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Business Transformation at the US Air Force

Case Studies for Business Transformation and Digital Transformation

Written by Eric Adolphe
Updated over 12 months ago

January 01, 2024

Secretary of the Air Force - Phase III SBIR Sole Source to Provide Technology Business Transformation and Data Modernization

The objective of this SBIR Phase III Award with the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force, Management and Deputy Chief Management Office (SAF/MG) is to put in place more effective and efficient business/mission practices. Forward Edge-AI is delivering to SAF/MG the capabilities to guide enterprise funding and transformation decisions, to include centralized planning capability, defined enterprise architecture, and real-time data through systems and process integration.

The SAF/MG office has three oversight processes (i.e., Defense Business Systems (DBS) Organization Execution Plan (OEP), Business Capability Acquisition Cycle (BCAC) and the DBS Investment Review process) to achieve statutory and regulatory requirements of Title 10 US Code 2222, DAFMAN 33-402, DAFI 63-144, “Defense Business System Life Cycle Management.”

Currently, we spearhead efforts within the Security of the Air Force, Management organization's to illustrate how modern data collection, coupled with advanced investment review and decision making capabilities, can amplify operational effectiveness. Realizing and leveraging AI's extensive data analysis and pattern recognition capabilities, enables us to be better equipped when conducting issue identification, problem resolution, and strategic planning.

AI algorithms have the ability to analyze historical data, current threats, and other dynamic variables to optimize mission planning and identify threats. This capability not only enhances the efficacy of operations but also optimizes resource utilization, aligning seamlessly with budgetary constraints. With this, we are working with SAF/MG to ensure the organization not only contributes to cost effective operations but aligns initiative with overarching budgetary goals.

Key Objectives

  • Electronic Data Capture

  • BMA Enterprise Roadmap

  • DBS Investment Planning and BCAC Process Digitization

  • Continuous Alignment

  • Repurposed A&AS & Gov’t FTE Functions

  • Bring Zero-Trust (Cybersecurity) to Legacy Business Systems

Technology Business Management (TBM) Tasks

Our team has embarked on an ambitious and transformative project with the USAF to foster the adoption of TBM capabilities. This initiative is grounded in the core objectives of enhancing transparency, strategically aligning investments, and improving operational efficiency through the integration of TBM taxonomy, tools, and processes.

Key outcomes achieved to date include:

  • Centralized Planning and Enterprise Architecture Integration: Leveraging the U.S. Air Force's drive for improved processes and services, we have implemented enterprise processes that support the Department of the Air Force's (DAFs) "organize, train, and equip" functions. This included developing interfaces that enhance data integration and utilization across the Information Technology Investment Portfolio Suite (ITIPS), Architecture Integrated Information System (ARIS), and the Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System (PBES), significantly reducing resources spent on each database and improving user interface intuitiveness.

  • Streamlined Business Mission Area (BMA) Oversight: By addressing the SAF/MG office's oversight processes — including the Defense Business Systems (DBS) Organization Execution Plan (OEP), Business Capability Acquisition Cycle (BCAC), and the DBS Investment Review process — our efforts align with statutory and regulatory requirements, promoting more efficient and effective management of the Business Mission Area. This has led to the automation of the DBS Investment Planning and Management (IPM) process, merging and aligning it with strategic planning and capital investment control processes.

  • Data-Driven Decision Support: Through the development and enhancement of analytics capabilities, we have enabled real-time data insights and visualization for the Air Force leadership. This capability supports better planning, resource allocation, and portfolio optimization, significantly improving visibility into IT costs and decision-making processes. Our efforts align with the Air Force's strategic objectives, enabling a more effective and efficient organization that can


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Contract Number: FA864923P0345

Contractor Name: Forward Edge-AI, Inc.

Contractor Address: 10108 Carter Canyon, San Antonio, TX 78255

Expiration of SBIR Data: 11 November 2042

Protection Period: 20 years from award of contract on 01 November 2022

The Government's rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose technical data or computer software marked with this legend are restricted during the period shown as provided in paragraph (b)(5) of the Rights In Other Than Commercial Technical Data and Computer Software–Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program clause contained in the above identified contract. After the expiration date shown above, the Government has perpetual government purpose rights as provided in paragraph (b)(5) of that clause. Any reproduction of technical data, computer software, or portions thereof marked with this legend must also reproduce the markings.

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