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Sample Letter of Support (LoS)

Letters of Support for Phase I/II Proposals

Written by Eric Adolphe
Updated over a year ago

January 25, 2024

Small Businesses are encouraged to obtain letters of support and submit them with their proposals or applications for Phase I/II projects. Generally, the Letter of Support (LoS) should be addressed to the small business concern and submitted by the small business directly to the government. There isn't a right or wrong format for a LoS. Below is a example format.

The LoS should establish the credibility of the LoS provider, include an estimate of the market size, and the type of commercialization partnership is envisioned.

April 14, 2032

Wiley Coyote

Chief Executive Officer

Forward Edge-AI, Inc.

12345 Mainstreet

San Antonio, Texas 78266

Re: Letter of Support for SBIR Topic 12345679

Dear Wiley,

Acme Dynamite Corporation is a $6 Trillion company. We produce 92 percent of the warp cores used in the solar system today.

Acme Dynamite is pleased to provide this letter of support related to Forward Edge-AI’s submission of a proposal in response to the Cocharan Engine Phase II SBIR Topic #12345679. We see tremendous value in a partnership for future space, national security efforts and warp engine drives.

Acme Dynamite is a world leader in developing, manufacturing, licensing, and supporting warp cores, and sells shuttle crafts, photon torpedoes, and quantum torpedoes.

Significantly, Acme Dynamite is a Starfleet Jupiter Planatia partner currently developing warp cores to meet commercial and military space transportation requirements.

We believe the market value of your solution is USD $7.1B. Should your company be awarded the subject contract, we would be happy to incorporate your solution into our warp cores.

Please contact the undersigned at [email protected] should you wish to explore further interests in the subject technology.


Speedy Gonzalez

Acme Dynamite Corporation

Vice President Epstein Drive Division

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