000-ml 6640-00-424-9000 MATCHED-WEIGHT METHOD.

C.3.1 Significance and Use.

This test method provides a gravimetric measurement of the particulate matter present in a sample of aviation turbine fuel by line sampling. The objective is to minimize these contaminants to avoid filter plugging and other operational problems. This practice provides a standardization for the purpose of communicating filter membrane colors when sampling aviation turbine fuels in the field through field monitors. Membrane color may be used for qualitative assessment of contaminant level in fuels or of changes in other visual characteristics. The color rating can be made in the field and does not require stringent laboratory procedures. No quantitative relationship exists between the

gravimetric results obtained by Test Method D2276 and color ratings obtained by this practice. This practice is not a substitute for gravimetric procedures to determine particulate contaminant.

C.3.2 Summary of Test Method.

This test procedure determines procedure as prescribed by ASTM D2276. A known volume of fuel is filtered through a preweighed test membrane filter in a field monitor and the increase in membrane filter mass determined after washing and drying. The change in mass of a control membrane filter located immediately below the test membrane filter is also determined. The objective of using a control membrane is to assess whether the fuel itself influences the weight of a membrane. The particulate contaminant is determined from the increase in mass of the test membrane filter relative to the control membrane filter.

C.3.3 Explanation for Analysis Defined.

Alternate to the gravimetric particulate matter test method where equipment and laboratory capability exist. This test provides a field method for detection of particulate matter in jet fuel. It is particularly useful in monitoring the cleanliness of fuel received and in evaluating the performance of filter vessels. Test for Particulate Contaminant in Aviation Turbine Fuels provides a quantitative measure of dirt mass by filtration through a membrane. Should particulate counting result in failure, gravimetric particulate matter shall be the referee.

C.3.4 Equipment.

See Allowable Standards Catalog (ASC) 460 for all accountable equipment items.

Matched-Weight Monitors, 0.8 um 6635-00-764-5761 Monitor Kit Fuel Sampling 6630-01-230-2652 Sampling Hose 4720-01-230-8529

Rubber Stopper, One-Hole No. 8 Procure Locally

Analytical Balance 6670-01-104-1773

Dishes, Culture Petri, Top Procure Locally Dishes, Culture Petri, Bottom Procure Locally Petroleum Ether 6810-00-584-3079

Gammon Technical Products and Millipore Corporation manufacture the two types of in-line samplers used by the Air Force. The Gammon in-line sampler is equipped with an internal wire to dissipate static charges from the collection container back through the sampler connection. The Millipore sampler requires the fabrication and installation of a bonding wire. An optional method to obtain a suitable bond is by soldering a 10 25 gauge wire internally in the base of the in-line sampler as depicted in Figure C-4.

C.3.5 Procedures.

a. Perform an electrical continuity test with an ohmmeter prior to initial use and every 30 days when in service. Zero the ohmmeter according to manufacturer’s guidance and test for continuity between the sampler body and the end of the discharge hose ground wire. An inspection for sampler cleanliness shall be accomplished prior to use.

b. Sampling Connection the in-line sampler requires couplers (quick-disconnect valves) throughout the system at locations specified in Table 4-1 and Table 4-2.

c. Mark the monitor to identify sample location prior to placing into the in-line sampler.

d. In preparation for sampling, remove plugs from the monitor and install the monitor spoke side down (Figure C-4). Reassemble sampler tightly and insert the flushing line. Set the three-way valve to the OFF position (Figure C-3, View C) and plug sampler into quick-disconnect receptacle. When a valve is not installed upstream of this location, this operation must be done quickly to prevent spray of product.

Install a shutoff valve immediately upstream of the quick-disconnect valve if system pressure is high enough to cause fuel to spray during in-line sampler hook-up. Do not use valves containing graphite or any other stem packing material. Insert the in-line sampler prior to pressurizing the system whenever possible.

e. Set the 3-way valve to the flush position (Figure C-3, View A) and allow approximately 500 ml of fuel to flow through the flushing line into the container. During this flushing operation, shut the valve off and on intermittently to dislodge any solid particles trapped in the line.

f. Set the valve to the OFF position and place the hose into the one-gallon can. Turn valve to the TEST position (Figure C-3, View B) and allow 1 gallon of fuel to pass through the monitor.

g. Turn the valve to the OFF position.

A 1-minute waiting period is required to allow static charges to dissipate.

h. Disconnect the sampler from the system and replace dust plugs.

i. Remove the monitor from the sampler, replace plugs, and transport to the laboratory for processing.

j. In the laboratory, remove plugs and place monitor, spoke side down, on the one-hole stopper in the filtration flask attached to a vacuum source. Turn on vacuum and extract fuel from monitor. Shut vacuum off. Petroleum ether is extremely flammable and harmful if inhaled. Electrostatic discharge can ignite vapors and cause a flash fire.

k. Place the tip of the solvent dispenser delivery spout in direct contact with the monitor inlet hole. Introduce solvent, but do not fill monitor. Turn on vacuum and dispense approximately 50 ml of petroleum ether through monitor into the vacuum flask.

l. With vacuum still on, remove cover of monitor and carefully rinse the outer edges of the filter, toward the center, with filtered petroleum ether. The stream should not be great enough to cause accumulation of solvent in the monitor housing. Turn off vacuum pump and allow the vacuum on the monitor to subside.

m. Use any convenient means to remove the filters from the monitor. Exercise care to ensure particulate matter remain on the filter. An apparatus used to assist in removing the filters consists of a wooden block with a steel rod in the center. The monitor is lowered so the filters are raised permitting the removal with forceps.

n. Using forceps, separate the filters while wet. Place filters side-by-side in a petri dish marked to identify the test and control filters. Place the petri dish in a 90° C oven for 30 minutes with cover slightly ajar.

The use of a desiccator is not authorized as part of this test method.

o. Remove the petri dish and place near the balance with the cover slightly ajar, but still protecting the filters from atmospheric contamination for a minimum of 30 minutes.

p. Clean balance pans and zero before use. Weigh each filter and record the weight in grams.

q. Do not reuse the filters or monitors used in this method.

C.3.6 Calculation and Report.

The calculation of particulate matter is as follows:

Subtract the weight of the control membrane (W2) from the weight of the test membrane (W1).

(W1 -W2) = g/gal

To convert g/gal to mg/gal, multiply g/gal by 1,000. g/gal * 1,000 = mg/gal

To convert mg/gal to mg/L, divide mg/gal by 3.785.

Report the particulate contamination to the nearest 0.1 mg/L.

