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Business Transformation at the US Navy

Case Studies for Business Transformation and Digital Transformation

Written by Eric Adolphe
Updated over 12 months ago

January 01, 2024

US Navy The Airborne Strategic Command, Control, and Communications Program Office (PMA-271) – Phase III SBIR for Business Transformation

Organizations throughout the Department of Defense are challenged with accurately forecasting future mission needs, such as materiel demand forecasting, manpower and personnel needs, and aircraft availability. At present, forecasts are often hindered by the complex interrelational factors hidden in their organizational data and barriers to predictive modeling technologies.

Recognizing this challenge, NAVAIR PMA-271, product managers for the E-6B dual-mission aircraft, are taking a transformative first-step to develop an organic mission capability and aircraft availability forecasting platform that integrates and dissects the interdependencies of operational, sustainment, and programmatic data. This capability will provide PMA-271 with forward-looking, data-driven insights, enabling PMA 271 to make better informed decisions regarding its available resources, moving forward.

Forward Edge-AI, Inc., leveraging the KPMG Aperture advanced decision support offering to create a tailored forecasting and what if analysis capability specific to the E-6B fleet. This capability will be deployed into the NAVAIR IT infrastructure, at the classified and unclassified levels, with an appropriate user interface enabling PMA-271 stakeholders run and analyze alternative fleet management courses of action and inform strategic decision making.

While partnering with PMA-271 to develop a data analytics, modeling, and simulation capability, we developed advanced cost estimating methodologies heavily focused on flight machine maintenance and readiness. PMA-271 recognized the critical need for precision in cost estimates early on as aircraft maintenance intricacies and the demand for high readiness levels make it necessary for a comprehensive understanding in budgetary and financial implications.

We are currently establishing a robust data analytics framework geared towards maintenance budgets and fleet readiness cost estimations to support the enablement of resource allocation optimization, maintenance process streamlining, and overall readiness enhancement. The synergy between precise cost estimation and advanced analytics equips PMA-272 with the tools to allocate resources judiciously. By identifying cost drivers and understanding the impact of various scenarios through simulations, the organization can make informed decisions that optimize budget utilization, enhance maintenance efficiency, and elevate the overall readiness of the flight machines.

Key Objectives

  • Analyze available data related to E-6B fleet maintenance, operations, and readiness metrics

  • Identify key factors impacting E-6B fleet readiness and management

  • Prioritize and compile data sets to use in the development of the MVP model and subsequent model development tasks


Forward Edge-AI Business Information:

UEI Number


DUNS Number


Forward Edge-AI's CAGE Code is 8bxh2

© 2024 Forward Edge-AI, Inc. All rights reserved.


Awarding Agency: National Science Foundation

Grant Numbers: AN 1938135, AN 2028451

Contractor Name: Forward Edge-AI, Inc.

Contractor Address: 10108 Carter Canyon, San Antonio, TX 78255

Expiration of SBIR Data: 01 December 2041

Protection Period: 20 years from award of contract on 01 December 2021

The Government's rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose technical data or computer software marked with this legend are restricted during the period shown as provided in paragraph (b)(5) of the Rights In Other Than Commercial Technical Data and Computer Software–Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program clause contained in the above identified contract. After the expiration date shown above, the Government has perpetual government purpose rights as provided in paragraph (b)(5) of that clause. Any reproduction of technical data, computer software, or portions thereof marked with this legend must also reproduce the markings.

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