C.3.7 Calibration.

Analytical balances without a self-calibrating function shall be calibrated in place IAW TO 33K-1100-2.

Figure C-4. Test Procedure C.3, Bonding Wire for Millipore In-Line Sampler


C.4.1 Significance and Use.

The preferred method to determine particulate level in fuel is by gravimetric determination. This test method provides a gravimetric measurement of the particulate matter present in a sample of aviation turbine fuel delivered to a laboratory for evaluation. The objective is to minimize these contaminants to avoid filter plugging and other operational problems.

C.4.2 Summary of Test Method.

This test procedure determines procedure as prescribed by ASTM D5452. A known volume of fuel is filtered through a preweighed test membrane filter and the increase in membrane filter mass is weight determined after washing and drying. The change in weight of a control membrane located immediately below the test membrane filter is also determined. The objective of using a control membrane is to assess whether the fuel itself influences the weight of a membrane. The particulate contaminant is determined from the increase in mass of the test membrane relative to the control membrane filter.

C.4.3 Explanation for Analysis Defined.

Unlike most other fuel properties, fuel cleanliness is dynamic; constantly changing during transportation and distribution. Jet fuel should be maintained in as clean a condition as possible right up to and into storage to ensure that possible failures of individual filtration components will not result in an unsafe condition. Control of cleanliness should be such as to ensure that only fuel relatively absent of free water and solid particulates is delivered into aircraft. The cleanliness of aviation turbine fuel is an essential performance requirement. Cleanliness requires the relative absence of free water and solid particulates. Water or dirt contamination, or both, in fuel onboard an aircraft represents a threat to flight safety and can cause long-term problems in areas such as wear, corrosion, and plugging of filters and other narrow tolerance parts. The presence of adventitious solid particulate contaminants such as dirt and rust may be detected by filtration of the jet fuel through membrane filters under prescribed conditions. Sources of this kind of contamination can be but not limited to erosion and corrosion of container surfaces, pipes, fittings, pump cavity erosion and any other source which may come in contact with the fuel.

C.4.4 Equipment.

See Allowable Standards Catalog (ASC) 460 for all accountable equipment items.

Test Stand (Optional), See Figure C-7

Procure Locally

Dispensing Plug for 1 gallon Sample Can

Procure Locally

Flask Connect Hose

Procure Locally

Vacuum Attachment

Procure Locally

Filter Discs, 0.8 micron, 47 mm


Cylinder, Graduated, 1,000-ml


Dishes, Culture Petri Top

Procure Locally

Dishes, Culture Petri Bottom

Procure Locally

Metal Container, 1 gallon


Soap, Laboratory Glassware

Procure Locally

Rubber Stopper, One-Hole No. 12

Procure Locally

Filtering Flask, 4,000-ml


Safety Flask, min. 2,000-ml

Procure Locally

Vacuum Gauge Standard Bottom


Procure Locally

Range 0 - 30 in. Hg Solvent Filtering Dispenser



Procure Locally

Thermal Drying Oven of the static

type (without fan-assisted air

circulation), controlling to 90°+/- 5°


Procure Locally

Analytical Balance


PVC Coated Safety Bottle, 1 gallon

Procure Locally

C.4.5 Sample Container.

The 3.79 L (1 gallon) sample container shall be an interior epoxy-coated metal can or a brown-glass PVC Coated Safety Bottle. The container shall be clearly marked or labeled to reflect the contents.

C.4.6 Procedures.

Test Procedures for particulate matter and/or Filtration Time.

· In all cleaning procedures which require washing with a filtered solvent, the solvent shall be filtered as it is dispensed through the solvent dispenser. This assembly includes a wash bottle, hand pump attachment, filter holder, and 25-millimeter (mm) diameter 0.45 micron filter paper. Inspect before use each day and replace as needed.

· Protect samples taken in bottles from light. Ultraviolet (UV) light causes additive dropout and gum formation in fuels.

· Fuels laboratories shall use the stainless-steel funnel and filter base assembly when performing this test. A safety flask is required as shown in Figure C-5.

a. Grounding/Bonding of filtration apparatus (perform an electrical continuity check prior to initial use and every 30 days when in service) - The filtration apparatus becomes a prolific static generator as fuel is pulled through the membrane filter(s). Thus, the flasks and apparatus must be grounded or bonded to the laboratory common ground. This is accomplished using Nos. 10 through 19 (0.912 - 2.59 mm) bare stranded flexible, stainless steel or copper installed in the flasks as shown in Figure C-5.

When a metallic flask(s) is used instead of glass, the flask(s) must be grounded.

b. To determine adequate grounding, place a membrane filter in the filter holder and perform a continuity check between the top of the filtration funnel and filter holder. The continuity meter should read full scale or less than 10 ohms resistance. When there is no continuity, it is necessary to install an additional jumper wire between the funnel and filter base. Drill and tap the bottom of the filter holder to accommodate a small screw to fasten the wire which connects to the filter funnel and laboratory ground.

Petroleum ether is extremely flammable and harmful if inhaled. Electrostatic discharge can ignite vapors and cause a flash fire.

(1) Clean the stainless steel filtration apparatus by rinsing with petroleum ether.

The use of a desiccator is not authorized as part of this test method.

(2) Place new (0.8 micron, 47 mm) membrane filters in a petri dish with the lid slightly ajar in an oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 90° C +/5° C. Remove the petri dish from the oven and place near the balance for a minimum of 30 minutes. The petri dish cover should be slightly ajar, but still should be protecting the membrane filters from atmospheric contamination.

(3) Remove test membrane filter from the petri dish with forceps, handling by the edge only, and weigh it to the nearest 0.0001 gram.

(4) A control membrane filter shall be prepared as prescribed above and placed under the test filter on the filter base.

(5) Attach the top funnel into place.

(6) Clean the top exterior portion of the sample container with petroleum ether.

(7) Shake the sample for 15 seconds to obtain a homogeneous mix prior to filtering.

  • Volatile fuels, such as aviation gasoline, automotive gasoline, and JP-4 having a flash point below 38° C (100° F), must be transferred from the sample container while in contact with the funnel while pouring.

  • Install vacuum pumps at a higher elevation than the working surface of the test apparatus.

(8) With the vacuum off, pour approximately 200 ml of fuel into the funnel and check for leaks. Turn on vacuum and record starting time. Continue filtration of the sample, periodically shaking the sample to maintain a homogeneous mix. Note the vacuum in inches of mercury at 1 minute after start. The vacuum must be greater than 20 inches of mercury. Throughout filtration, maintain a sufficient quantity of fuel in the funnel so the membrane filter is always covered.

(9) Should the sample exceed the 30-minute filtration time and a portion of the fuel is not filtered, the solids content in mg/liter will be figured as follows: Determine the volume of fuel filtered by subtracting the mL of fuel remaining from 3785 mL. This condition does not constitute a failure, however it does require investigative action to determine the cause.

(10) Shut off vacuum and rinse the sample container four times with approximately 50 ml of petroleum ether. Turn on vacuum and filter rinse.

(11) Wash down the inside of the funnel and the outside joint between the funnel and funnel base. With the vacuum applied, carefully separate the funnel from the filter base. Rinse the membrane with a gentle stream from the outside edge of the filter towards the center. Do not rinse any particulates off of the filter. Maintain a vacuum for a few seconds to remove excess petroleum ether.

(12) Using forceps, carefully remove the test filter and place in a clean petri dish. Remove the control filter, when used, and place beside the test filter in the petri dish. Dry and reweigh the membrane filters as described in Step b(2) and Step b(3) above.

C.4.7 Calculation and Report.

a. Use the formula below:

(1) Subtract the initial weight of the test membrane (W1) from the final weight (W2).

(2) Subtract the initial weight of the control filter (W3) from the final weight (W4).

(W2 W1) (W4 W3) = g/gal

(3) To convert g/gal to mg/gal, multiply g/gal by 1,000. g/gal * 1,000 = mg/gal

(4) To convert mg/gal to mg/L, divide mg/gal by 3.785.

b. Report the particulate contamination to the nearest 0.01 mg âL, and also report the sample volume used in the test.

Figure C-5. Test Procedure C.4, Apparatus for Determining Total Contaminants

Figure C-6. Test Procedure C.4, Gravimetric Determination Stand

C.4.8 Calibration.

Analytical balances without a self-calibrating function shall be calibrated in place IAW TO 33K-1-100-2.


C.5.1 Significance and Use.

Undissolved (free) water in aviation fuel can encourage the growth of microorganisms and subsequent corrosion in the tanks of aircraft and can also lead to icing of filters in the fuel system. Control of free water is exercised in ground fueling equipment by use of filtercoalescers and water separators.

C.5.2 Summary of Test Method.

This test procedure determines undissolved (free) water as prescribed by ASTM D3240. A measured sample of fuel is passed through as uranine dye-treated filter pad. Undissolved (free) water in the fuel will react with the uranine dye. When the pad is subsequently illuminated by ultraviolet (UV) light, the dye previously contacted by free water will fluoresce a bright yellow with the brightness increasing for increasing amounts of free water in the fuel. The light-illuminated pad is compared to a known standard using a photocell comparator, and the free water in the fuel sample is read out in parts per million by volume. By varying the fuel sample size, the range of the test method can be increased.

The Gammon Aqua-Glo Water Detector or HydroLight Detector are the only authorized methods. Both Aqua-Glo and Hydro-Light detectors use the 25 mm water detector pads.

C.5.3 Explanation for Analysis Defined.

In jet fuel, free water exists as a separate liquid phase. Since water is denser than jet fuel, free water, under the influence of gravity, forms a lower layer and the jet fuel an upper layer. If jet fuel and water are mixed, normally they will quickly separate again. The

speed of the separation and the sharpness of the fuel-water interface are indications of the fuel’s water separability. When water-saturated jet fuel cools, free water separates out, taking the form of many very small droplets sometimes called dispersed water. Even if they are not stabilized by surfactants, the droplets coalesce slowly because of their small size. The suspended droplets give the fuel a hazy appearance and will increase

as the fuel temperature drops. The haze will disappear if the fuel is warmed enough to redissolve the water. Water, in addition to not burning in an engine, will freeze at the low

temperatures encountered in high altitude flights. The resulting ice may plug fuel filters and otherwise impede fuel flow.

a. Water in the fuel also may facilitate the corrosion of some metals and the growth of microorganisms. Since most microorganisms need free water to grow, microbial growth is usually concentrated at the fuel-water interface, when one exists. Some organisms

need air to grow (aerobic organisms), while others grow only in the absence of air (anaerobic organisms). In addition to food (fuel) and water, microorganisms also need certain elemental nutrients. Jet fuel can supply most of these; phosphorus is the only one whose concentration might be low enough to limit microbial growth. Higher ambient temperatures also favor microbial growth.

The best approach to microbial contamination is prevention. And the most important preventive step is keeping the amount of free water in fuel storage tanks and aircraft fuel tanks as low as possible.

b. Since water is heavier than fuel, it settles to the bottom making it easy to remove from sumps. Performing visual samples on sumps from tank and/or filter separators to look for water is the basic method to detect and remove water from fuel systems.

Draining sumps daily also allows an additional benefit of detecting any other changes in the fuel. Anything and everything that is different in a sump sample can indicate a serious problem or an early warning of fuel quality issues. Performing visual analysis of sump samples is an important part of ensuring water is removed thus preventing fuel quality concerns.

C.5.4 Equipment

See Allowable Standards Catalog (ASC) 460 for all accountable equipment items.



Battery, Lithium Optional


Aqua-Glo Water Detector Kit

Gammon, GTP-322


Battery Case


Stainless Steel, GTP-3850 (25mm

pad only)

Procure Locally

Stainless Steel GTP-3326 (25mm &

37mm pad holder)

Procure Locally

Syringe, Metal w/2-Way Valve


Water Detector Pads (25 mm)


Vitron O-ring


C.5.5 Procedures.

a. Procedures for Determination of Free Water by the Aqua-Glo Method.

(1) Calibrate the instrument as described in Paragraph C.5.7.

(2) Attach the test pad holder assembly to the fuel line quick-disconnect coupler. Open the toggle valve by lifting the handle. Allow at least 300 ml of fuel to pass through the assembly. Opening and closing the valve several times will ensure adequate flushing. Remove the assembly after flushing.

(3) Open the test pad holder and insert a test pad using forceps, ensuring the orange side is facing upstream.

(4) Pass exactly 500 ml of fuel through the pad and remove the pad from the holder using forceps. Press the pad firmly 3 or 4 times between dry paper towels to remove excess fuel.

(5) Rate the test pad as soon as possible after sampling. Saturated, unblotted pads or pads allowed to dry will give erroneous readings.

(6) Using forceps, place the pad into the instrument test-pad window. Turn on the lamp and press the photocell button. Continuously zero the photocell comparator by adjusting the light-modulating lever until there is a steady reading for 10 15 seconds. The water content shall be determined by the number associated with the final position of the light modulating lever. Turn off the instrument light immediately after use to conserve battery power.

(7) If the reading exceeds the scale, a reduced sample volume may be used. Sample volumes may not be below 100 ml. When this is performed, multiply the result by a factor determined by dividing the volume used in ml into 500 ml.

b. Procedures for Determination of Free Water by the Hydro-Light Method.

(1) Calibrate the instrument as prescribed in Paragraph C.5.7.

(2) Attach the test pad holder assembly to the fuel line quick-disconnect coupler. Open the toggle valve by lifting the handle. Allow at least 300 mL of fuel to pass through the assembly. Remove the assembly after flushing.

(3) Open the test pad holder and insert a test pad using forceps, ensuring the orange side is facing upstream. If using an in-line sampler with a 3-way valve, the pad may be inserted into the holder prior to flushing provided the fuel is not allowed to pass through the test pad.

(4) Pass exactly 500 mL of fuel through the pad and remove the pad from the holder using forceps. Press the pad firmly 3 or 4 times between dry paper towels to remove excess fuel.

(5) Rate the test pad as soon as possible after sampling. Saturated, unblotted pads or pads allowed to dry will give erroneous readings.

(6) Using forceps, place the pad into the shuttle with the yellow side facing upward. Ensure the pad is in the recess of the shuttle. Let the pad holder close to hold the pad in place and insert the pad holder shuttle into the Hydro-Light drawer with the pad facing upward.

(7) Allow 10 seconds for the Hydro-Light unit to fully update by allowing three scans to complete. During this process the display may flash each time a scan is completed.

(8) Remove the shuttle and discard the test pad.

C.5.6 Reporting.

Free water is reported to the nearest PPM whole number. A displayed value on digital meters of X.5 to X.9 PPM shall be rounded up and values of X.1 X.4 ppm shall be rounded down (e.g., a displayed value of 2.4 is rounded down to 2 PPM. A displayed value of 2.5 is rounded up to 3 PPM.) Report the temperature of the sample.

C.5.7 Calibration.

a. The Aqua-Glo instrument shall be calibrated prior to first use each day. An encapsulated pad labeled CALIBRATING STANDARD is provided in an envelope in each kit. Do not use a calibrating standard from another kit. Note the SET number on the back of this pad and place in the test-pad window, colored side facing the instrument. Turn on the ultraviolet lamp and then press the button on the photocell comparator. Adjust the light modulating lever until the red pointer is steady at zero (0) in the center of the meter. To eliminate errors caused by clearance in the mechanical linkage, always move the modulation lever in the same direction when zeroing the photocell while calibrating or testing. When the reading obtained does not agree with the calibration standard, remove the plug screw from the side of the photocell comparator (at the 45° bend), insert a small screwdriver, and adjust as necessary. Repeat until the rating agrees with the calibration standard.

b. The Hydro-light calibration shall be field validated monthly by using the following procedures:

The shuttle is the calibration standard, with no expiration date. The verification shuttle should be maintained in its protective sheath at all times when not actually in use, and care should be taken to prevent touching or handing of the surfaces of the optical standards to prevent surface deterioration by contamination.

(1) Let the Hydro-Light sit turned on at room temperature for at least 30 minutes.

(2) Slide the Verification Shuttle, High side facing upward, into the Hydro-Light. Allow 10 seconds for the Hydro-Light unit to update by allowing three scans to complete. During this process the display may flash each time a scan is completed. When the reading completes, ensure the reading is within the range preprinted on the shuttle.

(3) Slide the Verification Shuttle, Low side facing upward, into the Hydro-Light. Allow 10 seconds for the Hydro-Light unit to update by allowing three scans to complete. During this process the display may flash each time a scan is completed. When the reading completes, ensure the reading is within the range preprinted on the shuttle.

(4) In the event that the verification shuttle does not display the values given within the limits marked on the shuttle, the Hydro-Light along with verification shuttle should be returned to the supplier for factory calibration, at unit expense. Factory calibration includes the replacement of standards in the verification shuttle, cleaning and alignment of instrument optics, and a full environmental calibration profile.


C.6.1 Significance and Use.

DiEGME is miscible with water and can be readily extracted from the fuel by contact with water during shipping and in storage. Methods are therefore needed to check the additive content in the fuel to ensure proper additive concentration in the aircraft. This test method is applicable to analyses performed in the field or in a laboratory.

C.6.2 Summary of Test Method.

This test procedure determines procedure as prescribed by ASTM D5006. In order to determine the concentration of DiEGME in aviation fuel, a measured volume of fuel is extracted with a fixed ratio of water.

The extraction procedure includes sufficient agitation and contacting time to ensure that equilibrium distributions are attained. If using an Analog Refractometer, place several drops of water extract on the measuring surface, point it towards a light source, and take a reading on the internal scale. The analog HB refractometer will display the actual percent volume of DiEGME on its scale. Users of a Brix refractometer will follow a similar procedure, but will have to convert the Brix reading into DiEGME percent volume. If the Brix refractometer is not automatically temperature compensated, then a temperature

correction must first be applied to the Brix reading before converting it to percent DiEGME. If using a Digital Refractometer, place several drops of water extract in the sample well, press a button to initiate the reading, and the percent volume of DiEGME will be displayed on the LCD display.  Both the HB and Brix refractometers are authorized for this method.

C.6.3 Explanation for Analysis Defined

Fuel system icing inhibitor (FSII) was developed originally to overcome fuel system icing problems in USAF aircraft. The only FSII currently approved for Jet A, Jet A-1, and U.S. military fuels is di-ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (di-EGME). FSII works by combining with free water that forms and lowering the freezing point of the mixture so that no ice crystals are formed.

Shortly after introducing FSII to combat icing problems, the USAF experienced a great reduction in the number of microbiological contamination problems in both aircraft tanks and ground storage systems. Studies confirmed that this improvement was due to the biocidal nature of the additive.

FSII in jet fuel can be lost through evaporation but more likely through extraction by water in the fuel during storage or handling operations. Fuel system icing inhibitors are not highly soluble in hydrocarbon fuels, thus requiring special mixing procedures to achieve full dissolution. Undissolved FSII can damage elastomers and other materials in fuel systems and aircraft. If a fuel containing FSII comes into contact with free water, the additive is extracted out of the fuel and forms a viscous phase with the water. In cold climates or during rapid temperature changes, fuel in a storage tank or refueling unit will
become cooler. As water begins to fall out of the fuel, it will pull FSII with it resulting in a haze or cloudy mixture.

C.6.4 Equipment.

See Allowable Standards Catalog (ASC) 460 for all accountable equipment items.

Refractometer Test Kit


When procured separately:



Digital Refractometer


Cylinder, Graduated - 250-ml



Cylinder, Graduated - 250-ml



Pipette, 2-ml Plastic

Procure Locally

Separatory Funnel, 250-ml Glass

or Plastic


C.6.5 Procedures

The B2/HB-2 test kit is the preferred method and the only procedure covered herein. For the operating procedures with the Brix refractometer, refer to the operation instructions shipped with the equipment. Digital refractometers manufactured by MISCO and Gammon are authorized.

a. Calibrate the instrument according to Paragraph C.6.7 daily prior to first use and when test water is changed.

b. Using a graduated cylinder, transfer 160 ml of the test fuel to the separatory funnel.

c. Using a syringe/pipette, add 2 ml of water to the separatory funnel. Cap the funnel and shake by hand vigorously for 5 minutes with the cap facing down. Place the separatory funnel in the ring stand for at least 2 minutes to allow separation. Mechanical shakers may be used, provided thorough intermixing of the aqueous and fuel phases similar to that obtained by hand shaking occurs.

Monthly If mechanical shakers are used, correlate results of one sample from the same source by hand-method versus mechanical-method to ensure results are within +/-0 .02% of each other. Record results in Fuels Manager Defense.

Sample results can vary if extraction procedures are not followed. Failure to achieve prescribed extraction time or vigorous agitation can result in false readings. If lower than expected readings are obtained, a second test should be done with a longer extraction time.

d. Open the separatory drain to capture two to three drops of water layer in a clean, dry, aluminum dish or shallow glass container.

e. Isolate several drops of the water extract from the extraction vessel and place on the prism face. If a separatory funnel is used, it may be necessary to collect some extract into a smaller container and then transfer several drops to the prism face with a clean eyedropper, syringe, or pipette, and close the cover plate slowly. Point the instrument toward a window or light source. Then while looking through the eyepiece, take a reading at the point where the dividing line between light and dark crosses the scale. The point indicated on the scale is the FSII concentration.

f. Properly dispose of the unused fuel and water. Wash the cylinder and funnel in soap and water and air dry.

C.6.6 Calculation and Report.

FSII is reported in percent by volume to two decimal places, i.e., 0.12%.

C.6.7 Calibration.

All refractometers should be zero-set to water before use. The exact procedure for zero-setting a refractometer varies based on the type and make of instrument.

Consult the user manual for specific instructions on zero-setting each make of refractometer. The calibration step is incorporated into the procedure to minimize the effect of temperature changes between the time of calibration and measurement. Avoid placing the refractometer on hot or cold surfaces, in pockets on your person, or other locations that would change the temperature of the instrument from ambient. When zero setting or making a measurement, take care not to heat or cool the refractometer from ambient. For the most accurate possible readings, the refractometer, the calibration fluid, and the ambient temperature should all be in equilibrium within the temperature compensation range, or the operational temperature range, of the refractometer. If there is a temperature disparity, allow some time for the temperatures to equalize before taking a reading.


C.7.1 Significance and Use.

The ability of a fuel to dissipate charge that has been generated during pumping and filtering operations is controlled by its electrical conductivity, which depends upon its content of ion species. If the conductivity is sufficiently high, charges dissipate fast enough to prevent their accumulation and dangerously high potentials in a receiving tank are avoided.

C.7.2 Summary of Test Methods.

This test procedure determines procedure as prescribed by ASTM D2624. A voltage is applied across two electrodes in the fuel and the resulting current expressed as a conductivity value. With portable meters, the current measurement is made almost instantaneously upon application of the voltage to avoid errors due to ion depletion. Ion depletion or polarization is eliminated in dynamic monitoring systems by continuous replacement of the sample in the measuring cell, or by the use of an alternating voltage. The procedure, with the correct selection of electrode size and current measurement apparatus, can be used to measure conductivities from 1 pS/m or greater.

C.7.3 Explanation for Analysis Defined.

Since the naturally poor electrical conductivity of jet fuel presents a potential safety hazard in certain circumstances, additives have been developed that improve the fuel’s conductivity. Conductivity additives are often referred to as static dissipator additives (SDA). Almost all jet fuel specifications permit the optional use of SDA, but many make it mandatory. SDA is mandatory in U.S. military grade of JP-8, as well as in Def Stan 91-091. International Jet A-1 specifications also contain the requirement. Only U.S. domestic jet fuel leaves the additive as optional, and most such fuel does not contain the additive.

Hydrocarbons are poor conductors of electricity, with the result that charges of static electricity generated by fuel traveling through the distribution system, may accumulate, and may take significant time to leak off to the ground. In some cases, such charges have discharged as high-energy sparks that have caused fires or explosions under certain air/fuel vapor conditions. This is particularly true for modern jet fuels because of their high purity, the high pumping velocities used, and the use of filtration that can produce a high rate of charge separation and static buildup in the fuel. Measures must be taken to prevent such possibilities, with one being the inclusion of a conductivity-improving additive. Many fuel specifications require the use of static dissipater additive to improve handling safety. In such cases, the specification defines both minimum and maximum electrical conductivity. The minimum level ensures adequate charge relaxation, refer to TO 00-25-172 for flowrates with aviation fuels that do not meet the minimum 50 pS/m. Exceeding the maximum of 700 pS/m creates too high a conductivity that can upset capacitance type fuel gauges in some aircraft. Contact AFPET Technical Assistance Division when conductivity readings approach minimum or maximum limit during Table 4-1 testing. Refer to Appendix A for SDA blending procedures.

C.7.4 Equipment.

See Allowable Standards Catalog (ASC) 460 for all accountable equipment items.

Emcee Model 1152 Digital Conductivity



Electronic Batteries (6.0V PN

A-544), 3 ea.


D-2 Inc. JF-1A-ST Stick Conductivity


Procure locally

C.7.5 Procedures.

Samples shall not be taken in a clear container and must be protected from sun light. Sampling containers for conductivity test shall be metal or glass (amber bottle). In most cases, the conductivity of the fuel will not change appreciably within several hours if the sample is protected from sunlight in cans or amber bottles. After the sample has been obtained, wait approximately 2 minutes for charges in the fuel to dissipate before testing. Conductivity testing on receipts shall be performed within 30 minutes after obtaining the sample. The temperature of the fuel will impact conductivity readings.
Table C-1 provides a reference for conductivity vs. temperature.

a. Procedures for determination of conductivity by Emcee meter:

(1) Calibrate and zero the meter prior to use as instructed in Paragrah C.7.7.

(2) Insert probe into fuel sample to upper hole and press the MEASURE (M) switch. Report reading at 3 seconds.

(3) Record the fuel temperature and CU value.

If the cell is in contact with water and the instrument is switched on, an immediate offscale reading will be obtained. If the cell has been in contact with water, it shall be thoroughly rinsed with cleaning solvent, preferably isopropyl alcohol, and dried with a stream of air. The meter may display a nonzero reading caused by condensation forming on the cell when the meter is taken from a cool, dry environment and subjected to hot, humid conditions.

This condition can be avoided by storing the cell at a temperature 2 °C to 5 °C in excess of the ambient temperature, when practicable.

b. Procedures for determination of conductivity by D-2 CU

Stick Sensor:

(1) To turn sensor on - Press the top button switch for approximately one second and release. The user will see the display light. The display will flash the instrument’s serial number for three seconds, then the date the instrument was calibrated (MMDDYY) for three seconds and finally, indicate “Push to Sample”. The instrument will now stay on for approximately one minute awaiting the instruction to sample a fluid.

(2) Prior to sampling fuel, the sensor tip should be immersed into and out of the fuel 3 times up to the “minimum” mark (see side of the sensor housing). The sensor should also be used to stir the fluid in an attempt to remove any air bubbles that may have been introduced into the measurement cavity.

(3) The display has three critical sections during the sampling.

(a) START SAMPLE: Initially after the ENTER key has been pressed, the word “DONE” is

placed on the upper half, left hand side on the LCD. On the bottom half of the LCD, an indicator is placed directly below the letter ‘D’.

This starts the sample.

(b) FINISH SAMPLE: The user must hold the instrument in the fluid until the indicator reaches the end of the letter ‘E’ in the word DONE.

(c) DISPLAY DATA: At this point, the sample has completed, the user is free to remove the instrument from the sample fluid. At the same time, the Conductivity will display on the LCD along with a P and an S, vertically. This stands for picoSiemens. The unit’s display will then invert colors and show the value for temperature followed by °C, vertically. The display toggles between conductivity and temperature values,

three separate times each lasting 5 seconds.

The display then returns to “press to sample”.

(4) To turn the sensor off, press the ENTER button for approximately two seconds and release. The display will go blank which indicates the sensor is off. The built-in timer to “auto shut down” is keyed by the ENTER button. Anytime the ENTER button is activated,

the timer resets to zero and counts to one minute before shutting down the instrument. This safeguard prevents against battery drain if someone inadvertently forgets to power down the sensor.

C.7.6 Calculation and Report.

The conductivity and temperature values are reported in whole numbers. The unit of measure for the conductivity value may be stated as either pSm or CU. Table C-1 provides a reference to conductivity vs. temperature.

C.7.7 Calibration.

a. Refer to manufacturer instructions for calibration procedures.

b. Turn the meter into Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory for calibration if it fails to zero or self calibrate within the acceptable range.

Table C-1. Test Procedure C.7, Conductivity vs Temperature


C.8.1 Significance and Use.

The flash point temperature is one measure of the tendency of the test specimen to form a flammable mixture with air under controlled laboratory conditions. It is only one of a number of properties which must be considered in assessing the overall flammability hazard of a material. Flash point is used in shipping and safety regulations to define flammable and combustible materials. One should consult the particular regulation involved for precise definitions of these classifications. These test methods should be used to measure and describe the properties of materials, products, or assemblies in response to heat and an ignition source under controlled laboratory conditions and should not be used to describe or appraise the fire hazard or fire risk of materials, products, or assemblies under actual fire conditions. However, results of these test methods may be used as elements of a fire risk assessment which takes into account all of the factors which are pertinent to an assessment of the fire hazard of a particular end use. These test methods provide the only closed cup flash point test procedures for temperatures up to 370 °C (698 °F).

C.8.2 Summary of Test Method.

This test procedure determines procedure as prescribed by ASTM D56, ASTM D93, or ASTM D7236. A brass test cup of specified dimensions, filled to the inside mark with test specimen and fitted with a cover of specified dimensions, is heated and the specimen stirred at specified rates, using one of three defined procedures (A, B, or C). An ignition source is directed into the test cup at regular intervals with simultaneous interruption of the stirring, until a flash is detected. There are three approved methods to determine flash point by the USAF: Flash Point by PenskyMartens Closed Cup Tester (ASTM D93), Flash Point by Tag Closed Cup Tester (ASTM D56), Flash Point by Small Scale Closed Cup Tester (ASTM D7236). These are not brand names of flash testers but rather method names. The brand of flash tester used will be at the discretion of FM as long as it conforms to one of the previously mentioned methods however, the Pensky-Martens (ASTM D93) is the preferred method. For testing procedures for the automatic Pensky-Martens test, the Tag (manual, and automatic) test, refer to the equipment manual and the respective ASTM. The test procedures for the Pensky-Martens manual-flash point test are outlined below.

C.8.3 Explanation for Analysis Defined.

The flash point of a liquid is the lowest temperature corrected for atmospheric pressure at which application of an ignition source causes the vapor above the specimen to ignite. Flash point is indicative of potential fire hazard at the flash point temperature. This occurs when just enough liquid has evaporated to bring the vapor-air space over the liquid above the lower flammability limit. In most circumstances, the hydrocarbon vapor-air mixture in an enclosed space over kerosine type jet fuel will not be in the flammable range; the mixture will be below the lower flammability limit. However, high ambient temperature can heat the fuel enough to bring the vapor space into the flammable range.

C.8.4 Equipment.

See Allowable Standards Catalog (ASC) 460 for all accountable equipment items.

Tester Flash Point, Closed Cup, FSCM 81349


Propane Cylinder (if required)


Setaflash Small Scale Flash Point

Tester (ASTM D7236)

Procure Locally

Thermometer ASTM 9F for Flash



Aneroid Barometer

Procure Locally

Barometric, Conversion Scale


Conversion Scale: Millibar/mm Hg / in./Hg

PN S4519-25

C.8.5 Procedures.

a. Prepare the manual or automated apparatus for operation in accordance with the manufacturer instructions for calibrating, checking, and operating the equipment. Tests made in a laboratory hood or in any location where drafts occur are not reliable. Prepare the apparatus as instructed by the manufacturer. Thoroughly clean and dry all parts of the test cup and accessories before starting the test.

b. The temperature of the test cup and sample shall be at least 18° C (32° F) below the expected flash point.

Gas pressure shall not exceed 3 kPa (12 inch) water pressure.

c. Fill the cup with the sample to the line indicated as the filling mark. Wipe away any spills which may have occurred on or around the cup. Attach the lid to the cup and place in the heater. Ensure the locking device is engaged. Place the thermometer assembly into the lid. The thermometer assembly should be pre-assembled and checked to ensure the bulb has the appropriate clearance from the lower stirring paddle as indicated in Figure C-7. Light the test flame and adjust to a diameter of 1/8

3/16 inch. Supply heat at a rate of 5° C (9° F) 6° C (11° F) per minute. The stirrer shall turn in a downward direction at 90 120 rpm.

d. Apply the ignition source when the temperature of the test specimen is 41° ± 9° F (23° ± 5° C) below the expected flash point and each time thereafter at a temperature reading that is a multiple of 1° C or 2° F. Discontinue the stirring of the test specimen and apply the ignition source by operating the mechanism on the test cover which controls the shutter so that the ignition source is lowered into the vapor space of the test cup in 0.5s, left in its lowered position for 1s, and quickly raised to its upward position. When a flash point is detected on the first application, the test shall be terminated and results discarded, and the test shall be repeated with a fresh sample. The first application of the ignition source with the fresh test specimen shall be 41° ± 9° F (23° ± 5° C) below the temperature at which a flash point was detected on the first application. When the flash point occurs at room temperature, the result shall be recorded as below that temperature.

e. When the apparatus has cooled down to a safe handling temperature, less than 35° C (95° F), remove the test cover and the test cup, and clean the apparatus as recommended by the manufacturer.

C.8.6 Calculation and Report

Correction of observed flash point test results is optional, except when performed at bases 1,000 feet or more above sea level or when the barometric pressure is higher than 760 mm/Hg (average barometric pressure at sea level and the uncorrected ambient barometric pressure). Correction of observed flash point will be based upon the difference between 760 mm/Hg and the uncorrected ambient barometric pressure.

Many aneroid barometers, such as those used at weather stations and airports, are corrected to sea-level readings and must not be used.

a. The normal change in barometric pressure for each 1,000 feet altitude above sea-level is an increase of 1.5° F (0.83° C) flash point correction.

b. Using an aneroid barometer, record the ambient barometric pressure at the time of the test. When the pressure differs from 760 mm/Hg/29.92 in. Hg, correct the observed flash point as follows:

F = Observed flash point, ° F

C = Observed flash point, ° C

P = Ambient barometric pressure, mm/Hg

Ambient barometric pressure, inches Hg, multiplied by 25.4 = mm/Hg

Corrected flash point = F + 0.06 (760 - P)


Observed flash point is 132° F

Ambient barometric pressure is 29.13 in. Hg x 25.4 = 740 mm/Hg

Corrected flash point = 132 + 0.06 (760 - 740) = 132 + 0.06 (20) =

132 + 1.2 = 133.2 rounded to 133° F

The flash point shall be reported in whole numbers Celsius

(C) unless specified otherwise.

Figure C-7. Test Procedure C.8, Pensky-Martens Assembly Standard











































































1 Includes tolerance for length of thermometer given in Specification E-1.

C.8.7 Calibration.

Automated test equipment shall be calibrated in-place according to the recommendation of the manufacturer as referenced in the operator manual. Manual flash point analyzers shall have the thermometers calibrated IAW TO 33K-1-100-1 and ASTM E1 Standard Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers.


C.9.1 Significance and Use.

Accurate determination of the density, relative density (specific gravity), or API gravity of petroleum and its products is necessary for the conversion of measured volumes to volumes or masses, or both, at the standard reference temperatures of 15 °C or 60 °F during custody transfer. This procedure is most suitable for determining the density, relative density (specific gravity), or API gravity of low viscosity transparent liquids. This procedure can also be used for viscous liquids by allowing sufficient time for the hydrometer to reach temperature equilibrium, and for opaque liquids by employing a suitable meniscus correction. Additionally for both transparent and opaque fluids the readings shall be corrected for the thermal glass expansion effect and alternative calibration temperature effects before correcting to the reference temperature. When used in connection with bulk oil measurements, volume correction errors are minimized by observing the hydrometer reading at a temperature close to that of the bulk oil temperature. Density, relative density, or API gravity is a factor governing the quality and pricing of crude petroleum. However, this property of petroleum is an uncertain indication of its quality unless correlated with other properties. Density is an important quality indicator for automotive, aviation and marine fuels, where it affects storage, handling and combustion.

C.9.2 Summary of Test Method.

This test procedure determines procedure as prescribed by ASTM D1298. The sample is brought to a specified temperature and a test portion is transferred to a hydrometer cylinder that has been brought to approximately the same temperature. The appropriate hydrometer and thermometer, also at a similar temperature, are lowered into the test portion and allowed to settle. After temperature equilibrium has been reached, the hydrometer scale is read, and the temperature of the test portion is taken. The observed hydrometer reading is corrected for the meniscus effect, the thermal glass expansion effect, alternative calibration temperature effects and then reduced to the reference temperature by means of the volume correction factors or tables as applicable by use of the appropriate Adjunct to D1250 Guide for Petroleum Measurement Tables (API MPMS Chapter 11.1) and observed temperature from the thermometer. Use of digital density meters IAW ASTM D7777, Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density, or API Gravity of Liquid Petroleum by Portable Digital Density Meter is authorized. Refer to OEM manual for use.

If necessary, the hydrometer cylinder and its contents are placed in a constant temperature bath to avoid excessive temperature variation during the test.

C.9.3 Explanation for Analysis Defined.

This is a special function of specific gravity that was arbitrarily established to permit gravity calculations in whole numbers. API gravity values permit conversion of volumes at the measured temperature to volumes at the standard petroleum temperatures of 15C (60F).


As it comes out of the ground, crude oil can be as thin and light-colored as apple cider or as thick and black as melted tar. Thin crudes have relatively low densities and thus high API gravities. Therefore, they are called high-gravity crudes; conversely, thick crudes with relatively high densities are low-gravity crudes. High-gravity crudes contain more of the lighter products and generally have a lower sulfur and nitrogen content, which makes them easier to refine. All crude oils are composed primarily of hydrocarbons of the paraffin, naphthene, and aromatic classes. Each class contains a very broad range of molecular weights.

C.9.4 Equipment.

Hydrometer, Range 29° - 41°

Procure Locally

Hydrometer, Range 39° - 51°

Procure Locally

Hydrometer, Range 49° - 61°

Procure Locally

Hydrometer, Range 59° - 71°

Procure Locally

Hydrometer Cylinder

Procure Locally

Digital Density Meter


C.9.5 Procedures.

This measurement is most accurate when the temperature is near the standard temperature of 60°F. The hydrometer, cylinder, and test sample should be the same temperature.

a. Pour the sample into the clean cylinder. Place the cylinder in a location free from air currents. The temperature of the surrounding medium should not change more than 5° F during the test.

b. Lower the hydrometer gently into the sample and release when a position of equilibrium is reached when the hydrometer floats freely. Press the hydrometer about 1 to 2 mm below equilibrium while imparting a slight spin and allow a return to equilibrium.

c. Allow sufficient time for the hydrometer to come to rest. Ensure the hydrometer is not sitting on the bottom of the cylinder. When the hydrometer selected rests on the bottom of the cylinder, remove the hydrometer and replace with one in the suitable range which floats freely.

d. Determine the hydrometer reading from the point at which the principal surface of the liquid cuts the scale to the nearest 0.1°. This is done by placing the eye slightly below the level of liquid and slowly raising it until the surface appears to become a straight line cutting the hydrometer scale (See Figure C-8).

e. Immediately after recording the hydrometer scale reading, carefully lift the hydrometer and while still keeping the bottom submerged, read the temperature on the internal thermometer to the nearest 0.5° F.

f. When the hydrometer does not contain an internal thermometer, determine the temperature of the product in the cylinder to the nearest 0.5° F.

g. Correct the observed API Gravity to 60° F using ASTM D1250 Standard Guide for Use of the Petroleum Measurement Tables Volume II, Table 5B. To correct measured volume to 60° F net volume, use ASTM D1250, Volume II, Table 6B.

C.9.6 Calculation and Report.

To calculate the approximate weight of fuel in lb/gal, the following formula can be used:

8.333 * {141.5/[131.5 + (API@60)]}

C.9.7 Calibration.

Refer to TO 33K-1-100-CD-1 and TO 33K-1-100-1.

Figure C-8. Test Procedure C.9, Hydrometer Scale Reading for Transparent Liquids



a. Aircraft supporting exercises/deployed missions away from home station requiring refueling equipment support outside the scope of the TO 42B-1-1. These exercise or deployed locations do not maintain JPTS inventories, resulting in organizations purchasing JPTS and shipping product by Bulk Fuel Containers (BFC), Tank Trucks, 500gl Blivets, or 3K bladders as non-capitalized fuel to the host base prior to start of exercise or operations. At completion, it is likely there will be residual JPTS remaining at the host base which requires reclaiming.

b. Contact the AFPET Technical Assistance Division at [email protected] or DSN 312-785-8070 with any questions regarding the following procedures.


Any product being shipped from a home station issue tank must be sampled and passed AFPET Area Lab analysis (Receipt Tank Sample Results, Table 4-2, Item 3a.). Any product being directly delivered from a DLA source must be accompanied by a certificate of analysis (CoA) reviewed and approved by AFPET Technical Assistance Division, email CoA to [email protected]

a. All BFCs and Tank Trucks shall be aviation fuel dedicated and certified cleaned for JPTS transport, validate with DLA Energy prior to filling.

b. BLIVETS – All blivets utilized for JPTS must be initially filled with 100gls of JPTS and sloshed around to flush internal particulate/material and then DRAINED prior to filling for mission support. If possible, use a double diaphragm pump to defuel blivet into a completely empty bowser to reduce chance of cross-contamination. Lock bowser access points and tag fuel for QC Hold. All flushed JPTS shall be base level laboratory tested prior to being returned to largest bulk tank inventory. Lab results must meet Table 4-2, 6a. Any failing base level results shall be emailed to [email protected] for review and authorization to return to bulk.

c. 3K BLADDERS All 3K bladders utilized for JPTS must be initially filled with 200-500 gallons (depending on size of available bowser to transfer fuel back into) of JPTS and sloshed around to flush internal particulate/ material and then DRAINED prior to filling for mission support. If possible, use a double diaphragm pump to defuel bladder into a completely empty bowser to reduce chance of cross-contamination. Lock bowser access points and tag fuel for QC Hold. All flushed JPTS shall be base level laboratory tested prior to being returned to largest bulk tank inventory. Lab results must meet Table 4-2, 6a. Any failing base level results shall be emailed to [email protected] for review and authorization to return to bulk.

d. After conveyance loading of product at home station the following samples and testing shall be accomplished prior to shipment: Test each conveyance for Visual (Appearance), Flash Point, API/Density and FSII. Lab results must meet Table 4-2, 6a. Any failing base level results shall be emailed to [email protected] for review and authorization to return to bulk.

e. All lab results in D.2 shall accompany each conveyance and emailed to [email protected] and FMT at final destination.


a. Upon receipt of conveyance at exercise or deployed location, sample and test IAW Table 4-2, 6a.

b. After flying operations have ended and JPTS inventory is no longer needed the following sampling actions shall be accomplished for downgrading into local inventory (e.g., JAA, JP-8 or JPTS):

(1) If the fuel is to be returned into other than JPTS inventory (e.g., JAA or JP-8), base laboratory testing will be accomplished IAW 42B-1-1, Table 4-1, item 2a and 2b (minus conductivity testing).

(2) If the fuel is to be returned into JPTS inventory, base laboratory testing will be accomplished IAW Table 4-2, Item 6a.

(3) Any failing base level results shall be emailed to [email protected] for review and authorization to offload. Once cleared, the JPTS will be offloaded into the bulk tank with the largest inventory.

c. The following downgrade disposition procedures for Non-Capitalized JPTS product being returned into other than JPTS inventory (e.g., JAA or JP-8) has been coordinated and approved by DLA Energy (Quality and Inventory):

(1) Air Force owned Non-Capitalized JPTS product – A DD Form 3075 is NOT required (home base purchased). If JPTS is owned by other than an Air Force organization contact AFPET/PTOT for disposition guidance (e.g., NASA, Navy, etc).

(2) Upon completion of Non-Capitalized downgrade operation(s) and the final quantity is obtained, the receiving base will process a defuel/credit transaction using the host base’s aviation product type/ grade receiving into (e.g., JAA or JP-8).

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